And only the Holy Spirit can give the understanding to a truly willing heart. The conversation must be between God and man, not man and man. Our job is to reconcile people to God and let them sort it out. To judge anyone is to just yourself, something even Paul didn't do.
"But he that is spiritual judgeth all things ,yet he himself is judged of no man " I Cor 2:15
"It is not good to accept the person of the wicked,to overthrow the righteous in judgment" Proverbs 18:5
"Judge not according to appearance ,but judge righteous judgement" John 7;24
and there are many others .
We are not to judge "who will go up for that is to bring Christ down ,who will go down for that is to bring Christ up ,but what sayeth the scriptures..................................?"
But the Word of God" is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart "
When the Word of God is preached, taught then it always manifests the thoughts and intents of the heart. In one way or the other .
Paul said to some Christians in Corinth "Ye are yet carnal"! and to others "who has bewitched you"?
he knew full well where they were . and sought to correct what he clearly saw was wrong.
To the Ephesians he prayed that "the eyes of their understanding be opened " which clearly means that in this matter they were blind to "the exceding greatness of his power that was towards them......."
"The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet " it tells us or shows us where we are .
If we are wrong it "corrects or reproves" us and shows us where we should be .
It is the job of a pastor to examine the sheep given to him that he might present them as chaste virgins a Bride unto the n Lord and he will preach accordingly .
I am not presuming to pastor anybody here .I am simply showing the principles and here how Paul used a biblical argument using scripture relevant to the subject to uphold his argument .
Was he not led by the Holy Spirit to lead us ? So that we might come to the same conclusions as he has ? For in that eh was taught so he taught and even as he was so led ,so then he sought to lead the sheep in the same way .
How else could he say "be ye followers of me as I am also of Christ "?
Did not the Lord Himself say "that the words that i speak are not my own words but as the Father taught em so do I teach"?
If then what I speak is the truth as it is in Christ I also seek to lay down before all men what I have also been taught.
But I do not just quote scripture . But seek also to use the same method as Paul of a biblical argument so that we might all reach or arrive at the same conclusion or come to a knowledge of the truth .
All the above is an 'argument ' in the truest sense .
How else can we all arrive at "the unity of the faith" if we do not also arrive at or come to the same conclusions .?
For if faith comes not only by hearing but by understanding the Word of God then to have a unity of THE faith we needs must then all come to the same understanding of scripture.
I claim no infallibility though some foolishly do so .
What i do is lay out an argument as to what I believe what I believe and why it is true.
If my argument is faulty somewhere .Then another can show my fault and object . if eh proves it I will or can correct my thinking or conclusion . But let him show or prove it not by simply quoting a scripture but by showing his understanding is right and I am wrong .
You say then that only the Holy ghost gives the understanding .
You are right .
But what then do we have Apostles ,Prophets , Teachers ,Pastors and Evenagelists ? if not to lead the church in the manner of their ministry to that end that the scriptures speak of?
In truth we are not to blindly follow any man but if we are His then the Spirit of truth abides in us and we are led along the way as they were led along the way and the Spirit of God barreth witness with our spirit the truth of it .
But the proof of it is to go to the letters of Paul and see if these things be true as to a biblical argument .
I have no fear at all of contradiction in that matter.
The letters then of Paul are as a conversation .For he asks questions in his letters which the listeners were expected to answer in their own hearts .
But you yourself say that its between God and man and then say we are to reconcile man to God !?
No man can reconcile another man to God.
We may sow and another reap but it is God who gives the increase.
When the Lord said to those ordinary servants to go and fill the water pots with water .They were ordinary pots and it was ordinary water .
It was the Lord who changed the ordinary to the extraordinary.
Yet what said the Lord?
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel and make disciples of all men "
Then clearly there are servants of God who do so!
men to men.
But not in their own strength but in the power of God that he ahs imbued them with to do His will.
in Christ