sound doctrine

Do not make idols of teachers and other christians.
Our most important relationship is with our Father through his son Jesus and then others. First and second commandments, in that order.

No one is doing that, here, that I can see.
Ask God, spend time reading the Bible.

Not, ask someone else to read the bible for you then ask another person to interpret what that other person read and hope you both agree then it is right, ignoring God and proving yourself and the other person both right, so you can buy another book about the Bible cos its not the bible, you just want to read a shorter version that tickles your ears, cos the reading the real Holy Bible takes too long and besides, didnt you pay your tithe or school fee or cost of all these books to be taught all this stuff anyway? Lol.

Ever learning, never coming to the truth.
Wolves in sheeps clothing will not hurt me. I have encountered many even in high postions in church. Pride goes before a fall.
Its really sad that these people 'play church' ignoring that only Jesus can build his church by calling out those who truly believe.
Ive seen quite a few and the things they say and claim are so contrary to scripture that I just wonder what Bible they reading. Some satanic one that twists all the words to say the opposite of what it means???? Yet they seem so sincere and churchy, but they are like hypocrites and white washed tombs, outside all snow white, inside, full of rottenness. Its like entering a lovely old church thats been built over time with ppls love to find instead...someones playing metallica or death metal and thrashing their guitar to offend the holy spirit with ungodly noise that gives everyone a headache. And asking ppl to give all they have esp their money.

Jesus paid the price. We do not need to be coerced to give to these wolves.
Alabaster white outside, but thats only plastic surgery and makeup.
Posing as sheep, but inside, ravenous hungry wolf, whose god is their belly.
Most celebrated singer like Lucifer, but stealing Gods glory for themselves.
Having numerous feast days and events, while not observing the little things God values so dear, like walking humbly and justly.
Announcing they tithe like the Pharisees did, down to the last herb.
Making long showy prayers, hoping God will hear them if they pray in public loud enough.
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Making it hard for the poor to even enter church, by imposing giving requirements, like moneychangers at the temple.
Saying those that dont come are simply 'unchurched' instead of preaching the gospel.
Making another gospel of their own making, promising earthly riches and health and immunity from suffering and all the kingdoms of the world just like satan did to Jesus in the wilderness.
Do not take the bait.
They take the Lords name in vain and will not enter heaven for their sorcery, idolatry and blasphemy. Thieves and hirelings all.
The sheep know Jesus voice, another they will not follow. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Shake the dust off your feet to those who try and trick you.
God says these ppl are accursed who bring a false gospel. Be wise, and be a berean. Do not even wish them Godspeed.
Study to show yourself approved of God, a workman rightly dividing the word of truth.
Wolves in sheeps clothing will not hurt me. I have encountered many even in high postions in church. Pride goes before a fall.
Its really sad that these people 'play church' ignoring that only Jesus can build his church by calling out those who truly believe.
Ive seen quite a few and the things they say and claim are so contrary to scripture that I just wonder what Bible they reading. Some satanic one that twists all the words to say the opposite of what it means???? Yet they seem so sincere and churchy, but they are like hypocrites and white washed tombs, outside all snow white, inside, full of rottenness. Its like entering a lovely old church thats been built over time with ppls love to find instead...someones playing metallica or death metal and thrashing their guitar to offend the holy spirit with ungodly noise that gives everyone a headache. And asking ppl to give all they have esp their money.

Jesus paid the price. We do not need to be coerced to give to these wolves.

I don't believe for one minute that a church musical ministry is actually playing Metallica or "death metal". I think you are being highly negative for whatever reason and not open to how Holy Spirit uses us as musicians to worship Him fully. In our church we have several musicians who play different types of guitars, and drums, and brass instruments as well as piano---as well as singers and dancers. We even have a studio where is taught dance and art, and we have art performers. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them are Spirit-filled people, who allows Holy Spirit preeminence!

No one in our congregation gets a headache when they are worshiping together! If anyone would, then the problem is their own and they are missing out on a GREAT blessing.

So, I implore you to soften your stance about music in the church, because to me, it shows a closed door to the free movement of Holy Spirit, and someone else may be influenced by your negative outlook against what He is doing and wants to do in them.
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I think you are being highly negative for whatever reason and not open to how Holy Spirit uses us as musicians to worship Him fully.
I agree with Lanolin... I have seen "praise and worship" music takeover the pentecostal charismatic churches - and thereby
the music is the main expression of worship rather than preaching the Word of God.
As for Metallica and heavy metal, much rarer, but there is a heavy metal / heavy rock'n'roll component to "gospel" music.
Music, in my opinion should be no more than an accompaniment to singing choruses and hymns.
Euphemia you mentioned dancers - to me that is completely out of order.
A communion service is not about being entertained, but rather a solemn reminder of the sacrifice and suffering
that our Lord Jesus, our God, undertook on our behalf.
Singing is one thing, being entertained by others out front is inappropriate.
A congregation ought to do their own making a joyful noise unto the Lord...
Nor do I believe that musical gifts are of the Holy Spirit, nor part of His function and purpose in a genuinely Spirit-filled Church. There are plenty of unGodly people in the world with the most outstanding natural talent for all things musical from writing to performing.
I agree with Lanolin... I have seen "praise and worship" music takeover the pentecostal charismatic churches - and thereby
the music is the main expression of worship rather than preaching the Word of God.
As for Metallica and heavy metal, much rarer, but there is a heavy metal / heavy rock'n'roll component to "gospel" music.
Music, in my opinion should be no more than an accompaniment to singing choruses and hymns.
Euphemia you mentioned dancers - to me that is completely out of order.
A communion service is not about being entertained, but rather a solemn reminder of the sacrifice and suffering
that our Lord Jesus, our God, undertook on our behalf.
Singing is one thing, being entertained by others out front is inappropriate.
A congregation ought to do their own making a joyful noise unto the Lord...
Nor do I believe that musical gifts are of the Holy Spirit, nor part of His function and purpose in a genuinely Spirit-filled Church. There are plenty of unGodly people in the world with the most outstanding natural talent for all things musical from writing to performing.

I completely disagree with that. When a church is Spirit-led, there is nothing but pure worship there, and no room is made for self, or for the enemy. For those who make a clamor over the way churches worship today, I appeal in Jesus' name to let fear and judgment take a back seat.

I p[raise God for leading me to such a worship-full church!
When a church is Spirit-led, there is nothing but pure worship there

I can't disagree with that, but this is what pure worship looks like:

Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship.
I have heard people clap in church after their so-called songs are finished.
In true worship, we bow our knee.
We don't need to give God applause. Or the singers/musicians in front praise..which they are stealing from God.
There is a time to dance...but what I've seen in these churches is not godly dancing of joy. It's fleshy and designed to appeal and for people to say 'look at me'.
If you ever been to Israel when they have feast of tabernacles, there is dancing in the street. Everyone joins in. At Jewish weddings all the men dance around. Dancing for people to gawk at you is just performing and not to be confused with dancing out of sheer joy for the Lord.

I would mark those churches and avoid them, esp those that are trying to introduce 'trance' music which I had the misfortune to hear while visiting one church, claiming it was Godly. Seems orchestrated to me, like cultish.
I can't disagree with that, but this is what pure worship looks like:

Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship.

What constitutes worship are a lot of things added to that, such as lending your body wholeheartedly to literal worship in music and song and dance. That is what God's people do when they come together.
key--holy and pleasing to God.
I know many types of dancing displease God and a lot of its on MTV. It is worldly. I think many people forget to ask what the Lord enjoys hearing and only after what they wanna hear in terms of music. It does not occur to them that He doesn't like certain types of music....Just as He doesn't like certain behaviours. Many people think He just accepts everything.

Amos chapter 6 is also relevant here.
I have heard people clap in church after their so-called songs are finished.
In true worship, we bow our knee.
We don't need to give God applause. Or the singers/musicians in front praise..which they are stealing from God.
There is a time to dance...but what I've seen in these churches is not godly dancing of joy. It's fleshy and designed to appeal and for people to say 'look at me'.
If you ever been to Israel when they have feast of tabernacles, there is dancing in the street. Everyone joins in. At Jewish weddings all the men dance around. Dancing for people to gawk at you is just performing and not to be confused with dancing out of sheer joy for the Lord.

I would mark those churches and avoid them, esp those that are trying to introduce 'trance' music which I had the misfortune to hear while visiting one church, claiming it was Godly. Seems orchestrated to me, like cultish.

We can give applause to Jesus anytime.

I don't see anything carnal in worshiping God in dance. You need to be exposed to a Spirit-filled congregation, where Jesus is extolled in all they do.
key--holy and pleasing to God.
I know many types of dancing displease God and a lot of its on MTV. It is worldly. I think many people forget to ask what the Lord enjoys hearing and only after what they wanna hear in terms of music. It does not occur to them that He doesn't like certain types of music....Just as He doesn't like certain behaviours. Many people think He just accepts everything.

Amos chapter 6 is also relevant here.

If you would avoid MTV and see how God is blessed by His children worshiping Him in purity, you would understand. God loves what comes from a heart of worship, no matter what it sounds like!
When a church is Spirit-led, there is nothing but pure worship there,
That's very subjective... I have seen much in "pentecost" that is out of order - and yes many "charismatic" churches have degenerated
to being known as 'happy clappy' churches: hardly a commendation to true worship.

If you are seeking true worship as a true Spirit-filled Church fully acceptable to Jesus then you need to align yourselves
against the Word of God and do as it sets out exactly: obedience is our best sacrifice and expression of love to our Lord.
This is what the Word of God outlines as a true church service: this is how my Revival Fellowship conducts itself at every meeting
(with holy communion on Sundays).
1Corinthians 14: 26-33
How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.
If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.
But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.
If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace.
For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.
And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

If you want true spiritual worship then this is how it is still done today.
It is certainly not about worship through music - anybody and everybody can do that.
That's very subjective... I have seen much in "pentecost" that is out of order - and yes many "charismatic" churches have degenerated
to being known as 'happy clappy' churches: hardly a commendation to true worship.

If you are seeking true worship as a true Spirit-filled Church fully acceptable to Jesus then you need to align yourselves
against the Word of God and do as it sets out exactly: obedience is our best sacrifice and expression of love to our Lord.
This is what the Word of God outlines as a true church service: this is how my Revival Fellowship conducts itself at every meeting
(with holy communion on Sundays).
1Corinthians 14: 26-33
How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.
If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.
But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.
If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace.
For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.
And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

If you want true spiritual worship then this is how it is still done today.
It is certainly not about worship through music - anybody and everybody can do that.

Music is part of worship.

I gather and we have been told by well-known visiting pastors that we are a very rare church, indeed---by the blessing and provision of God! I thank Him for it.
I gather and we have been told by well-known visiting pastors that we are a very rare church, indeed
Yes, the commendation of men. BUT has Jesus himself told you lot as to how HE regards your church and your worship?
If you are NOT doing 1Corinthians 14: 26-23 then how acceptable are your worship practices? Visiting pastors may love them, but does Jesus?
Without operating the voice gifts of the Holy Spirit you will never hear Jesus' approval or disapproval concerning your church.
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