sound doctrine

The government is on HIS shoulders..Jesus.

He is king of kings Lord of Lords...we as christians ought to be submitting to Him as a priesthood of believers, not one going one way or the other and dragging others to false shepherds and wolves in sheeps clothing and hirelings.

Jesus is the good shepherd and able to rescue us and keep us from the wolves if we listen to his voice and do not follow another.

Always check with the Bible what God says in there and make sure everything any church or believer says lines up with his word especially if they trying to teach something or talk about some weird new doctrine.

We are to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. The saints meaning? The ones who believed in Jesus and witnessed his crucifiction and resurrection. Their testimony is in the Bible.

The word of our testimony is in the bible also when we believe, we all have our own testimony and it does NOT mean I just went to church and became a christian or followed this course..
We need to be having that relationship with Jesus and knowing what He did for us, believing in our hearts and confessing with our mouths. Many just confess with their mouths but do not really believe in their hearts.
The government is on HIS shoulders..Jesus.

He is king of kings Lord of Lords...we as christians ought to be submitting to Him as a priesthood of believers, not one going one way or the other and dragging others to false shepherds and wolves in sheeps clothing and hirelings.

Jesus is the good shepherd and able to rescue us and keep us from the wolves if we listen to his voice and do not follow another.

Always check with the Bible what God says in there and make sure everything any church or believer says lines up with his word especially if they trying to teach something or talk about some weird new doctrine.

We are to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. The saints meaning? The ones who believed in Jesus and witnessed his crucifiction and resurrection. Their testimony is in the Bible.

The word of our testimony is in the bible also when we believe, we all have our own testimony and it does NOT mean I just went to church and became a christian or followed this course..
We need to be having that relationship with Jesus and knowing what He did for us, believing in our hearts and confessing with our mouths. Many just confess with their mouths but do not really believe in their hearts.
AMEN!! well said....from the heart.
We should not go after false teachers even if they have big churches and post dozens of you tube videos of themselves preaching sermons.

Check everything by the word of God..
We should not go after false teachers even if they have big churches and post dozens of you tube videos of themselves preaching sermons.

Check everything by the word of God..
Of course we shouldn't go after false teachers. Not every minister that puts a youtube video up is a false prophet and not every mega church has false prophets.
Hmm just jumping in here.
I hope everyone is reading their Bible and not arguing over preconceived and man made doctrines.

Major what you say is correct according to the Bible, gentiles are grafted in to Israel, Israel has first consisted of the remnant of Jewish believers and then Gentiles were grafted in to the olive tree. Jesus is after all the Root of Jesse. When the times of Gentiles has come to an end..that is the gospel preached to all nations..the end will come. I suppose this can be interpreted two ways, meaning all the tribes of Israel or all the tribes and tongues of every nation on earth. That is why Jesus hasnt returned yet, and we are still here living in a fallen world.

As the twelve tribes have been scattered amongst all nations only God knows where and who they are. I would say looking at the world today and the Jewish people being ingathered into the nation of Israel or at least their original homeland that..God wants them there for a reason.

That Israel is somehow replaced by the church is not true..God has never forsaken his people. Otherwise why would they still be reading the Old Testament, why are we still reading it? Why does every promise in the New Testament relate back to the Old. Jesus came not to abolish the law but to fulfil it.

You cannot read the Bible completely ignoring the Old Testament. The passage in Romans relates directly to this.

Thank you for the compliment. I am pleased that we are in agreement!
Well it is very confusing because when you go to a church you dont always know. Theres all these different theological schools and bible colleges and denominations. Thats why its important to have your Bible on you when you attend any church so you can check what the Word says. Dont just blindly accept any teaching, esp if its 'new'. Dont hold to man maade traditions. And also read for yourself in your quiet time and write those words on your heart so you always have it with you.

IF you attend any church and the Bible is not read neither is the name of the Lord Jesus used.........LEAVE forthwith!
Ive never been to any church where the bible is not read at all..or the name of Jesus not mentioned BUT Ive been to churches which are very lite on bible, and no mention of Jesus in many of the songs sung, and a lot of picking and choosing from paraphrased Bibles....

Are these the ones that take the Lords name in vain?
Come to America, we have LOTS. I attended an Easter service in Canada once and not one word, not one, on the resurrection of Jesus, only those in the church who had loved ones die, photo slides, songs and all. We never went back.
Ive never been to any church where the bible is not read at all..or the name of Jesus not mentioned BUT Ive been to churches which are very lite on bible, and no mention of Jesus in many of the songs sung, and a lot of picking and choosing from paraphrased Bibles....

Are these the ones that take the Lords name in vain?

They would be the ones leading the way in the "Apostasy", (Falling away).
Ive never been to any church where the bible is not read at all..or the name of Jesus not mentioned BUT Ive been to churches which are very lite on bible, and no mention of Jesus in many of the songs sung, and a lot of picking and choosing from paraphrased Bibles....

Are these the ones that take the Lords name in vain?
I once attended a Church service back in India.. The sermon was about how to avoid heart attacks and keep us healthy.. The idea is, Lord wants us to be healthy.. So how to achieve good health? It was a good motivational speech.. Not a sermon! The pastor kept on saying Bible is very clear on that.. He never made it really clear where Bible mentioned that..
Well been to a few in which positive thinking is encouraged and it seemed more motivational than biblical.
Also..went to one where they constantly asked for money calling it the 'Lord's harvest'. I thought the lords harvest was souls not money. It seemed to be, if we gave this church money, then we could save souls. Didn't seem to occur that we don't need money, all that is needed is to preach the gospel, and Jesus did say take no money in your purse to do that.
I once attended a Church service back in India.. The sermon was about how to avoid heart attacks and keep us healthy.. The idea is, Lord wants us to be healthy.. So how to achieve good health? It was a good motivational speech.. Not a sermon! The pastor kept on saying Bible is very clear on that.. He never made it really clear where Bible mentioned that..
Yes, some scriptural references would have been good.
Come to America, we have LOTS. I attended an Easter service in Canada once and not one word, not one, on the resurrection of Jesus, only those in the church who had loved ones die, photo slides, songs and all. We never went back.
I don't think I will experience that unless I move to the U.S which isn't impossible; I have family in Texas.
That sounds terrible.
I have been invited to 'christian' conferences where if you can't afford to pay $90 odd to go, then you wouldn't go. You'd only go if someone else paid for you to go. Conference consists of lots of motivational speakers and 'christian' rock music and then you urged to buy their books on top and even have to pay for a cup of tea. And then they ask for offerings on top. Money making scheme if ask me. I think that one, nobody actually READ the Bible, i.e. did a Bible reading just lot of people taking verses out of context. testimonies, ok, but you don't need to pay to hear someone else's testimony. Who cares that they came from overseas..?!

Sorry, really annoyed that I went and my poor sister who also came with me said it was too expensive as well, and I was weirded out by the noisy chanting which was not even christian. I think. Just cult music. They did do things like prayer and stuff but...even public prayer seems like just to show off.
I have been invited to 'christian' conferences where if you can't afford to pay $90 odd to go, then you wouldn't go. You'd only go if someone else paid for you to go. Conference consists of lots of motivational speakers and 'christian' rock music and then you urged to buy their books on top and even have to pay for a cup of tea. And then they ask for offerings on top. Money making scheme if ask me. I think that one, nobody actually READ the Bible, i.e. did a Bible reading just lot of people taking verses out of context. testimonies, ok, but you don't need to pay to hear someone else's testimony. Who cares that they came from overseas..?!

Sorry, really annoyed that I went and my poor sister who also came with me said it was too expensive as well, and I was weirded out by the noisy chanting which was not even christian. I think. Just cult music. They did do things like prayer and stuff but...even public prayer seems like just to show off.
I generally like to pray in private where it's just God and me.
I also remember..this 'women's conference..there were some guys hosting the first part joking around..and one had a bra using it as a catapult for throwing prizes into the 'audience'. It was like religious theatre. And people running around going crazy. That was encouraged.
Some of it was ok..but it just seemed like with the music a rock concert with christian sounding lyrics. Complete with flashing lights, smoke machine and confetti.