Surprised its not snowing yet. Rain and 29F High 42F today.
Rain and cold.
I love the rain, just glad I don't have to work in it like when I was younger.
Great weekend, got allot done.
Feel bad for my father in law.
He is still not doing well. And one thing he enjoyed doing was driving my Granddaughter to school each day.
If I knew God in the beginning, I would have highly suggested making Thou Shall Not Smoke, specifically stated.
I have in my life time lost so many people, because they just do not stop.
I know God can stop addiction, and yet people do not turn to him. I know because God has intervened on addiction in
my own life. And my Father In Law who is always names Paul, was told ten years ago when he go Cancer he needed to stop.
Then had a triple by pass and they told him stop. He has permanently blocked arteries and was diagnosed 3 years ago with emphysema.
Last year they gave him 4 year to live if he stopped smoking. Less then 2 years if he didn't.
He does not like God, much he does fear him is is very scared now and wont repent. Is is just about clinically narcissistic.
So nothing me or anyone can do, will help him as he faces death. He is mean, and nasty to many people. Will go out of his way to
mock and hurt others. Yet the only light I ever saw in him as from my Granddaughter who loves to talk about Jesus and God.
So why I can not connect to him directly, I pray that the Holy Spirit enters him in a way to help him, because it may be too late very soon.
A whole other level of missing the big picture. His wife who I knew long before him when she was married to her third husband.
She is and amazing person, loved God and was deeply devoted once. This was her 4th husband. And its been hard watching him turn her
away from God. I feel when he dies which may be very soon he will be away from Christ, as he is close to being immobile.
Its hitting him harder medically the last 6 month. He has almost died about 10 times in the last ten years from medical complications.
Some were miracles, I feel like God is trying help him see. The Bible is so very clear that God does not give up on us.
I really see it first hand in his case.
Not sure why this became topic in my postings. I do pray for him, and at times I am reluctant. As he is not a very nice person.
Just being honest. As we are human. I just have a hard time watching him treat people so poorly and just being mean to do so.
I pray God helps him, and also helps me stay at peace with him. I truly do want him saved. I pray for people all the time that I do not like.
Like we all do. I even pray for Biden in his end year as its clear he has Dementia. God is not political