the american dream

Yes well when it worked it was fine in the way that when capitalism works its fine, but when its corrupt its terrible.

The difference betweeen slavery and servanthood is like night and day. At some point we all need to serve someone else.
Yes well when it worked it was fine in the way that when capitalism works its fine, but when its corrupt its terrible.

The difference betweeen slavery and servanthood is like night and day. At some point we all need to serve someone else.

I think you're absolutely right.
I was told my ancestors owned big plantations in the south before the civil war and that after the war, they were broke and lost everything. For a long time our family mourned the south's loss and were proud of our "southern heritage". But as I gave my heart over to the Lord and see how corrupt my family and ancestors were/are, I've come to despise the cruelty and corruption of it all.
It was ill-gotten gains and the loss was justified.
Well apparently my ancestors on my mums side owned lots of land in China but after communism the govt took everything so they lost it all.

I dont know if they owned slaves though in the olden days there were other cruel practise like concubinage and footbinding.
Hmm naomaos thats an inspriing dream..but whereabouts in america can you fish for marlin?

I guess if I were to dream of america it would be a road trip perhaps and to see the grand canyon and redwood forests...and worship in the open air. It would be hard to pinpoint exactly what would be a dream for me..sailing down the mississippi on a raft like Huckleberry Finn? Eating lobster and crabs in old cape Cod? Seeing if any families actually resemble the Simpsons.

I wouldnt go to Hollywood, but I would try Dollywood. Eating burgers and tacos. Meeting all my american brothers and sisters on Friendly christian forums. I thought about doing a Forrest Gump but Im not that crazy. maybe just take a big yellow taxi across the states insead.

One of my friends is going on an american road trip for three months in a campervan.

I live close to both the Atlantic ocean and the Gulf of Mexico being smack dab in the center of Florida in-between Orlando and Tampa. So my knowledge is mainly of that area, as well as pretty much the Atlantic sea board. Mainly the areas to catch marlin are off either coast of Florida for sure. I also know that in the summer time if you travel out to what's called the canyons off the coast of NJ, you can catch marlin there too. I would imagine that up and down the Atlantic sea board in the summer time from say Montauk in Long Island, south around the keys of Florida and up into the Gulf of Mexico. They migrate some following the gulf stream.

In the summer there are fishing tournaments for marlin in NJ, and Maryland as well as shark tournaments.
However, you can hardly own any land in HK. My mum lived in govt housing and never had a blade of grass under her foot. When she came here, she married my dad and never went back. so I suppose her dream came true.
I had a neighbor from Cuba and he was elderly. He told me how his family lost everything when Castro came into the fullness of his power. I used to hope and pray he could return to Cuba someday as he was so homesick even til his dying day.
Shark tournaments??
Well, I dont know about that, not my idea of fun.
I am partial to lobster though. We dont have that kind in nz, only rock lobster called crayfish, but its still yummy. The lobsters you have in america have those giant claws.

The only fishing I do is off a bridge in the creek or on a wharf. I catch sprats.
Whitebait is also a delicious fish.
I think you have to make your home wherever you are. Like I could yearn for a piece of land all my own but since I cant afford it I just make do with what I have at the moment, which is my parents place. Thats why I garden.
I would like to visit Cuba one day and see what its like. All I've ever known about it is the negative propaganda. I would like to warn the people of the danger of trading out their government masters for corporate ones.
Heard on the news the recent developments in Cuban relations with US so you may be able to go.
I know a lady who went and said she really enjoyed was stuck in a timewarp, but she liked it. Esp the dancing in the street.
My wife and I tried gardening(vegetables that is), the plants come in nice and strong.......then the bugs, birds and disease reduce it to compost every year.....we just gave up. I think we may try again next spring. We also are thinking about raising chickens.
Well, my govt is always been rightwing vs leftwing...but nowadays they cross over all the time so you mixed up on who to vote for, break their promises, and many politicians corrupt and in with dodgy business deals.

So...I dont vote anymore.
The trick would be getting my wife to agree to go. The american propaganda machine is very effective and just the thought of going to a communist country frightens her......I think she imagines concentration camps or something.
Well ppl go to china and thats still communist. I think like any country it has its good and bad. America has ppl with guns in their pockets!

Is you wife interested in cuisine? That might be the reason why I would go to China. Im a bit afraid to go as well, but my family are planning on going cos my brothers want to see the ancestral villages. Im not so keen, but then i thought..,the food, the gardens, the pandas...
I read how when the Soviet Union collapsed and Cuba lost its sugar daddy, the country was in serious danger of famine. The government declared a national emergency and ordered/enouraged the people to start gardens anywhere they could in order to feed themselves. Otherwise they were facing a N Korea style worked and Cuba averted famine.
Thank God!
Well, in north korea I read about that terrible famine...they were even eating grass and weeds..and some of them eating each other (I heard..or rumor).
In times of the Resistance in europe, heard they ate tulip bulbs!

Its very dangerous to just depend on imports.