sound doctrine


As a worship leader, all I can offer to you is what I have gained: the kind of worship God wants from us and the kind of worship He finds pleasing and acceptable is our deeds. Not our words, not our dance. Without the former, the latter is empty.

God wants it ALL!
There is nothing wrong at all with singing songs to God, friend, I certainly won't condemn you for it. If you knew my path, you'd understand more about what I mean. I have been a "worship leader" for most of my life, and I am at a point in my own life where I feel like I'm being challenged to make sure the words I'm speaking are backed up by the way I live my life, so I don't end up speaking/singing empty and meaningless words to God.

If I sing a song of praise to God, I must ask myself, are these words made true by the proof of my actions, are are they proven empty because of my lack of action? My words are worthless without the evidence of my actions in how I live my life. So what is the kind of worship God finds acceptable, then, my words, or my actions?

1 Cor 13:1 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

James 2:18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

Perhaps it is true that "not many" filled with the Spirit can keep from singing to God. I don't know whether or not this is true. But no one filled with the Spirit can keep from worshiping God by loving others, "For Christ’s love compels us" 2 Cor 5:14.

Mat 25:31-46
“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
No one can "force" "works", and no one can force "worship" and have it be done in the power of the Spirit of God! The works of faith can only be done by God himself, as he alone is love, by which faith works by love! Worshiping God can only be done by those who are filled with the Spirit of God. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth! It takes God to do all these things, and without him all you are doing is physical fleshly things that means nothing!
No one can "force" "works", and no one can force "worship" and have it be done in the power of the Spirit of God! The works of faith can only be done by God himself, as he alone is love, by which faith works by love! Worshiping God can only be done by those who are filled with the Spirit of God. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth! It takes God to do all these things, and without him all you are doing is physical fleshly things that means nothing!

No one can "force" "works", and no one can force "worship" and have it be done in the power of the Spirit of God! The works of faith can only be done by God himself, as he alone is love, by which faith works by love! Worshiping God can only be done by those who are filled with the Spirit of God. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth! It takes God to do all these things, and without him all you are doing is physical fleshly things that means nothing!

Sure. And "worshiping God in Spirit and in truth" looks like Romans 12:1... of course, right?
Sure. And "worshiping God in Spirit and in truth" looks like Romans 12:1... of course, right?
You might want to back up one verse before you come to chap 12:1. There are no chapters or verses in the Greek language. Romans 11:36

Rom 11:36 All things come from him. All things are directed by him. All things are for his good. May God be given the glory forever! Amen. (NiRV)

Offering your body as a living sacrifice can only be done by the "direction" of God himself!!
God wants it ALL!

Hmmm... well I'll run this by you and you can tell me what you think. If someone worshiped like Romans 12:1, but didn't really feel interested in singing songs, I wouldn't be too concerned about them. I wouldn't think that they were robbing God of something that He wants from us or requires of us. However if someone sang songs in church but wasn't interested in living like Romans 12:1, I'd be concerned.
You might want to back up one verse before you come to chap 12:1. There are no chapters or verses in the Greek language. Romans 11:36

Rom 11:36 All things come from him. All things are directed by him. All things are for his good. May God be given the glory forever! Amen. (NiRV)

Offering your body as a living sacrifice can only be done by the "direction" of God himself!!

Totally agree! What would make you think I wouldn't agree with that?
Hmmm... well I'll run this by you and you can tell me what you think. If someone worshiped like Romans 12:1, but didn't really feel interested in singing songs, I wouldn't be too concerned about them. I wouldn't think that they were robbing God of something that He wants from us or requires of us. However if someone sang songs in church but wasn't interested in living like Romans 21:1, I'd be concerned.

I would be concerned that one who does not join in with joyful praise to the Father has an independent, unpliable spirit.
Romans 12:2 also...
The world is a stage...the world has an audience. The world has a set, and lines, and actors and shows.
Church is not a stage or performance, worshippers are not audiences.
In some churches I couldnt tell if it was actual church assembly or a theatrical performance or rock concert. The preachers sounded more like motivational speakers and gurus. I was saved out of new age, prosperity thinking, secret stuff, not to go back in and find its just the same but in christianese.
Totally agree! What would make you think I wouldn't agree with that?
Sorry, I might have miss understood your response. What it all boils down to is, God is most interested in the intents and purposes of our hearts more than anything else. Weather you open your mouth and sing praises to him or just stand in awe of his majesty being unable to find any words to describe your feelings to him.
Romans 12:2 also...
The world is a stage...the world has an audience. The world has a set, and lines, and actors and shows.
Church is not a stage or performance, worshippers are not audiences.
In some churches I couldnt tell if it was actual church assembly or a theatrical performance or rock concert. The preachers sounded more like motivational speakers and gurus. I was saved out of new age, prosperity thinking, secret stuff, not to go back in and find its just the same but in christianese.

I've recently moved to an area where that could pretty accurately describe most of the churches, and I've had a very hard time finding one I can connect with. I try not to judge the way other believers do ministry. But I can't help but wonder how many people would leave if they took away the entertainment. Maybe that's wrong of me, I don't know. I did find a church that has recently begun encouraging its members to get involved in ministry, and was surprised about how many people left the church, because they just wanted to go somewhere they could watch a show, go home and not feel convicted. That's pretty discouraging for me to witness, but I am encouraged that this church wants to do things a better way. Thank you for sharing.
When im worshipping I dont need to look around and check if someone else is worshipping the same way as me. Some could just be worshipping the music. We are not meant to make music an idol.

Actually, we dont even need musical instruments if we make melody in our hearts to the Lord. This goes outside church walls. If we are humming and singing in our hearts, we dont need to go somewhere to hear a live band do a performance each week. Those bands can do without ppl, since they so loud and amped up they drown out anyone trying to sing along with them.

I bet some dont even know what a choir is.
Sorry, I might have miss understood your response. What it all boils down to is, God is most interested in the intents and purposes of our hearts more than anything else. Weather you open your mouth and sing praises to him or just stand in awe of his majesty being unable to find any words to describe your feelings to him.

Absolutely. God know our heart, and only He knows if our words and actions reflect, or hide our true heart.
Well, some people want religion and churchianity rather than live their lives for Jesus. Dont worry bout them. They made their choice.
Well, some people want religion and churchianity rather than live their lives for Jesus. Dont worry bout them. They made their choice.

Some just want a nice little pew life, while many others are bringing in the lost and they are getting amazingly and radically saved and set free in Jesus.
It's one of the most obvious ways we can see one who struggles with self.

I really hope we wouldn't be willing to pass judgment on another believer based on outward appearances... would you be willing to consider the possibility that there may be another reason, and their heart could very well be right where God wants it to be?