I have taken NOTE on how you have properly positioned your words in order to ENSURE that your supply of treats
remains fully stocked. HAHAHA.
Good morning, In Awe of Him;
It's a joy to see this side of the forums is in good cheer. Because the day you lose this happy fellowship, we'll have to have a GARAGE sale.
By the by, our family is planning our Thanksgiving and I'm cooking the turkey as I do every year. The turkey is from Jenny-O. Its usually a small 13 pounder and it comes in a plastic package. On the backside are illustrations like a finger pointing where to put the turkey.

I heat the stove at 400% and after 4 hours a little thermometer in the turkey pops up. Am I going too fast? lol! Anyways....the turkey comes out perfect.
Then for dessert is Häagen-Dazs ice cream with apple pie.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.