Pondering Questions,Looking For Feedback!

What do you think, feel or can give scripture on as having the assurance of God of YOUR salvation. Salvation only not our walk please. SOME seek but cannot determine the status of where they are in Him.

Matthew 11:28 KJV
[28] Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

John 6:37 KJV
[37] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

Romans 8:1 NET
[1] There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

John 5:24 KJV
[24] Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Hebrews 7:25 KJV
[25] Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

Besides a new nature evidenced by a changed heart and a desire for His Word which was absent before.

Besides the fact that salvation is in His hands, not ours.
Matthew 11:28 KJV
[28] Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

John 6:37 KJV
[37] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

Romans 8:1 NET
[1] There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

John 5:24 KJV
[24] Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Hebrews 7:25 KJV
[25] Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

Besides a new nature evidenced by a changed heart and a desire for His Word which was absent before.

Besides the fact that salvation is in His hands, not ours.
I agree,there is now no CONDEMNATION ! I well remember that feeling while under conviction of being desperately burdened and heavy in my heart, almost like I was slowly suffocating. I needed relief!
What do you think, feel or can give scripture on as having the assurance of God of YOUR salvation. Salvation only not our walk please. SOME seek but cannot determine the status of where they are in Him.
God confirmed it in my spirit - I know, what I know, what I know!

Ephesians 2:8-10 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

(Rom 8:16) The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God,

(I suppose that's considered too subjective in today's Christian parlance.)
In todays world our pan,happiness and the whole range of emotions we have are SUBJECTIVE !
I have to telt how I felt.

Even though others of faith and the world don't believe if they can't see.
All spirituality is unseen except for the change of direction in the new heart.
Think about this next question before you pop in with and answer for your answer must be two- fold.

If God says absolutely ANYTHING you want is yours right now what would you want and why?
My first question I believe happened before our creation.
There is only one God, who is the creator of all in heaven and earth ( Genesis account).
Since God created the Angels in heaven,we don't know how he created them. We have an account of man being created from the dust of the earth,and God breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul.

Is.14: 12-21
13.For you have said in your HEART: "I will ascend into heaven, I will EXHALT MY THRONE ABOVE the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the fartherest sides of the north;
14.I will ASCEND above the heights of the clouds,

This is an account of Lucifer,( the serpent,the devil,the dragon,Satan, also, Is.34:4, Luke 10:18.
And he said to them," I saw SATAN FALL LIKE LIGHTENING FROM HEAVEN.Rev 12 :7-9 gives account of the war that was waged in heaven by Lucifer,( a most beautiful angel .... Ez.28:12 - 19 was sealed of perfection, full of wisdom and beauty, states he was in Eden,he was covered in precious stones ,his pipes [ singing voice ] was above all and where he was cast to the earth.
Ez.28:16 note he was told he SINNED,and was filled with VIOLENCE,his heart was LIFTED UP ( pride.)

The question is before man,we see that an Angel had free will to rebell against God. He SINNED with pride and arrogance,he became violent.

I have ALWAYS thought that since God created ALL that as it says in Is. 45:5- 13.....v7. I form the light,and create darkness: I make peace,and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
That he created EVIL. I was told I'm wrong but no one can say where is the origin of EVIL?
That is my question

Sorry for the length, please let us all share any questions and search the word for God's answer!

D3, where it is quoted of the Lord that He "create" (present tense) evil, context is also important. In that context, Satan, the serpent, and evil spirits in general, are not a part of that context. So, when we draw lines of parallel where there is no correlation, we can inadvertently end up crating doctrines in the minds of others, those who are not so critical in thought, doctrines that are utterly false.

Now, dare we look at the verses in Isaiah 45, Satan is not anywhere in the imagery of that context.

Additionally, where it is true that God created the one who is the "evil one," He did not create evil itself. Evil arose from the freedom given to the angels and to man, the difference, of course, being that the angels, who have all seen the Glory and Majesty of God, have not any redemption offered to them. Man, on the other hand, as you also know, who has never seen God, is offered redemption/salvation from the evil that arose from the freedom God has given to His creation.

In verse 7, of chapter 45 of Isaiah, the Hebrew word H7451, rah, means evil, distress, misery, injury, calamity. Cyrus, as you probably saw, was one of the focal points in that context, naming him by name before he was ever king. The Lord chose things and people through which to bring about calamity, injury, misery and distress...otherwise thought of as evil since those things obviously are not good to those on the receiving end.

So, the context and grammatical usage of RAH indicates to us which definition is applicable, and that context doesn't lend credible thought the idea that moral evil is what the Lord was admitting as the creator of such.

Does that make sense?

D3, where it is quoted of the Lord that He "create" (present tense) evil, context is also important. In that context, Satan, the serpent, and evil spirits in general, are not a part of that context. So, when we draw lines of parallel where there is no correlation, we can inadvertently end up crating doctrines in the minds of others, those who are not so critical in thought, doctrines that are utterly false.

Now, dare we look at the verses in Isaiah 45, Satan is not anywhere in the imagery of that context.

Additionally, where it is true that God created the one who is the "evil one," He did not create evil itself. Evil arose from the freedom given to the angels and to man, the difference, of course, being that the angels, who have all seen the Glory and Majesty of God, have not any redemption offered to them. Man, on the other hand, as you also know, who has never seen God, is offered redemption/salvation from the evil that arose from the freedom God has given to His creation.

In verse 7, of chapter 45 of Isaiah, the Hebrew word H7451, rah, means evil, distress, misery, injury, calamity. Cyrus, as you probably saw, was one of the focal points in that context, naming him by name before he was ever king. The Lord chose things and people through which to bring about calamity, injury, misery and distress...otherwise thought of as evil since those things obviously are not good to those on the receiving end.

So, the context and grammatical usage of RAH indicates to us which definition is applicable, and that context doesn't lend credible thought the idea that moral evil is what the Lord was admitting as the creator of such.

Does that make sense?


Thank you.
I'm going to play the adversary for a minute, using Isaiah 45.
In these verses,in context 3-9, God is speaking of what he does and will do for those that are his. Holding onto the right hand of Cyrus, GOD MAKES THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS.

I will subdue nations b4 him
I will cause kings to open their Gates b4 him
I will go before thee, I'm your leader
I will make the crooked danger ahead be visible to you by making them straight.
I will tear down ANY barriers b4 you.
He will give from all his riches to those bc he knows our name even while in the womb.
Even to calling and placing those who DONT KNOW HIM, but he knows all,

FOR, He is the Lord and THERE IS NONE ELSE !
He want ALL to know by his works that he ALONE is the creator and THERE are no other creators ,none else.

No Satan is not a part of these,the Lord's words. GOD, however is the creator of ALLLLLLL. V7-13, he makes it plain that everything is under his control and he didn't nor does not He need permission.

Yes ,I do know that God even created the angels as well as man with the choice to choose the path to walk they WANT to walk.

Let me take it one step further not to be contensionious but Satan had zero power except what God created in Him. He cannot create ( demons, minions ect.) He can influence, use, direct, fool ect. man into a lot by mans free choice. Think rationally,where did they come from ?

I take the word exactly like it is written then if I run across something special or hard that the Lord wants me to know the Spirit leads and reveals ! Using others books,or tools isn't necessary. When the word EVERY WORD has to be broken down by lexicon, Strongs, ect. then you are stopping the Spirit from serving his purpose in our lives.
Yes I know this will sound bull headed and yet here I go...........
I use the KJ bible bc I like the archaic language arrangements, they are poetic!

The WOG confirms the WOG, the Spirit is a discerner, teacher, guide, revelator, and with the Father and Son they are ALL we need to know, understand and believe God.

So I'm most likely to blow by you hard looked for study outside the WOG.............SORRY !
Doesn't iron sharpen iron?
Shouldn't we as BELIEVERS be sharpening one another by the sharing of the word?
I hate to burst your bubble but when ppl start mouthing off this is greek,, this is Hebrew, this is from the ancient manuscripts, this is from modern translations.......ppl tune them out and turn them off!
Doesn't iron sharpen iron?
Shouldn't we as BELIEVERS be sharpening one another by the sharing of the word?
I hate to burst your bubble but when ppl start mouthing off this is greek,, this is Hebrew, this is from the ancient manuscripts, this is from modern translations.......ppl tune them out and turn them off!
Yes there's that, to build up one another but there is also this aspect...

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (NASB) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,
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What is de ja vu ?
Is it supernatural?

I know the definition of this phenomenon that 80-90% of ppl have felt!
I believe so, but like every thing else it is explained away in natural terms.
I view it as a strong sensation/intuition that you have been in the same situation/place before.
I used to have many in my BC days, hardly any anymore. Maybe they pass with age 🤔
Doesn't iron sharpen iron?
Shouldn't we as BELIEVERS be sharpening one another by the sharing of the word?
I hate to burst your bubble but when ppl start mouthing off this is greek,, this is Hebrew, this is from the ancient manuscripts, this is from modern translations.......ppl tune them out and turn them off!
If I may,

If someone did not take me to the greek, Take me to the hebrew. Take me into some historical perspective. I will still be stuck in alot of bad doctrines.

I think people get turned off maybe because the do not like to be told they may be wrong. and may be closed to that idea?

I agree, Iron Sharpens Iron. God chose to write the word in those two languages for a reason. I for one, thank him for that. True biblical hermeneutics takes everything into account.