sound doctrine

You say we won't go anywhere, so what do you do with these verses?
These scriptures compliment many other scriptures on the 2nd coming of Jesus. The saints both dead (those who souls sleep) and the living will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye and rise up to meet the Lord in the sky - the Marriage Feast /the bride and the bridegroom - then Jesus will descend upon the Mount of Olives and enter Jerusalem with his saints and the angels.
The saints do not leave planet Earth. Jesus comes back to Earth. And every eye shall behold him.
Do you believe in the Power of the Holy Spirit, the power to cast devils out in Jesus Name. The Power in us to lay hands on the sick that they may get well, the Lord confirming his Word with signs following?
Not only do I believe it, - I also do it and more.
These scriptures compliment many other scriptures on the 2nd coming of Jesus. The saints both dead (those who souls sleep) and the living will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye and rise up to meet the Lord in the sky - the Marriage Feast /the bride and the bridegroom - then Jesus will descend upon the Mount of Olives and enter Jerusalem with his saints and the angels.
The saints do not leave planet Earth. Jesus comes back to Earth. And every eye shall behold him.
When? We fly to the clouds as He decends and ... come right back? When/where's the Marriage Supper?
It really makes me wonder why you think God will pour out His wrath on His bride when throughout the scriptures He saves His faithful.
Yes, He saves his faithful. That is the whole point of "The Church" the saints being on Earth when this terrible tribulation comes upon the Earth. It will be like unto the days of Moses and Aaron when the plagues came upon the Egyptians, but not on the Children of Israel.
A thousand may die on your right and ten thousand on your left, but the plague will not come nigh to the saints. It will also be a time of mixed blessings anger from unbelievers, but also converting people through the power of our faith and joy in the Lord.
Yes, He saves his faithful. That is the whole point of "The Church" the saints being on Earth when this terrible tribulation comes upon the Earth. It will be like unto the days of Moses and Aaron when the plagues came upon the Egyptians, but not on the Children of Israel.
A thousand may die on your right and ten thousand on your left, but the plague will not come nigh to the saints. It will also be a time of mixed blessings anger from unbelievers, but also converting people through the power of our faith and joy in the Lord.
Brother, I believe you need to read what the end times include - 3/4 of mankind will be lost in death.
When/where's the Marriage Supper?

Mat 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
Luke 17:37 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.
It seemed to be, if you gave them money YOU could be as rich as they were.
I am the richest man in the world. I don't have much money but I have " JESUS" What more do I need? HE has been providing me all my life. What more do I need? I have all I need and then some :) I even have a "chili dog" LOL
Exactly. if you have Jesus you inherit all he has. Its said the meek shall inherit the earth.
Notice 'earth'. We will have a new heaven and a new earth.

Mammon and Jesus do not mix. I mean Jesus couldnt even afford to pay the tribute money. Didnt peter find it in the mouth of a fish instead??
Exactly. if you have Jesus you inherit all he has. Its said the meek shall inherit the earth.
Notice 'earth'. We will have a new heaven and a new earth.

Mammon and Jesus do not mix. I mean Jesus couldnt even afford to pay the tribute money. Didnt peter find it in the mouth of a fish instead??
I do not know if someone could come to a conclusion that Jesus couldn't afford something.. The passage was not intended to convey that.. The passage conveys that Jesus is Son of God and He is exempt from the taxes imposed on citizens of earth.. Getting coins out of fish shows that it is the world that needs to pay tribute to Jesus and not the other way around.. I have no idea how we can conclude that Jesus was not able to afford something..
? Um ok.
You do know he was born in a stable and his parents could barely even afford the sacrifice at the temple. Although he was given gold by the magi, I dont believe Jesus ever had much earthly riches. he has to work for a living doing carpentering.

Judas was the one who sold him out..and not even for very much.
Thought it was the tribute money for was for their taxes. It wasnt for Jesus. he dont need money.

Maybe I read that passage again.
? Um ok.
You do know he was born in a stable and his parents could barely even afford the sacrifice at the temple. Although he was given gold by the magi, I dont believe Jesus ever had much earthly riches. he has to work for a living doing carpentering.

Judas was the one who sold him out..and not even for very much.
May be it's just the way I am reading your tone (in a wrong way).. It all sounds a little negative for me.. That's all.. That is what Jesus chose to be.. He could have lived a luxurious life.. It was not beyond his control.. But He chose humbleness.. He chose to be meek.. When someone says Jesus couldn't afford something, it sounds a little negative for me.. if I couldn't afford something, then it means I do not have the ability to have the means to achieve something.. That was not the case with Jesus.. He chose humbleness.. That is my point..
Jesus chose humility. As Ravindran noted, He could have lived any way He liked.
A person who can tell his buddy to go fishing and the first fish caught will have tax money
in it's mouth does not have to go penniless.
Getting coins out of fish...
And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute? He saith, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him, saying, What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers? Peter saith unto him, Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him, Then are the children free. Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.

Let's break this passage down.

Verse 24:
The tax collector approached the soft target, asking Simon Peter if Jesus paid taxes.
Verse 25: Peter said, "yes". But "Jesus prevented" Peter from paying the tax. Why did Jesus prevent Peter from paying taxes?
Verse 26: Jesus said "Then are the children free" from paying taxes. This is why, because we are now free. But we must not use our liberty as a cloak of maliciousness.
Verse 27: However, to avoid "offending" this tax collector (since, as was the habit of Peter, he opened his mouth too soon without really thinking and obligated Jesus by his statement that Jesus did pay taxes), Jesus told Peter to cast a hook into the sea, and catch a fish, and take out money from its mouth and pay it.

Even though Jesus provided a coin to Simon for this tax, it was to avoid "offending" the collector, and because Peter rashly agreed to pay it, not because we are bound to pay taxes by Law. Jesus made the point to stress that the children are free from taxes. But notice, Simon Peter and Jesus did not give him any of their own money, but that which came from the fish! It is interesting to note that Peter was a commercial fisherman (a fisher of fish) before being called to be an apostle of Christ (a fisher of men), and when Peter opened his mouth before thinking (as he often did), Christ basically chastised him by having Peter return to his old life to pay his debt! He had to be a fisher of fish to catch that fish with the coin in its mouth. Thus, the lesson for us is: When you join yourself to the world, and make obligations to the world, you must become part of the world again to meet those obligations.

Additionally, Jesus could not have fulfilled prophecy if he was to go to prison, which might have happened if he didn't pay that tax after Peter "volunteered" for him. It was not his time to go to prison yet. Likewise, Jesus could have called twelve legions of angels to his rescue, but because the scriptures would not have been fulfilled if he did, he refrained from doing that act (Matthew 26:53-54). Jesus taught that we are free from paying taxes if we are children of the king (Matthew 17:24-26), meaning the children of King Jesus (Acts 17:7, 1 Timothy 1:17).

Now, for clarification, if a government is acting strictly as a minister of God, then it is lawful to pay taxes to that government (Romans 13:6), because that "silver coin" which belongs to God also belongs to God's ministers, as they are acting in his name and doing his will. However, if a government is not a minister of God, then there is no duty to give taxes to it.

So now we know that Jesus did not ‘pay taxes.’ Rather, Jesus cleverly provided a coin to Simon Peter with which to satisfy Simon’s foolishly incurred legal obligation and thus teach him (and us) a lesson.
Just wait until the end of the world and see what happens.
No more speculation. No more guessing. Easy peasy: you are either a wise virgin or a foolish virgin.
You are either in The Church or you are not in.
You are either saved or not saved.
On that day you will know with all certainty.
I don't lose sleep over it. I'm too busy witnessing and preaching the gospel that is written in my KJV no exceptions.
Watch and pray. Keep the faith. Finish the race. Remain steadfast and sure. Serve the Lord and your brothers and sisters and anybody else.
And don't forget to pray in the Holy Spirit constantly as we are commanded to.
But, if you do by any chance leave before me, send me a postcard. ;)