China is another place I've always wanted to visit. If you go plz take a camera and post OK? Also you might want to visit with any christians there...I hear there are great stories of faith from there.
Siloam, I think we are looking at two different american dreams.
I agree, the idea of America was to be able to work through the difficulties, for the common man to overcome challenges and help his community.
But the America I predominantly see is one of lust, greed and a blissful ignorance. One where a person overcomes difficulties, challenges, and may help, but only for his own name.
I'm not saying if you are saved, and you overcome difficulties and give it the "good old American shot" you aren't on fire for the Lord, quite the opposite. I failed to communicate that prior.
I'm not sure you can say "nothing was really won".Its the centenary of ANZAC day coming up. Its just terrible all those enlisted to fight, really young, and they all died. And nothing was really won either, the brits convinced us to fight for them. I dont understand wars.
I dont think its wrong to expect a better life.
Though sometimes the dream is far from reality. It didnt really happen for the slaves, though the dream is still there.
Many negros moved up to canada to find their freedom. Or at least the north. Although, heard detroit is now in ruins and never fully recovered.
Well that's good to know.
I don't know all the history but seen pictures.
Something to do with collapse of the car industry..the Japanese were making better fuel efficient cars..or something. Although, americans do drive on the other side of the road, so they couldn't export their cars to countries that drive on the left.
America is a nation of cars it seems.
I noticed a number of references to Life, Liberty and Happiness. I hope it is not lost on any of us that the idea that we are so endowed by our Creator with these rights is a Judeo/Christian concept which has never been recognized so fully as it has been in this nation with the possible exception of Israel.
To understand the American Dream, you must understand US history. The vast majority of settlers who founded colonies in America were fleeing oppression in their home countries. Yes, there were those looking to make money, but they were the sponsors, those who paid for the ships and supplies. They all wanted a better life which entails freedom; to worship God in the way they were instructed by the Bible, start a new life without the edicts of a king and his governmental entities.
Freedom, born of Christian ideology, became the overriding theme or ideal, or dream, of the 13 colonies, which also brought about the American Revolution. People became willing to fight for freedom. Understandably, this freedom became a bright shining light to the rest of the world.
Peoples of the world were drawn to this freedom, the ability to make a better way of life. Word spread like wildfire that you were guaranteed a better life in America.
Only now, in the past 50 years, has liberalism or progressivism or whatever label you want to give it, (the desire that you can do whatever you want, no responsibility, consumerism, anything goes, it's what I want not what God wants mentality), has started to destroy the meaning of the American Dream and it is commonly believed that the American Dream is not possible anymore, or at least is becoming more and more impossible.
The American Dream was the ability to make your and your family's life what you wanted it to be by working for it. Too many are attacking it and destroying it.
The funny thing is, if another country wanted to, they could implement such a system and, with God's blessing, create their own "_______ Dream".