sound doctrine

I really hope we wouldn't be willing to pass judgment on another believer based on outward appearances... would you be willing to consider the possibility that there may be another reason, and their heart could very well be right where God wants it to be?

I am talking about how our leaders can see the spiritual condition of the flock.
Exodus 32:19
When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain.

1 Corinthians 10:7
references this incident
Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.

Don't make music your idol. Idolators will not inherit heaven. What is american(or any other country) idol? A singing/music show. Those ppl make idols of themselves, just because they get up on stage and sing. Don't encourage idolatry. I hate to see this kind of thing going on in church, professed christians copying the world. If your heart is for the music, and that's what you live for, you have made music your idol. Satan has corrupted our churches by introducing music that glorifies him, not God. As satan is god of this world, but our God is not the god of this world. Our God is the one of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He sent his only son Jesus to die for us. Our God is a jealous God. Many songs in church are so generic that they do not even mention Jesus precious name or his blood, or what He did. They are just about God..could be any god. Hindus worship god, pagans worship god, Muslims worship god.

That's something weird going on right there.
Anyway this is not to condemn anyone, if you are walking in the spirit, not after the flesh, you are not condemned. This is just something I've learned in my walk. I could easily be deceived into thinking a few songs each Sunday are my worship quota for the week and feel good singing them. But...I walk away from all that cos it appeals to the flesh and does not edify anyone, only the ppl who say 'how was the service, did you like it?' As if it were a performance and I need to approve. They should be seeking God's approval, not mans.
I am talking about how our leaders can see the spiritual condition of the flock.

That's what I am talking about as well.

I hope I'm not not overstepping, but I actually don't think you would make such a judgement in a real scenario. I suspect you would start by simply asking that person why they don't participate, and if their response was reasonable, I think you wouldn't have a problem with it. I could be wrong (and apologize if I am), but I've got a hunch that's how it would go down.
Music is created by God to bring Him worship. Satan is the one who stole it and has corrupted it to steal the worship that is due God, only. We as Christians have the authority and the responsibility to take back what was stolen and to give that honour through music to God.

Luke 11:23
He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters. (Scatters away from the Truth and also leads others away from Truth)

Christian music is a transmitter of life. It transmits peace and calms the spirit:

Music influences our emotions and our mood…what we listen to will determine our thoughts, actions and attitudes. King Saul, for example, when he stopped walking with God, lost his protection and an evil spirit came over him to torment him. Only when David played music for him did he feel any relief, as the evil spirit would leave him. (1 Samuel 16:23) When we play Christian music, we release the presence of God over our lives and our home. We cast out every spirit so that we can feel the peace of the presence of God.

Just like Saul, music can have a good influence, and we will feel better.

Music is a useful tool to win people to Christ:

There is some excellent Christian music out there… music that is pleasant to the ear, and is also a positive influence. We can share this music with non-believers, because its quality is as better than that of secular music. It is an eye-opener to those who believe that Christian music is boring or mediocre. God is the God of excellence!

In 1996, the sports arena in Bogota, Colombia hosted a Christian group called Petra. As they did a presentation with the objective of evangelizing and showing the world a different musical alternative, the impact in those who attended, including the media, was strong! There were positive comments made about the quality of Petra’s music, and the spirit moved in the concert and there was a distinctly felt peace. After the concert, more than 800 people accepted Christ.

Christian music transmits messages that edify:

1 Corinthians 6:12
Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.

When we choose our music, we must choose those messages that make you feel better as a person, bringing you confidence, giving you strength, uplifting you spiritually and drawing you close to God with its music and lyrics.
That's what I am talking about as well.

I hope I'm not not overstepping, but I actually don't think you would make such a judgement in a real scenario. I suspect you would start by simply asking that person why they don't participate, and if their response was reasonable, I think you wouldn't have a problem with it. I could be wrong (and apologize if I am), but I've got a hunch that's how it would go down.

Yes, but the missing element in that would be that I would encourage my brother or sister in Christ in the value of praising God. The only reasonable excuse for not joining in with the Body of Christ in worship is that 1. the person is not a believer, and 2. the person is a deaf mute (and even then, such folk worship with music).

Psalm 150:6 (AMP)
Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)
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I have come to understand this: singing songs to God is figurative worship, and living your life for Him is literal worship. You can worship God fully and completely, and never sing a single song. I can sing songs to Him and truly mean them, but if my actions don't back up my words, I have not yet begun to worship.

James 1:27
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

Mat 9:13
Then he added, "Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: 'I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.'

To me this sounds much like faith without actions is dead, and basically that true worship is an attitude of the heart?
Read the Psalms much? We are commanded to sing, shout, dance, spin, jump before the Lord, and guess what? He does it too.

Praise the Lord!
Praise God in His heavenly dwelling; praise Him in His mighty Heaven !
Praise Him for His mighty works; praise His unequaled Greatness
Praise Him with the blast of the trumpet; praise Him with the lyre and harp!
Praise Him with the tambourine and DANCING; Praise Him with STRINGED INSTRUMENTS and flutes!
Praise Him with the CLASH of cymbols; Praise Him with LOUD Clanging Cymbols

What may be noise or wrong to you might just be beautiful sound or a sweet sweet sound in His ear.

2015 and people are debating on music and how to worship God or have a church service.
Yikes will the body of Christ ever agree on anything while on this earth ?
Spirit of laughter comes from the Lord many, many times.
The spirit of Joy is a healthy thing to catch if you are not so caught up in laws and regulations and rules on how to hold your mouth when you sing unto the lord.

Come and and play me some of that funky music and worship me child.
Now that would knock the socks off of some church folks to hear Jesus or God say that.
Bless the Lord at all times
Yes, but the missing element in that would be that I would encourage my brother or sister in Christ in the value of praising God. The only reasonable excuse for not joining in with the Body of Christ in worship is that 1. the person is not a believer, and 2. the person is a deaf mute (and even then, such folk worship with music).

I don't have even the slightest problem with you encouraging a brother or sister to worship in song; I may be slightly upset if you were willing to judge them for not accepting (although hopefully it wouldn't matter to them, because:

I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God. 1 Cor 4:3-5)

Also, I don't believe that those are the only reasons you would accept. I believe you would consider what your brother or sister has to say, and look for their transformed heart in their words, and that will evidence enough for you.
Yes, but the missing element in that would be that I would encourage my brother or sister in Christ in the value of praising God. The only reasonable excuse for not joining in with the Body of Christ in worship is that 1. the person is not a believer, and 2. the person is a deaf mute (and even then, such folk worship with music).

Psalm 150:6 (AMP)
Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)

What if a person's style of worship is very personal...quiet and reserved?
I don't have even the slightest problem with you encouraging a brother or sister to worship in song; I may be slightly upset if you were willing to judge them for not accepting (although hopefully it wouldn't matter to them, because:

I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God. 1 Cor 4:3-5)

Also, I don't believe that those are the only reasons you would accept. I believe you would consider what your brother or sister has to say, and look for their transformed heart in their words, and that will evidence enough for you.

God instructs us to judge in righteousness, and to bring correction to a fellow brother and sister, Holy Spirit reveals to us where there needs to be such correction. This is how the Body of Christ operates.
To me this sounds much like faith without actions is dead, and basically that true worship is an attitude of the heart?

"True worship is an attitude of the heart"

True worship is our actions that prove our "attitude of the heart," that demonstrate a heart that's been transformed by Christ. Singing songs/dancing/whatever is a claim to that transformation (and that is totally fine, and a really good thing), our actions are evidence of it.
God instructs us to judge in righteousness, and to bring correction to a fellow brother and sister, Holy Spirit reveals to us where there needs to be such correction. This is how the Body of Christ operates.

Of course. And I think there are many responses where you would be able to see that no correction is necessary.
What if a person's style of worship is very personal...quiet and reserved?
Style is just style, and we all gravitate toward certain styles, but forsaking worship because it doesn't suit our taste in the Body of Christ can reveal a stiff neck in that area, so we must always be examining our hearts that God is getting all the glory and praise and that we are mindful of not pandering to our comfort level and are willing to step out to really touch the heart of God.
Of course. And I think there are many responses where you would be able to see that no correction is necessary.

If we are members of a congregation and our spiritual leaders are directing us in worship, we need to fully engage in it and not withhold ourselves, lest we miss blessing the Lord and receiving the blessing that comes from it.

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If we are members of a congregation and our spiritual leaders are directing us in worship, we need to fully engage in it and not withhold ourselves, lest we miss blessing the Lord and receiving the blessing that comes from it.

As a worship leader, all I can really offer is that my studies in Biblical, servant leadership seem to have led me to a very different perspective on the role of spiritual leaders. If you wish to discuss, please feel free to send me a PM and I will be more than happy to chat about this matter.