sound doctrine

Taking communion at home can be a rewarding experience. As you say the Lord surrounds us and we commune without distraction and not having to follow a time table.
But you have given me an idea....I think the Lord is pushing a bit too:)
This thread is being observed; I can feel the heat from here.

As a worship leader, all I can really offer is that my studies in Biblical, servant leadership seem to have led me to a very different perspective on the role of spiritual leaders. If you wish to discuss, please feel free to send me a PM and I will be more than happy to chat about this matter.

Well said my brother.
I have observed worship leaders get above themselves in church. Introducing each song, trying to tell the congrgation to sing it with more gusto and feeling, trying to force response...looking at everyone and seeing if they are lifting up their hands as well, asking them to sing louder, saying how much the song means to them...singing the chorus over and a dictator.

It grieves the holy spirit to have someone control the congregation like that. They may mean well, but their heart is not right. A song worship leader I imagine, is like Miriam who is at the front of the assembly with her tambourine leading the israelites through the wilderness because they are marching on. She is not looking behind to see if anyones singing the same words and doing the same action. She is not barking at them like a dog barks at sheep trying to get them in line, or judging them if they too slow. God doesnt want anyone lording it over other peoples faith. In truth, JESUS is Lord, he is our worship leader, not anyone else. We listen to HIM not anyone else who tries to usurp his role. And if you read exodus you might see that Miriam did try to lord it over Moses....and got struck with leprosy because of this.
I have observed worship leaders get above themselves in church. Introducing each song, trying to tell the congrgation to sing it with more gusto and feeling, trying to force response...looking at everyone and seeing if they are lifting up their hands as well, asking them to sing louder, saying how much the song means to them...singing the chorus over and a dictator.

It grieves the holy spirit to have someone control the congregation like that. They may mean well, but their heart is not right. A song worship leader I imagine, is like Miriam who is at the front of the assembly with her tambourine leading the israelites through the wilderness because they are marching on. She is not looking behind to see if anyones singing the same words and doing the same action. She is not barking at them like a dog barks at sheep trying to get them in line, or judging them if they too slow. God doesnt want anyone lording it over other peoples faith. In truth, JESUS is Lord, he is our worship leader, not anyone else. We listen to HIM not anyone else who tries to usurp his role. And if you read exodus you might see that Miriam did try to lord it over Moses....and got struck with leprosy because of this.

I think there is FAR too much judgment going on in the churches about their leadership. How do you know that the worship leader has not been impressed by Holy Spirit to be more forceful in motivating the congregation to worship Him?

As for Miriam---she had a very willing group, who were just as exuberant in their worship of God as she was.They were all united in heart.

Hebrews 13:17
Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit.
I agree due to being apart of the attitude of the heart. I have been at home and worshiped God, taking communion, and just felt like the presence of the Lord surrounded me. Awesome!

Amen sister. It is a wonderful experience to share communion with the elderly saints who are in nursing homes.
I can feel the presence of the Lord all around!!!!
I have observed worship leaders get above themselves in church. Introducing each song, trying to tell the congrgation to sing it with more gusto and feeling, trying to force response...looking at everyone and seeing if they are lifting up their hands as well, asking them to sing louder, saying how much the song means to them...singing the chorus over and a dictator.

It grieves the holy spirit to have someone control the congregation like that. They may mean well, but their heart is not right. A song worship leader I imagine, is like Miriam who is at the front of the assembly with her tambourine leading the israelites through the wilderness because they are marching on. She is not looking behind to see if anyones singing the same words and doing the same action. She is not barking at them like a dog barks at sheep trying to get them in line, or judging them if they too slow. God doesnt want anyone lording it over other peoples faith. In truth, JESUS is Lord, he is our worship leader, not anyone else. We listen to HIM not anyone else who tries to usurp his role. And if you read exodus you might see that Miriam did try to lord it over Moses....and got struck with leprosy because of this.

Yes mamn, I agree. If a song sung does not come from the heart it is not praise at all but a ritual and a formality. God inhabits the praise of His people but IMO that praise must be genuine and not forced or coerced.
Yikes will the body of Christ ever agree on anything while on this earth ?
NO - simply because disagreement starts at the very beginning - the Scriptures.
If the fundamentals of what is actually written for us to follow cannot be believed upon, what hope is there for
anything else. Self will is still the biggest problem, no failure, exhibited by "christians."
How do you know that the worship leader has not been impressed by Holy Spirit to be more forceful in motivating the congregation to worship Him?
Because some of us have a much better idea of the work and purpose of the Holy Spirit - and it ain't music.
NO - simply because disagreement starts at the very beginning - the Scriptures.
If the fundamentals of what is actually written for us to follow cannot be believed upon, what hope is there for
anything else. Self will is still the biggest problem, no failure, exhibited by "christians."

I get that However when you look at it like this
ONE God / SON / Holy Spirit
ONE Written Word
A million different doctrines and millions fighting over what it says and what it does not say and what God does now and what God does not do now............

Man is his worse enemy then the devil our enemy.
power in the blood.JPG
Taking communion at home can be a rewarding experience. As you say the Lord surrounds us and we commune without distraction and not having to follow a time table.
But you have given me an idea....I think the Lord is pushing a bit too:)

Ahhhh me thinks that the Lord is a working my friend! :)

Our lives should be one continual communion with the Father. And remembering what the Blood, and body of Jesus has done for us is such a sweet, sweet, thing!

I have herd of people taking communion for 30 days straight, and giving testimonies of miraculous things that the Lord has done on their behalf. Burdens removed...bondages broken and destroyed. I have even herd that people when they are faced with temptations, go and take communion and God gives them the strength to resist. Because it returns our focus on God and His ability to give us strength, not on our own strength to get us through.

Blessings my friend! May peace and joy be yours in abundance!
Amen sister. It is a wonderful experience to share communion with the elderly saints who are in nursing homes.
I can feel the presence of the Lord all around!!!!

Ya know that is a great idea! I have never thought of doing that. Blessings brother
God instructs us to judge in righteousness, and to bring correction to a fellow brother and sister, Holy Spirit reveals to us where there needs to be such correction. This is how the Body of Christ operates.

I agree with you to a certain point. Sometimes praying for that person, asking God to intervene is a better way to handle things. If a person is dealing with things that only is known to God, then allowing the Holy Spirit to encourage and us praying for the burden removing, yolk breaking anointing to fall or surround that person is better than our correction.

If a person is dealing with a spirit of condemnation, then us correcting that person can have a reverse affect. And i know that no one would want to be a part of turning a person away, because we feel as if it is our job to correct. Walking in Love is always the best way.
Because some of us have a much better idea of the work and purpose of the Holy Spirit - and it ain't music.

I think that being a worship leader is truly a calling or a gift.

Besides, each person has their own relationship with the Lord, and to say what is right for one has to be right for all is something that should really be prayed about. God gives us all the gift of His Spirit. And for some worship music is the key that unlocks their doors.
NO - simply because disagreement starts at the very beginning - the Scriptures.
If the fundamentals of what is actually written for us to follow cannot be believed upon, what hope is there for
anything else. Self will is still the biggest problem, no failure, exhibited by "christians."

The spirit of division has come to bring the power of the united body of Christ to no effect. Thus turning many people away from the gospel, because all they see is fighting and not loving one another as Jesus has commanded us.
I agree with you to a certain point. Sometimes praying for that person, asking God to intervene is a better way to handle things. If a person is dealing with things that only is known to God, then allowing the Holy Spirit to encourage and us praying for the burden removing, yolk breaking anointing to fall or surround that person is better than our correction.

If a person is dealing with a spirit of condemnation, then us correcting that person can have a reverse affect. And i know that no one would want to be a part of turning a person away, because we feel as if it is our job to correct. Walking in Love is always the best way.

Something that i believe that God just reminded me of....each person's relationship with the Lord is different...kind of like fingerprints......
So another reason for praying for that person that i assume is not worshipping the Lord, is to know if i am correct in my thinking or not. Just because that person is not showing that they are worshipping the Lord does not mean that the are not. It just may be that their view of worship, or their style is so personal that they do not have an outward appearance of worship. And if we were to go and correct someone who was truly worshipping on the inside, then we would be in the wrong and, probably very embarrassed. Also we would be incorrectly judging someone, on an outward appearance.....when God looks at the heart.

Can you imaging someone coming to you and telling that your form or worship was would hurt you. Now you have to repent for getting upset, because someone who thought they were doing the right thing , judged you incorrectly. And if you do not repent right away it leads to bitterness and then you are in sin and have opened the door to the devil to bring ungodly things (like sickness and disease, or other sin) into your life. And then you wonder why everything is going wrong. And until you finally figure out where you goofed or let sin in, then your questioning God.

This is why it is very important to be seeking the Father before correcting anyone.
Blessings of peace and joy be yours in abundance!
I agree with you to a certain point. Sometimes praying for that person, asking God to intervene is a better way to handle things. If a person is dealing with things that only is known to God, then allowing the Holy Spirit to encourage and us praying for the burden removing, yolk breaking anointing to fall or surround that person is better than our correction.

If a person is dealing with a spirit of condemnation, then us correcting that person can have a reverse affect. And i know that no one would want to be a part of turning a person away, because we feel as if it is our job to correct. Walking in Love is always the best way.

Absolutely true! Our first action should be to pray to God about one whom God has revealed there may be an issue. It is not always our place to bring correction, but when it is made clear that it is our place, we can do so with wisdom, strength and with care and love, knowing that God is the supplier of those important things, and He is the provider of comfort to the one needing that correction.