Journal The Garage

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Happy Saturday everyone.

Big day today.... I'm off to the big mall today for some early shopping.
Christmas is the ONLY time I buy presents for my daughter.... and oh... her birthday too... but that all goes out in the same parcel because her birthday is in early January.

It's a big thing for me to get a nice package organized and actually mailed out... so I have to start early... as in right now... due to the fact that my daughter now lives in another province.
I like to send by the first week in December so that it arrives on time. This will be my second year of buying a large flat rate box with pre-paid postage. Takes all the guess work out of sending stuff. As long as the parcel isn't over 11 pounds... they will ship whatever you fill it with.

Anyways... as I mentioned earlier... I already got a few things... .including matching sweaters for her three dogs. Like seriously.... small... medium and large.... DONE!!!!! HAHAHA.

So... We'll see how long I last at the mall.... I don't usually fare out too well.... Usually in an out within half hour.... but today I have places to go other than the Walmart. :D

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I am going to try and enjoy myself. The mall is NOT my favourite place to be.... but I am going early enough... I'll at least avoid the crowds.
I miss Malls, we had a small mall, that only had small halls. lol
Most of the Mall have closed . I remember I think it was Sanjose that had a triple story mall. Not sure its still there.
The mall in SunnyVale at 16 I got a Job helping build some of the stores as a laborer, they basically tore down all of downtown it used to be such a pretty place with little shops dating back to the 1930-40's all leveled. Our Mall here was turned into a shopping center. Which I actually do not like. As it rains here all 6 months out of the years usually and the mall was a break from weather. Now all the stores face outside.

I went to Walmart last week, and was surprised they were marking down all their food prices by as much as 50% from previous weeks and was close to Pre-covid .

Halloween. My Granddaughter dressed up as scary clown. Which she loved as you can just cut loose if you are a scary clown.
She had a blast, we walk all over the neighborhoods was raining, but there was more ppl then I have ever seen.
I think the economy being really bad, got ppl out to have some free fun. I will admit I did enjoy it. It created some nice memories to
help replace the bad old ones. I think my Granddaughter has ADHD and maybe autism like my son has. She is more extroverted though
and he was like that until about 10 and the became more quiet and shy's away from people.
But she is such a blessing to out family.
Great thing about having our boys is when they were little you can swing, go on play ground and not look crazy.
Great Thing about having our Granddaughter, is the same, you get to act silly and act a little nuts with her and not look crazy.

I don't think I will live long enough to have a Great Grandchild. But maybe I will. I only knew my Great grandmother on my moms side for 2 years and do not remember her much. She lived to be 98 years old. Back when that was unheard of. Most people on my Moms side live way into their 80's. Mom will be 86 in February.

Oh well I did have fun on Halloween. Left a box of Candy at our door with a sign to take one.
I expected the box to be gone when I came back LOL. To my surprise people just took one. We were curious and
looked at the security cameras and people came, but was still there. Made me feel good that ppl knew we were not home and took one.
I like to think the security cameras played no part. Maybe they did. But I prefer to think kind hearts did the right thing.
But then I ended up with half a box of candy LOL. So took it to my wives work, which is now mine I guess as well and the box was near empty by the time we left lol.

Volunteered there over 20 years and now they are paying me, weird. But I will post about that later sometime.

Have a great weekend everyone.
This morning I am pondering my encounter with God at the lake in the summer of 2021.

My life has changed dramatically.... and all these years later... I am STILL in a state of AWE.

On that day... I was told that God is WHO HE SAYS HE IS. That is what I heard. I did not hear... My child... I have healed you... or some personal message regarding anything else. I am not one that HEARS voices or SEES visions. On the contrary... I was dead in the truest sense of the word. My emotions were numb and had been for years. I was in a constant state of absolute sorrow and despair. Over the years... my life had become silent. I suffered alone and hope was something that I could not quite grasp. I had no energy to waste on anything other than surviving to get from morning to night.

It all seems so long ago... and actually... from the moment of my encounter to now... there has been NO REMEMBRANCE of my former life. The moment I was filled with JOY to overflowing... my old life was no more. I did not know it at the time... but that is what occurred.

It wasn't until my second winter that I began to understand that I had been healed from decades of constant depression. I thought my JOY was a temporary thing. I kept waiting for the "shoe to drop". I knew that God had given me a reprieve of suffering... but I never thought it was a permanent thing.

Now... at this writing... it has been 3.5 years since that day at the lake... and I still don't fully understand what happened that day.... but I do understand that GOD CHOSE to make Himself known to me in a way that perhaps NOT many have or will ever experience.

When God imputed in my spirit that HE was WHO HE SAYS HE IS.... everything changed. There was no more WHAT IF's... or having to figure out the nature of God.... There was an absolute and total BELIEF that everything the Bible says... is TRUTH.... and when I say this... I don't mean I have perfect understanding... but I do mean... I have UNSHAKEABLE faith.

I absolutely KNOW that GOD is GOOD..... I absolutely know that GOD is JUST..... I absolutely know that GOD is SOVEREIGN.... I absolutely know that GOD is manifested in the truth of HIS CHARACTER.

In this knowing is the constant celebration of God's eternal character... defined by these three words.

God is all-powerful and has no limitations. Scripture affirms God's omnipotence by saying that God can do whatever he wants and nothing is too hard for him.
God is all-knowing and knows everything, including the past, present, and future.
God is everywhere at the same time. God is distinct from the universe, but inhabits the entirety of it.
These three levels of existence that have ALWAYS been are the cornerstone and heart of WHO GOD IS. Upon these... we as humans live and breath.

It is HIS BREATH in our lungs. It is HIS STRENGTH in our lives and it is HIS LOVE in our hearts that allow us to wake up each day. HIS MERCIES are NEW.... every single morning. It matters not what challenges lie ahead of us.... We can do all things through HIM.

When one understands that this does NOT mean a selfish and self-sufficient claim to bring whatever we want into existence because the sky's the limit... but rather... It means that because GOD is absolutely GOOD and JUST... with HIM on our side... we simply cannot fail.

The challenge is always in understanding the ACCURATE meaning of scripture in its purest form. It is ALL ABOUT GOD.

Thank YOU Father for this revelation. I am in AWE of YOU... completely and constantly in AWE of YOU.
Good grief.... Guess what I saw this morning???

A note on my puzzle box stating ONE PIECE missing.
My puzzle has now been deconstructed... because that is a deal breaker for me.... and this is the RISK one takes
when they buy second hand puzzles. In my case... the puzzle was free from the library... so only a loss of time due to the fact that I did not read the fine print. HAHAHAHA.

I don't feel the puzzle vibe this year. I just don't... so not sure what is going to happen. I would still like to do a Christmas one as that is a lovely tradition to start on December 1st with the dead-line to finish by December 23rd. I think I will still do this. I saw a few Christmas puzzles at the mall yesterday and so I might go back and pick one up.
Ok.... so.... BIG NEWS.... really BIG NEWS... HA.

This puzzle is from my favourite company.... Clemontoni.
The nice thing about this puzzle is that it was also FREE from the library... and.... AND.... the other nice thing about this puzzle is that they list how many pieces in each puzzle from 1000 pieces up... so... this puzzle is 1500 pieces with the actual count 1504. It is the largest puzzle I have done. I have done another 1500 piece puzzle. It was my first Christmas puzzle and I wish I had kept it because I would do it every Christmas. It was with sail boats... oh it was beautiful. I did it twice. Anyways... I gave it away before I left to go help my daughter.

So... this one is called Blue Lake... and I already have the border pieces sorted because I took them out when I was counting... so.... It is November 3rd... and we'll see how long it takes me to get done.

The picture I have included apparently has 500 pieces if you look close... but mine is 1500 pieces.

Ok.... so.... BIG NEWS.... really BIG NEWS... HA.

This puzzle is from my favourite company.... Clemontoni.
The nice thing about this puzzle is that it was also FREE from the library... and.... AND.... the other nice thing about this puzzle is that they list how many pieces in each puzzle from 1000 pieces up... so... this puzzle is 1500 pieces with the actual count 1504. It is the largest puzzle I have done. I have done another 1500 piece puzzle. It was my first Christmas puzzle and I wish I had kept it because I would do it every Christmas. It was with sail boats... oh it was beautiful. I did it twice. Anyways... I gave it away before I left to go help my daughter.

So... this one is called Blue Lake... and I already have the border pieces sorted because I took them out when I was counting... so.... It is November 3rd... and we'll see how long it takes me to get done.

The picture I have included apparently has 500 pieces if you look close... but mine is 1500 pieces.

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Is this anything like your lake?
Is this anything like your lake?
Hi Mr. Moose.... It's so nice to be talking to you.

The below is my lake. We don't have mountains here and the lake is big.... however... not so big that we can't see the shore-line on the left and right. I think I know where this picture was taken...
It's basically the view I see each time I walk to the water's edge... but not so many trees because I live in residential area so where these trees are.... ( replace those with a variety of retaining walls on residential property ).

My mom thought she had an extra piece to one of her puzzles, turns out that one of us kids had knocked over two of her puzzles and picked up all the pieces and put them back into the boxes. It is amazing that they only missed placed the one piece. Mom looked at that extra piece for quite some time before she noticed that it didn't really quite match with any of the colors of her finished puzzle. She had a good laugh once she figured out what happened. I imagine that if a puzzle company sent out a puzzle with a piece missing, it could have sent one out with an extra piece from that first puzzle.
Today I start to help Filling in for Steve why he is in Rehab Therapy after his stroke.
But I am not a master chef lol. So I will be doing dishes and putting stock away.
I can hold my own in a kitchen, but my wife far exceeds anything I can even touch. She has about 40 years
and is the Director there. But its also a nice change of pace. As of last week, I am not getting paid for volunteering.
For twenty years been there as a volunteer, and now they are paying why I help.
Should I ask for back pay ? 🤣 🤣 🤣

OK all joking aside, I wish I was not there. Because doing dishes means, Steve is not there.
So my motivation is helping out where one needs it. Well going to be leaving soon.
Everyone have a blessed day.

PS. I hope the election results, places Gods hands in the white house.

Good morning my precious forum family.

We haven't had a light-hearted post here in the garage for a bit so... let me start with this endearing picture of Mr. Moose. Isn't he adorable?? Those little moosey eyes.... and LOOKIE how nice he posed for the camera!!!

Not a lot going on. PaulisSaved I enjoyed reading your updates. You have a gift with communicating in such a way that the reader tags along on the journey.

My puzzle border is up... and today I will begin to put it all together... starting with the sky. I have all those pieces sorted and separated. I will have to be very careful when transporting my puzzle board because the pieces are almost to the edges of the board. I usually have several inches of space doing a 1000 piece but this one is 1500 pieces and almost covers the entire 2' X 3' board.

I ordered my Christmas puzzle that I will begin on December 1st. I picked two and have allowed my daughter to choose which one... so that it's a surprise when it arrives from Amazon. She is my orderer of things off line. HA

Feeling very BLESSED and filled with GREAT JOY.

Happy Wednesday everyone... It's a crucial time for USA... my prayers are up for a peaceful transition of power... whatever that may mean.
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Good morning my precious forum family.

We haven't had a light-hearted post here in the garage for a bit so... let me start with this endearing picture of Mr. Moose. Isn't he adorable?? Those little moosey eyes.... and LOOKIE how nice he posed for the camera!!!

Feeling very BLESSED and filled with GREAT JOY.

Happy Wednesday everyone... It's a crucial time for USA... my prayers are up for a peaceful transition of power... whatever that may mean.
I can never think of anything other then Rocky and Bullwinkle when you say Mr. Moose. Everytime lol.

Feeling blessed is a great feeling. I wish everyone on the planet could realize the " Gift "

I think it crucial in the USA we start chasing God, over chasing wants and desires.
God can give you all you need. If we only could grip the fact we already have everything we want.


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In case anyone here has not been following along with the events in America:
-Presidential candidate and former president "T" gets convicted of a felony over bookkeeping.
-Actual president "B" has a mental collapse in a debate.
-Former President "T", at an outdoor rally, turns his head just as a gunman pulls the trigger, making the bullet miss his head but nipping his ear.
-President "B" is coerced into quitting his campaign for re-election.
-Vice President "H" convinces her party to nominate her for president without any votes in a primary.
-Former President "T" works at a McDonald's drive thru and hops in a garbage truck with his name on the side as political stunts.
-Vice President becomes famous for her word "salads".
-Former President "T" is accused of being a fascist, but ends up winning election by 5 million more votes nationwide and a strong majority of the electoral college. Apparently over 72 million voters did not believe he was a fascist.

Just another election in America. We try to keep it interesting. You are now up to date.

Good morning my precious forum family.

We haven't had a light-hearted post here in the garage for a bit so... let me start with this endearing picture of Mr. Moose. Isn't he adorable?? Those little moosey eyes.... and LOOKIE how nice he posed for the camera!!!
You didn't mention that you were holding up a bag of peanut butter cups so I would hold still long enough for the picture.
In case anyone here has not been following along with the events in America:
-Presidential candidate and former president "T" gets convicted of a felony over bookkeeping.
-Actual president "B" has a mental collapse in a debate.
-Former President "T", at an outdoor rally, turns his head just as a gunman pulls the trigger, making the bullet miss his head but nipping his ear.
-President "B" is coerced into quitting his campaign for re-election.
-Vice President "H" convinces her party to nominate her for president without any votes in a primary.
-Former President "T" works at a McDonald's drive thru and hops in a garbage truck with his name on the side as political stunts.
-Vice President becomes famous for her word "salads".
-Former President "T" is accused of being a fascist, but ends up winning election by 5 million more votes nationwide and a strong majority of the electoral college. Apparently over 72 million voters did not believe he was a fascist.

Just another election in America. We try to keep it interesting. You are now up to date.
Being a Republic is never Purty LOL.
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