sound doctrine

Theres many in church that pray such long winded prayers that by the end you exhausted from listening and I found ppl fallen asleep and nobody says amen.
Haha that reminds me of a parish prayer meeting I was at once and all of a sudden this elderly gent disrupted the meeting when having nodded off to sleep, he started snoring.:):LOL:
I have a knee problem, and I stand to worship, but when it gets painful, I sit, continuing in worship, and then stand again. We also have wheelchair members.

I am talking about a willful refusal and neglect, and not a health issue that would be totally understandable.

Honestly, I have no earthly idea why we are even talking about standing or not standing to worship.

If some choir director or minister of music makes standing a "must do" thing in a worship service then that becomes a "legalistic" action and personally I am looking for another director. It is just that simple!

I did my best worshipping laying face down in a rice patty praying to God to get me home safe to my wife and child!!!!
Honestly, I have no earthly idea why we are even talking about standing or not standing to worship.

If some choir director or minister of music makes standing a "must do" thing in a worship service then that becomes a "legalistic" action and personally I am looking for another director. It is just that simple!

I did my best worshipping laying face down in a rice patty praying to God to get me home safe to my wife and child!!!!

I am certain that what I am saying is missing something in you.

I am simply using standing as an example of what goes on in worship in churches. I could easily have mentioned the raising of hands, or dancing. I am not for one minute speaking about worship leaders making commands to the people. I am simply pointing out that when worship leaders are encouraging us to worship wholeheartedly and with abandon, not letting anything hold us back, we ought to be doing so. It blesses God's heart when His people are devoted to adoration with their heart, soul and body, and it is when we are all in one accord that His presence is manifested.
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? why are people talking bout standing or not standing? I missed that part. Think that if someone wants you to stand in church and you can't they can't MAKE you.
In some churches there are no chairs or pews and everyone just sits on the floor.
I don't think it matters. Besides, when worshipping aren't we supposed to be on our knees anyway. If we are truly submitting to the Lord and in His presence. Not bowing and scraping like muslims do...but just in an attitude of being humble.
hmm must have been one of those longwinded prayer meetings again.
Simple solution - everyone divides into groups of two or three and prays together. You get more prayer done, plus, God can hear all those prayers sent up to him cos he got hundreds and thousands of angels all carrying messages.
There are people in wheelchairs at my church, so it would be mean to ask them to stand! And expect them to! when people say please stand its not compulsory, its just so when you singing people can hear I suppose as it does require some lung power. Or maybe its so people can see the words on the screen, although, we have song sheets too. But mostly cos sitting for long periods can be uncomfortable. We sit down to hear the preacher, but I don't think he would mind if people were standing as long as they were listening to God's word.
ok that would be weird to tell someone they not worshipping correctly if they couldn't even stand up.
It would be like Jesus telling the woman at the well that yes, everyone was right, you can only worship at Jerusalem on certain days and if you female, sorry you can't enter the temple.
ok that would be weird to tell someone they not worshipping correctly if they couldn't even stand up.
It would be like Jesus telling the woman at the well that yes, everyone was right, you can only worship at Jerusalem on certain days and if you female, sorry you can't enter the temple.

Yes, it would be weird. No one is saying that. I would recommend you read over the last several posts.
I am certain that what I am saying is missing something in you.

I am simply using standing as an example of what goes on in worship in churches. I could easily have mentioned the raising of hands, or dancing. I am not for one minute speaking about worship leaders making commands to the people. I am simply pointing out that when worship leaders are encouraging us to worship wholeheartedly and with abandon, not letting anything hold us back, we ought to be doing so. It blesses God's heart when His people are devoted to adoration with their heart, soul and body, and it is when we are all in one accord that His presence is manifested.

My apologies. After following your advice and reading through the comments on this beginning at #331 I could not find where you said .............
"I am simply using standing as an example of what goes on in worship in churches".

It seems to me that you were stating a fact and not an example and that is what I was responding to, (and I am sure Lanolin did that also), what you actually did say.

Again, if that is not case I am sorry to have misunderstood your thinking.
My apologies. After following your advice and reading through the comments on this beginning at #331 I could not find where you said .............
"I am simply using standing as an example of what goes on in worship in churches".

It seems to me that you were stating a fact and not an example and that is what I was responding to, (and I am sure Lanolin did that also), what you actually did say.

Again, if that is not case I am sorry to have misunderstood your thinking.

I understand that you as well as Lanolin simply misinterpreted.
a scripture on worship - Isaiah 29:13

13The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.

We are to approach God with worship, adoration and praise.

Psalm 100:2
Worship the Lord with gladness.
Come before him, singing with joy.

Psalm 100:4
Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.

Psalm 95:2
Let us come to him with thanksgiving.
Let us sing psalms of praise to him.

Psalm 22:3
But You are holy,
Enthroned in the praises of Israel.
study to shew yourself approved...

Paul letters to .timothy were really good cos Timothy was quite young but a new leader pastoring a flock and Paul was encouraging him to study even though he knew from a child the holy scriptures. he knew how important to teach sound doctine and also, in his daily walk to be an example to he had to have his own house in order before he could even think of ordering the household of God. Also he admonishes those wanting to be bishops and deacons to have just one wife, and not be double tongued and drink too much, or be after money.

Jude also warned about false teachers infiltrating the church. It was one of the last letters though in the bible you think they be in date order apparently they are in order of length..many people forget the warnings in the letter of Jude.

Or even Philemon where he treats the former slave like a brother not a slave anymore. Ive heard in churches that we have to be slaves to God, which is nowhere in my bible it says servants not slaves. big difference.

so I think also what Bible version you read can also be important cos there some fake Bibles out there, dont be deceived. If Satan can twist Gods word by putting out fake bibles, he will do it.
study to shew yourself approved...

Paul letters to .timothy were really good cos Timothy was quite young but a new leader pastoring a flock and Paul was encouraging him to study even though he knew from a child the holy scriptures. he knew how important to teach sound doctine and also, in his daily walk to be an example to he had to have his own house in order before he could even think of ordering the household of God. Also he admonishes those wanting to be bishops and deacons to have just one wife, and not be double tongued and drink too much, or be after money.

Jude also warned about false teachers infiltrating the church. It was one of the last letters though in the bible you think they be in date order apparently they are in order of length..many people forget the warnings in the letter of Jude.

Or even Philemon where he treats the former slave like a brother not a slave anymore. Ive heard in churches that we have to be slaves to God, which is nowhere in my bible it says servants not slaves. big difference.

so I think also what Bible version you read can also be important cos there some fake Bibles out there, dont be deceived. If Satan can twist Gods word by putting out fake bibles, he will do it.

It is not so much that the Bibles are fake but that the people buying them are looking for something AFTER they have rejected the original.
Hmm, yes, true. I Holy Bible in english translation for many hundreds of years, trusted and believed and acted upon...Gods Word doesnt change, and then suddenly in the last century hundreds of differing translations in english alone?