HAHAHAHAHAHA.... It's MR. MOOSE... He deserves the GIGANTIC peanut butter cups. HAHAHAHAHA.wow.
Someone PLEASE don't let the snail family read this......As kids, we would cook snails and small clams on the beach. In a rusty tin can we found on the beach. We ate the snails with a hook we made out of wire from burn-out tiers.
I am surprised we didn't get poisoned or tetanus.
The bottom one yaaaaay!!!
hello, cranberry, Are you French by any chance?As kids, we would cook snails and small clams on the beach. In a rusty tin can we found on the beach. We ate the snails with a hook we made out of wire from burn-out tiers.
I am surprised we didn't get poisoned or tetanus.
My last name is Burgoyne. my ancestors are from Normandy (maybe kicked out?), but my family considers itself English. We have a lot of red hair in my family.hello, cranberry, Are you French by any chance?
When we were growing up, (in the UK, we heard French people ate snails. I have no idea how they did this, we just assumed they cooked them and the shells came off.
Do we need to start a list of these things?????As kids, we did not have the internet. we did weird stuff.
My last name is Burgoyne. my ancestors are from Normandy (maybe kicked out?), but my family considers itself English. We have a lot of red hair in my family.
As kids, we did not have the internet. we did weird stuff.
there is also a family rumour that my grand father was found in a coal dump and the Burgoyne family took him in. but we do not know. I have a DNA kit to do from a cousin. I will find out.
Is that the name for a Norwegian ??? Like seriously??? I am NORMAN.... no ... I am NORMAN.... I am NORMAN too. HAHAHAHAWelcome fellow Norman
LOL You remind me of a female version of one of our UK celebs. Joey essexIs that the name for a Norwegian ??? Like seriously??? I am NORMAN.... no ... I am NORMAN.... I am NORMAN too. HAHAHAHA
I guess that is better than a Norwedgie.Is that the name for a Norwegian ??? Like seriously??? I am NORMAN.... no ... I am NORMAN.... I am NORMAN too. HAHAHAHA
Well... BOB... BOB.... I started my puzzle.... I have the border pieces separated from the rest and tomorrow I will sort the other pieces according to colour. I'm sorry I did not wait until you got back because I KNOW that you are so EXCITED to start your Mon Balcon puzzle. You will have lots of catching up to do when you return home... and in the meantime .... I should be a good 3-4 puzzles ahead of you. HAHAHAHAHA.
SURPRISE! My Mon Balcon puzzle is equivalent to 4-5 puzzles. lol! It's not the quantity but the quality - Mon Balcon est de qualité supérieure pour bobinfaith lololololol! orrire rire rire rire!
I have been trying Turmeric and Ginseng Tea lately. I have always used Tumeric but not in Tea.Good morning my beautiful forum family.
I am feeling so very BLESSED this morning. Going to be a quiet week-end.... I need to start prepping my meal for the Fire Department on Monday.... I like being organized so that the "day of"... I have minimal stress. Since I am making stew... it's basically a mostly hands off meal. The oven does all the work. The biggest thing is simply cutting up a lot of vegetables. EASY PEASY. I still have not decided what I am making for dessert. That will be my homework for today.
My puzzle is getting sorted. I have the sky pieces done and that is about 1/3 of the puzzle. I forgot that this brand of puzzle ( Eurographics ) has all the same shaped pieces. However it will be relatively easy to put together because the picture is well separated in colour.
So... a nice sweater weather/ fireplace/ keep warm type of week-end... with some nice peppermint tea.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week-end.