the american dream

The American dream used to be the freedom to build what you saw fit without obstruction. And for the most part that happened. If you failed, you failed and moved on. If you succeeded you succeeded and continued or moved on. This isn't the case anymore. As much as I love my country, unless we return to God and our founding fathers' beliefs, we're done with.
The American dream used to be the freedom to build what you saw fit without obstruction. And for the most part that happened. If you failed, you failed and moved on. If you succeeded you succeeded and continued or moved on. This isn't the case anymore. As much as I love my country, unless we return to God and our founding fathers' beliefs, we're done with.

And that is the truth!
I think most ppl would agree its far too cold to live in Alaska unless the global warming ppl are right and those icecaps do melt.
Well I think america is filled up now. Theres no more west unless you fall into the Pacific Ocean.

You (and many other people) would be surprised that America isn't filled up, the more you enter Middle America lots of parts of the north west. A lot of people tend to make this case in support of abortion (not that I think that's where you're going) and then, while it's true that America is a large country, it isn't being filled up like they think. Although the economic problems of inflation and over-taxation has caused problems for many people.
? Really, is there cheap land for the taking up there? Thought it was badlands though, like nobody would want to live there cos you cant grow anything.
You (and many other people) would be surprised that America isn't filled up, the more you enter Middle America lots of parts of the north west. A lot of people tend to make this case in support of abortion (not that I think that's where you're going) and then, while it's true that America is a large country, it isn't being filled up like they think. Although the economic problems of inflation and over-taxation has caused problems for many people.

Down here in Florida there is plenty of land still left to build on. Yet, every time I see a new strip mall going up or a new housing development I pang of sadness hits me because I know that the area was once woods and was home to many animals.
? Really, is there cheap land for the taking up there? Thought it was badlands though, like nobody would want to live there cos you cant grow anything.

That's why I had to bring up the economic problem. There are good, inexpensive lands that could be occupied, but in areas where job opportunity or whathaveyou is lacking, the incentive to move their is lost. Some people have attempted to do this and either set up as settlers (so it wouldn't be permanent) or have purchased the land and intended to set up new businesses have been overshadowed either by bureaucratic interruption or difficulty in getting the customers or work they hoped for.
Down here in Florida there is plenty of land still left to build on. Yet, every time I see a new strip mall going up or a new housing development I pang of sadness hits me because I know that the area was once woods and was home to many animals.

True. Although there is also a brightside to those strip malls as that often allows for job opportunity and competition of the market. And it's better it take place in a state like Florida since the animal sanctuaries there are abundant and do quite well.
I thought it was mainly old people moving to Florida to retire.
But then...theres disney world in Orlando.
Maybe go where the theme parks are?
Dollywood, disneyworld, Hollywood, Las Vegas, all the touristy places built on dreams.
I heard you can even tour the fake Holy Land.
America is so vast, youd think they could let people have their own land and run their own towns. I suppose it has to do with the economy..again. Same in my country, dreams are dying, cos its so expensive to just even have a roof over your head.
America is so vast, youd think they could let people have their own land and run their own towns. I suppose it has to do with the economy..again. Same in my country, dreams are dying, cos its so expensive to just even have a roof over your head.

That was definitely the point...but the American government has become bloated so it's not a likely thing these days. This is why some states are constantly on the verge of trying to secede.
Really? Which ones?
But a kingdom divided cannot stand. I thiught the whole reason it was called united states was cos of this central govt thing.

This what happened to my town, amalgamated and then everything got too expensive.
It was meant to be more efficient, but we end up paying more, or, the rich get the best and the poor still do not gain anything.
Really? Which ones?
But a kingdom divided cannot stand. I thiught the whole reason it was called united states was cos of this central govt thing.

This what happened to my town, amalgamated and then everything got too expensive.

The concept of the central government, originally when it was signed in 1776, was for it to ensure that government was limited by the people. And the purpose of it being states rather than one large, massive state, if you will, would be so that each state could govern according to the people of each small section. This principle still exists which is why different states have different laws and acts. So it was never supposed to be a kingdom divided, but rather a collection of states that were all under the same contract, which is the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln may have been the first president to treat the States as a single, large collective group, which while many people love Lincoln, with all due respect, he did contradict rights of the states and even forced states to break apart (like West Virginia for example).

The states that are currently interested in secession are mostly Texas and New Hampshire. Many Texans, who are staunch patriots, have a patriotism to their home state before the country itself and so they wave their state flags and dawn them on their cars before you'll see them doing this with the American flags.

New Hampshire is a more interesting case since they have a movement there called the Free State Project which is putting a huge effort to nullify unconstitutional laws and not be subject to the central government.
Hmm I know someone in texas. but he wasnt born there I dont think.
I dont really know much about new hampshire.

texas is quite a distinctive state.
Well, I thought america was meant to be more of a collective co-op than a one ring to rule them all, kind of thing.