What do you consider more important, the original word in which scripture is written, or the author who spoke it. Which of these two hold the answer to its meaning?
There is the BODY of truth which are the scriptures .
Then there is the SPIRIT of truth which is the Holy Spirit .
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God,and is profitable for reproof ,correction and instruction in rightoeusness......." 2 Tim 3:16.
The LETTER killeth but the Spirit giveth life.Or as it is written "...who also has made us able ministers of the new testement;not of the letter ,but of the spirit,for the letetr killeth but the spirit giveth life" 2 Cor 3:6
it is an indisputable fact that no mans words are either heard or even understood unless that man gives his breath or life to his words . How much the more then is God neither heard or understood by the letter only?
If all scripture was and is given by inspiration of God by the Spirit then it is a certainty that the self same scriptures that were so inspired by the Spirit of God is also needed to understand what he so inspired and was written.
For what knoweth the things of man save the spirit that is in man? Likewise then what knoweth the things of God save the Spirit of God? or as it is written "for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God" 1Cor 2:11.
There are many men and by the same measure then there are many opinions about this or that .
But there is only one God and one Spirit of God . Therefore any understanding we may receive or have if it is true is of God also and came not by our own abilities intelllectual or otherwise but by the Spirit of God .
In Eph it speaks of "all coming to a unity of the faith" As faith comes by hearing and by that understanding the Word of God .Then it is clear that to have a unity of THE faith there needs must also be a unity of understanding also .
"Till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God,unto a perfect man, unto the measure and the stature and the fullness of Christ" Eph 4:13
Did not Paul also say "to be of the same mind........." Romans 12 16.
For who hath know the mind of the Lord that we may instruct him,but we have the mind of Christ" 1Cor 2:16.
Are we not to have our lives transformed by what? "The renewal of our minds"
What mind then or interpretation of scripture are we then to have? If not according to the mind of Christ? or of God .
For what are words? if not the expression of thoughts.
It is the right understanding of a mans words that we mkight then understand his thinking or in effect "see" what he sees .
The purpose of the Word of God the scriptures is that we by Him might see things as God sees things .
It was because Eve rejected the truth and believed the lie that her mind was darkened and she not only became blind to the truth so that her perceptions were wrong but her reasoning was in consequence also wrong . For she SAW that the tree was good to eat and she reasoned thus it would make her wise .
No wonder we are called to be renewed in our minds .
You may think I have left off your question. Not a bit of it .
But no man suddenly arrives at the truth .Though it might seem like that at the time . But rather he is led or arrives at or comes to the knowledge of the truth,till or as we mentioned before we all come to a unity of the truth of the faith .
It is the good shepherd of our souls who "knows the mind of God" that leads us first to a knowledge of the truth about our own condition and need to repent ,Who then leads us to the Lord who we did not know and through him our salvation.
But he who was faithful in the beginning is also faithful till the end and will if we are willing to lead us also into "all truth"
We cannot therefore by the letter be it in Greek or Hebrew or English know the truth as it should be known .
and that knowing is the same as when a husband knows his wife . Or as it is written "And Adan knew his wife eve ...... " Gen 4:1
You asked what is more important the original word in which the scripture was written............?
let me ask you something .
What understanding did Saul of Tarsus have of the scriptures? in the original word and texts that was written?
Despite studying those texts and Hebrew his mother tounge he not only did not understand the scriptures he persecuted the church and agree with Stephens death thinkign it was Gods will.
What understanding of those texts and original language did many of the Pharasses and Saducees etc ?
They so did not understand the scriptures despite Hebrew being their mother tounge that they opposed the Lord all the way down the line and in the end sent him to his death and thought they did Gods will.
So you tell me what is more important?
What is more important? The Body of truth or the Spirit of truth?
is God divided?
Yet men separate the word of God from the one who spake it or inspired it and think by their Hebrew and Greek they will knwo the things of God or the truth.
Someone may say but we are BORN again! True that may be .But then why does Paul say to christians to eb renewed in your minds?
Because a man is a tripart being.
The body is redeemed and ready to be revealed at the right time . But it is still subject to sin and death.
The mind has to be renewed even as the we are BORN again in the spirit .
The tabernacle made with hands was set up from the inside out. That is to say .The most Holy place where the ark of the covenant was set up first.Then everything was built around it or upon it .
So too then the tabernacle not made with hands .
God commands the light to shine in the darkness of our hearts and in THAT light we are then to walk by and our lives progressively transformed.
Clothed with the white linen of the righteousness of God .
What is more important? In the beginning was the Word"
When men are in dispute about anything .They go to what is written.
and in matters of sound doctrine and the foundations of faith then the scriptures are the only authority.
But then I say to you why was it recognised that Jesus spoke with authority and the religious leaders did not? Mathew 7:29.
He spoke with authority for a number of reasons.
One he was filled with the Spirit of God as much as he was filled with the Word of God .
Two, he had been tried tested and proved in the wilderness for 40 days .
Not only had he been tried tested and proved but the Word of God had also .
is it not written "Behold I have refined thee ,not with silver but I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction" Isiah 48 10.
and in the Psalms as of refined gold.
A professor who sits on the beach and refuses to take his shoes off knows nothing . Yet he may speak much about the sea.
But little children know more about the nature of the sea when they are paddling and squealing with delight with each wave going over their feet than the professor .
But young men who are now up to their waste and are a little afraid but do not show it .For they feel the power of the sea against them and know to some degree how much it could destroy them.
But there are others who have taken their feet of the bottom and have learnt to swim and have found how much that power is able to bear them up .
What sayeth the scriptures?
There are "waters up to the ankles , up to the loins and waters to swim in"
Knowing Hebrew and Greek while it can or might be profitable .Is no guarentee at all that you may understand the scriptures .
In truth there is a snare to the unwary that you lean more upon your understanding of them than to trust in the \Lord who is promised to lead us into all truth .
The testimony of Saul of Tarsus and others bares witness to it .
in Christ