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Guess I am answering my own question, after thinking. I am going to add up what we can save by doing this.I am deciding today with the Mrs, on what we will do on Health Insurance/life insurance this year.
My wife has good insurance and each year we review it.
Each year we pay allot for Life insurance. But I am wondering if its even worth it?
There is the ranch, its paid for. And a home in town also paid for, and a rental house all that my oldest son would inherit.
No I am not rich, it all assets. Not cash. LOL. Building up to leave for my family.
And then I thought if having the life insurance is necessary. Her works gives us a free base life coverage.
But I have been paying for a much larger policy. I recently files for my SS, and the extra cash would add more stability
to me and the Mrs. My son now has two jobs, his business and a place he has worked at 7 years.
My daughter in law, is a CNA at the VA and makes allot as well. So wondering if we should just discontinue as the whole point was
years ago to add stability. And now there is. I find that often times ppl do not spend life insurance well. They take it as a cash cow and blow it.
My in laws received 250K and property that was paid for. They blew through the cash in 5 years and mortgage 175K on the property.
They went on trips, bought outlandish things, now are in their late 70's in heavy debt, a mortgage and ss as their income.
So I am wondering are we scripting now, only to see it not stabilize anything?
I noticed that you did not mention funeral expenses for you and your wife. My Dad and Mom had theirs all set up and paid for so that we wouldn't have to worry about that expense. I think you have a good financial set up for your retirement, I just know that funerals can be expensive. Just a thought, brother. May God bless and keep you and your family.I am deciding today with the Mrs, on what we will do on Health Insurance/life insurance this year.
My wife has good insurance and each year we review it.
Each year we pay allot for Life insurance. But I am wondering if its even worth it?
There is the ranch, its paid for. And a home in town also paid for, and a rental house all that my oldest son would inherit.
No I am not rich, it all assets. Not cash. LOL. Building up to leave for my family.
And then I thought if having the life insurance is necessary. Her works gives us a free base life coverage.
But I have been paying for a much larger policy. I recently files for my SS, and the extra cash would add more stability
to me and the Mrs. My son now has two jobs, his business and a place he has worked at 7 years.
My daughter in law, is a CNA at the VA and makes allot as well. So wondering if we should just discontinue as the whole point was
years ago to add stability. And now there is. I find that often times ppl do not spend life insurance well. They take it as a cash cow and blow it.
My in laws received 250K and property that was paid for. They blew through the cash in 5 years and mortgage 175K on the property.
They went on trips, bought outlandish things, now are in their late 70's in heavy debt, a mortgage and ss as their income.
So I am wondering are we scripting now, only to see it not stabilize anything?
Thank you brother Dave.I noticed that you did not mention funeral expenses for you and your wife. My Dad and Mom had theirs all set up and paid for so that we wouldn't have to worry about that expense. I think you have a good financial set up for your retirement, I just know that funerals can be expensive. Just a thought, brother. May God bless and keep you and your family.
I noticed that you did not mention funeral expenses for you and your wife. My Dad and Mom had theirs all set up and paid for so that we wouldn't have to worry about that expense. I think you have a good financial set up for your retirement, I just know that funerals can be expensive. Just a thought, brother. May God bless and keep you and your family.
Thank you brother Dave.We live pretty modest. And put away funds for such and event. But you are correct. My mom is on Hospice and has no money, or assets. It will cost around 3500-4000 is what I am told when the time comes. I love this group, everyone looking out for each other. Thank You Dave, Paul
Ok, Paul
Where did you hide the bodies? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!![]()
OK, whew, managed to accomplish allot this last week.
Was surreal calling the Mortuary people on how to handle Moms remains, pick her up at the facility and so on.
Why she is still very much alive. When my Father died, I had not seen him in like 13 years or so, and he was in a comma.
He was a Veteran, so I really didn't do much. He died on Halloween, in 1992 never having met my son who was almost two then.
I really do not care much for holloween. Why I did enjoy as a kid, as s distraction from home life. Holloween has on that date many awful thing
happen on that day in my past. So I see many people get excited about it and dress up. I don't ignore it, because of Pagan or other religious reason. I do because the day, pretty much suck when I think about it. I dread the day and wait for it to pass. Its the only holiday that has this stigma about it with me. I never went to office parties, or family parties. I think I did once as and adult, but didn't care for it just to many other things about it.
Digress, Mom is stable somewhat. At 85 smoked all her life, and drank until she was in her late 60's.
And no health issues as all. Other then dementia and Alzheimer's.
Today we went to the social security office again. Like 7 times the last six months. But they tell me everything is going well and I need not worry.
There exist a family plan for retired folks like me with a disabled child. I never heard of it, actually no one I have talked with knows its exists.
But there is a un advertised program, that would help my son be stable after I am gone. And seems like its going through.
We stopped at Dutch Brothers. Its like Starbucks with out all the political agenda and is founded right where I live and is now a stock company.
Nice day today, they say 99% chance of rain Halloween. And I am happy it will rain, means I do not have to go do stuff that I wont enjoy.
I am happy just few more irons in the fire. Last week fridge failed had to buy a new one. Uggg. The delivered it Monday.
Its black and matches all our appliances. This house, I love the Kitchen here. Its has so many cabinets and a huge massive counter area.
The house is a 1957 home, built like a tank. The house had three beds rooms one bath. A carport and a Garage.
The previous owner back in the 1980's Closed in the Carport into a Garage. Took the Garage and made a huge master bedroom,
and the back of the existing Garage into a Dinning room. They took the existing dinning room and added it to the kitchen.
That made four bedrooms, so they took one of the bedrooms and made a bathroom/ Laundry room, as the laundry was in the Garage before.
The house has solid oak cabinets as well. I think the previous owner was a carpenter as the work he did was pretty extensive.
But the kitchen is like my favorite room, you seldom ever run out of counter space.
I officially got hire yesterday. It was funny the Admin since she knows me, approved me on all the classes I was supposed to have to take.
The hire forms. Were already filled for me just has to sign and fill out a W4. We all were finding it pretty funny.
HAHAHAHAHAHA..... I usually say.... OH JOY... OH BLISS!!! or OH YARG!!!!Halloween is here. Oh Joy LOL.