I once had a number of conversations with a moslem and after one of these he out of the blue said "only the Koran in arabic is the word of god"
Surprised I replied "does that mean you have been lying to me then?" For he had been speakign to me in English what the Koran says . Shocked he said "no"!
Then pointing to the book in his hand on which on one side of the open book was the Koran in arabic and on the other its translation of the page in English.
I then said" is that book lying then?" He said" no!" But I said "we have been speaking in English and that book has the arabic translated into english Yet on the one hand you say you have not been lying ,yet with the other you say only the Koran in Arabic is the true word of god"
Is God then an arab? NO !he replied. Is he then English? He replied no also . Then I mentioned was he chinese french german etc etc He could say nothing else but no God is none of them.
Then I pointed out that all the languages including arabic are but the language of MEN .
God not being a man must have then as it were His own language .
Is it not written that God humbles himself to speak to men? For it must be so.
What language did God speak when he said "let there be light"?
It is written down in Hebrew .
But God is not a jew either .
"Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth from the mouth of God "
What was the language of Adam? and indeed Noah and up to the time of the tower of Babel was not there but one language ?
But after many?
What are words?
If not expressions of thought .
So that each language expresses the same thought but in a different way .
Some better than others perhaps . some have 17(?) names for snow .Because they live among the snow and have much more experience of snow . I wonder how many words for snow an Arab has who lives in the desert?
be that as it may . God says "my ways are not your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts"
His Word then must be of a different order and logic and reason above ours.
For Words are expressions of thought .
Now if a mans words cannot be heard or understood unless he gives his breath or life to his words. How much the less is God heard or understood unless His Spirit brings alive His Word?
What is in Gods mind and heart remains the same it does not change nor has .The message even from the beginning then has not changed either . Though it has beyond all reasonable doubt unfolded line upon line precept upon precept .
"What knoweth the things of man save the spirit that is in man ? Likewise then what knoweth the things of God save the Spirit of God ?"
It matters not what the Word of God is translated into;what matters is that it is translated accurately so that the message is conveyed as it was first received.
I can think of at least 5 reasons why we can have as many false versions of the Bible.
1) The men translating it hate God .
2) The men translating it hate man.
3) Pride .
4) While men THINK they have understood it they do not and will not seek God about the matter .
5) There is money to be had if people will believe of some better understanding to entice them.
6) Religion is the most powerful thing in the world .For men will die for their religion. Control the source and you can control men . Change the message so that men are not made free and reconciled to God , but are bound to the Nicolaitens .
7) Men are as much deceived as they are deceiving.
8) Men subject the scriptures to their own reasoning and empty and vain philosophy and 'wisdom' of the world and translate accordingly .
But God has not changed and in the last days things will be of such a deceitful nature that "if it was possible even the very elect would be deceived" THAT sort and nature of deception is beyond the wit and mind of men to discern . But men will need the Holy Spirit not only abiding in them but in the manner of the first and Apostolic church age at the very least .
and be leading every child of God so willing to be led and in such a manner .
Where like the Lord they are "led" and "driven" all at the same time and "needs must go " where ever he so leads them.
and y HIM alone we will know "the spirit of error"
Many boast today in their" better understanding " Yet faith comes by understanding the Word of God . We have versions of the Bible that also "boast of their better understanding" in the preface. But all but two go wrong in translation from the very first verse. Nor is there any great faith among those who claim to understand these versions . Nor is the church more Holy despite so many versions and helps and concordants and books and commentaries and greater ability to learn Greek and Hebrew ,more seminars and theological colleges and all the rest which makes a great mountain of such things .
Yet there is no revival nor is there any Holiness nor any great move of God and we are in the UK as if in Gidions time with almost the same circumstances .
We have the Assyrians who in times past were the scourge of Israel for their hypocracy and worship ofr idols who have now become also as it is written the scourge of the gentiles and more.
and we sow and another reaps we labour for nought and our sons are slaughtered in the streets and our daughters prostitute themselves . Corruption in government of the most dispicable kind and a parliament that has made equal in law what is not equal in fact and therefore to all intents and purposes made a lie equal to the truth in law .
Yet the church boasts in a better understanding .............................................
and celebrates its good fortune and 'prosperity'(?) and we thank God that we are not like them (?)
Something is wrong ;very wrong.
There is a great famine in the land for the living Word of God .
The truth is trampled under foot on the one hand and on the other "is out of joint"
The whole body is sick .
Yet the church has better understanding .(?)
Understanding of what? May I ask?
We are sifting gnats and letting the devil roam free as he wills .
Dragging millions changed to his chariots to hell. Oh by our better understanding that no longer exists .(?)
I would put it my brethren we understand very little .
and it is no use saying well God does and we can all go back to sleep.
In Christ
Surprised I replied "does that mean you have been lying to me then?" For he had been speakign to me in English what the Koran says . Shocked he said "no"!
Then pointing to the book in his hand on which on one side of the open book was the Koran in arabic and on the other its translation of the page in English.
I then said" is that book lying then?" He said" no!" But I said "we have been speaking in English and that book has the arabic translated into english Yet on the one hand you say you have not been lying ,yet with the other you say only the Koran in Arabic is the true word of god"
Is God then an arab? NO !he replied. Is he then English? He replied no also . Then I mentioned was he chinese french german etc etc He could say nothing else but no God is none of them.
Then I pointed out that all the languages including arabic are but the language of MEN .
God not being a man must have then as it were His own language .
Is it not written that God humbles himself to speak to men? For it must be so.
What language did God speak when he said "let there be light"?
It is written down in Hebrew .
But God is not a jew either .
"Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth from the mouth of God "
What was the language of Adam? and indeed Noah and up to the time of the tower of Babel was not there but one language ?
But after many?
What are words?
If not expressions of thought .
So that each language expresses the same thought but in a different way .
Some better than others perhaps . some have 17(?) names for snow .Because they live among the snow and have much more experience of snow . I wonder how many words for snow an Arab has who lives in the desert?
be that as it may . God says "my ways are not your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts"
His Word then must be of a different order and logic and reason above ours.
For Words are expressions of thought .
Now if a mans words cannot be heard or understood unless he gives his breath or life to his words. How much the less is God heard or understood unless His Spirit brings alive His Word?
What is in Gods mind and heart remains the same it does not change nor has .The message even from the beginning then has not changed either . Though it has beyond all reasonable doubt unfolded line upon line precept upon precept .
"What knoweth the things of man save the spirit that is in man ? Likewise then what knoweth the things of God save the Spirit of God ?"
It matters not what the Word of God is translated into;what matters is that it is translated accurately so that the message is conveyed as it was first received.
I can think of at least 5 reasons why we can have as many false versions of the Bible.
1) The men translating it hate God .
2) The men translating it hate man.
3) Pride .
4) While men THINK they have understood it they do not and will not seek God about the matter .
5) There is money to be had if people will believe of some better understanding to entice them.
6) Religion is the most powerful thing in the world .For men will die for their religion. Control the source and you can control men . Change the message so that men are not made free and reconciled to God , but are bound to the Nicolaitens .
7) Men are as much deceived as they are deceiving.
8) Men subject the scriptures to their own reasoning and empty and vain philosophy and 'wisdom' of the world and translate accordingly .
But God has not changed and in the last days things will be of such a deceitful nature that "if it was possible even the very elect would be deceived" THAT sort and nature of deception is beyond the wit and mind of men to discern . But men will need the Holy Spirit not only abiding in them but in the manner of the first and Apostolic church age at the very least .
and be leading every child of God so willing to be led and in such a manner .
Where like the Lord they are "led" and "driven" all at the same time and "needs must go " where ever he so leads them.
and y HIM alone we will know "the spirit of error"
Many boast today in their" better understanding " Yet faith comes by understanding the Word of God . We have versions of the Bible that also "boast of their better understanding" in the preface. But all but two go wrong in translation from the very first verse. Nor is there any great faith among those who claim to understand these versions . Nor is the church more Holy despite so many versions and helps and concordants and books and commentaries and greater ability to learn Greek and Hebrew ,more seminars and theological colleges and all the rest which makes a great mountain of such things .
Yet there is no revival nor is there any Holiness nor any great move of God and we are in the UK as if in Gidions time with almost the same circumstances .
We have the Assyrians who in times past were the scourge of Israel for their hypocracy and worship ofr idols who have now become also as it is written the scourge of the gentiles and more.
and we sow and another reaps we labour for nought and our sons are slaughtered in the streets and our daughters prostitute themselves . Corruption in government of the most dispicable kind and a parliament that has made equal in law what is not equal in fact and therefore to all intents and purposes made a lie equal to the truth in law .
Yet the church boasts in a better understanding .............................................
and celebrates its good fortune and 'prosperity'(?) and we thank God that we are not like them (?)
Something is wrong ;very wrong.
There is a great famine in the land for the living Word of God .
The truth is trampled under foot on the one hand and on the other "is out of joint"
The whole body is sick .
Yet the church has better understanding .(?)
Understanding of what? May I ask?
We are sifting gnats and letting the devil roam free as he wills .
Dragging millions changed to his chariots to hell. Oh by our better understanding that no longer exists .(?)
I would put it my brethren we understand very little .
and it is no use saying well God does and we can all go back to sleep.
In Christ
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