sound doctrine


I couldnt afford to pay for my sin, Jesus paid it for me. He didnt have any money he gave his own life for me. He gave his ALL.
Lol. If Jesus had any money on him he could have just said to Simon, here, Ive got some in my purse.
Jesus didn't even have any purse.

Money would have weighed him down anyway.
Notice he didn't ask Judas to pay it, even though Judas acted as treasurer. Jesus didnt need Judas, though Judas thought he needed him.
John 13:29 (ESV) 29 Some thought that, because Judas had the moneybag, Jesus was telling him, “Buy what we need for the feast,” or that he should give something to the poor.

Lol. If Jesus had any money on him he could have just said to Simon, here, Ive got some in my purse.
Jesus didn't even have any purse.

Money would have weighed him down anyway.
Notice he didn't ask Judas to pay it, even though Judas acted as treasurer. Jesus didnt need Judas, though Judas thought he needed him.

Jesus and His large entourage had a treasurer. You don't have a treasurer for pennies.

Yea ppl tend to think Jesus really needed Judas. he was just along for the ride and prolly suggested he be a treasurer.

Jesus had his treasures in Heaven, what on earth would he need a treasurer for?? He could have said oh Judas, give me some money to pay my taxes and tributes. But no, he asked Simon to catch a fish.
When Jesus was dying on the cross, ppl were gambling on his clothes. But that is neither here nor there. We will be getting new robes in heaven, if we are washed in the blood of the lamb.

Yea ppl tend to think Jesus really needed Judas. he was just along for the ride and prolly suggested he be a treasurer.

Jesus had his treasures in Heaven, what on earth would he need a treasurer for?? He could have said oh Judas, give me some money to pay my taxes and tributes. But no, he asked Simon to catch a fish.

This just isn't true.

Jesus' ministry was funded by some people of means who actually went with Him everywhere He went. There were many people in His entourage, and money was needed to feed them all, and provide lodging for them, and whatever they had need of. Judas was the designated treasurer, keeping track of all purchases and probably the one making many purchases.
When Jesus was dying on the cross, ppl were gambling on his clothes. But that is neither here nor there. We will be getting new robes in heaven, if we are washed in the blood of the lamb.

This behaviour at the foot of the cross is a demonstration to us that the clothing Jesus had was valuable. So, it is not "neither here nor there", but a small, yet important point that should cause people to pause before accepting the false thinking that Jesus was poor and that somehow poverty is a blessing---and not the curse that it is.
somehow poverty is a blessing---and not the curse that it is.
Thankyou - wealth and poverty in the Christian life is a vexed issue of many opinions.
Much of the poverty is good and holy, I believe, comes from the historic (yet unscriptural) monk communities that separated themselves from others; and took upon themselves vows of poverty and chastity, etc... Hollywood has helped to build up the nobleness of it all.
"Lay up treasure in heaven." and "You cannot serve mammon and God." along with "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." - are fundamentals of approach to serving God. "First seek the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you."
First comes salvation through the gospel and baptisms. Then our heart is changes by the Holy Spirit. Our desires and priorities are changed as to the meaning and purpose of our lives. We use our income and assets for righteous living and to give generously to others in need.
Instead of mindless consumerism and self-indulgence, we hopefully learn over time that "Godliness with contentment is great gain."

The gospel is not about poverty: the inability to be housed, or to feed one's family; or to walk miles because one cannot afford to run a motor vehicle.
There is no testimony to the gospel and the blessings of the Lord in real poverty and begging.
On the other hand, there are no blessings or approval ratings in pursuing wealth as your god. I have heard many christians claim 'look how the Lord has blessed me with this new $70,000 car.' By that standard all unGodly millionaires are the most blessed people on Earth!!
I think pyramid selling through church congregations is a corrupting influence.

For myself, I have periods of good employment and a better income. I can do more charity in these times.
Now I have been unemployed for just over a year on a very low income. But I rejoice in the Lord and get on with the job of witnessing to others. Praying for others. Serving the Lord in my patch of the vineyard. High income or low income does not change my purpose nor my service to God.
The LORD in Isaiah talks about people having holes in their pockets - whereby their money was lost or wasted on unnecessary expenditures. Isaiah goes on to write that the LORD our God will guarantee for the righteous: shelter - food - clothing. That's all. Everything else is a bonus.
The real treasure that is worth more than rubies and emeralds is the truth of the gospel unto eternal life. For that you cannot buy.
Yea like Paul said he was content whether in prison or in wealth, it doesn't matter.

Phillipians 4:12

I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
2 Corinthians 9:8 (NLT)
And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.
I dont know why they think they can teach us new stuff that isnt already in the Bible. the holy spirit leads us into all truth, not some man even if hes charsimatic and got hundreds of followers.
And its not that false teachers are hated, its just if we know the truth, we are set free from being in bondage to them and following them..cos thats what they really want you to do, be dependent on them as gurus.

Only Jesus is worthy to be worshipped and adored with our Father, not any other teacher. teachers ought to be humble anyway, not making themselves bigger than they are. Paul said those were puffed up with pride cos they thought they knew everything. We are not of Paul or of Apollos or of -insert modern day well known christian here- we are in Christ Jesus.
Do not make idols of teachers and other christians.
Our most important relationship is with our Father through his son Jesus and then others. First and second commandments, in that order.