Tired of boomers

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First year of college/uni is... $10,000 at least.
If you can get a scholarship thats great but a bursary will only give you $200. That enough for maybe 3 text books.
NZ govt introduced first year free tertiary education with a cap of $12,000 in the past years.
They also reintroduced apprenticeships.

I had half under-gone an apprenticeship but in reality I found that the trainers did not have time to teach the modules. They also paid apprenticeship wages which were a lot less than proper wages. In effect they got cheap labour, and a lot of the time they were not interested in advancing you.

When you study, most of the time you have to work as well. You can find a student job in the summer break, and save like mad, but a lot of jobs won't give you $10,000 in 3 months to pay for it all.

Therefore, student loans.

Some may give you an allowance but only if you leave home. Though many students stay living at home to save rather than flat. Student accomodation might be cheap, but it can also be nasty in some places (no heating, damp etc).Sometimes balconys collapse and its overcrowded. But you expect to starve when you are a student and live off instant noodles. It's not like you can really afford proper meals or appliances...like your own fridge lol
I was very lucky in that my mum worked so hard to pay for our higher education. Four of us. She worked as a cleaner at the hospital. I cleaned houses.
I know many children are not so blessed. Their parents won't or cant pay for their education. But even college graduates won't get jobs in their profession for many years because they do not have experience.

In the long run higher education is worth it, but for many it is not financially viable to embark on it, not when they are starving and have no roof over their head or have dependents. Also many parents split up, adding to their children's stress. They then feel they need to be the breadwinner to support their parents.

Hustling for money is not fun..but its now what the younger generation have to do. If they do not have an education, that's what you do. If the parents don't have a business or trade to teach and you don't want to clean houses for a living, thats what you do.
When people say nothing is free- maybe they already have money and are used to buying their education.
I think what they mean is in the end it's going to cost you or someone else.
I think it's a take-off on the 1st law of thermodynamics.... energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to another.
I went back to college @ 36 and became a nurse. Geriatrics was my speciality.
I also taught children from 3-17. I have a wide range of love to share. We pass on our hunger for betterment of all, it's SIMPLE to encourage.
What's disappointing is NEGATIVITY, IT ROTS THE SOUL.

I have a sister whom I call negative Nellie for she never lifts nor sees good in much of anything.
yes I feel that baby boomers should not be so negative towards the young.
They should be encouraging towards them, lifting them up, not putting them down.

I see some attitudes on here are so dismissive! like boomers keep saying - we don't OWE you anything!

Nobody has actually said the baby boomers OWE them. All the millenials are asking for is kindness and understanding, and definitely, encouragement. Not - GET A JOB when jobs are very hard to just 'get'. It is not easy to just get a job.

That's my takeaway!
I think what they mean is in the end it's going to cost you or someone else.
I think it's a take-off on the 1st law of thermodynamics.... energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to another.
they shouldn't mix metaphors
Because I know the difference between something that costs $10,000 that you don't have
And something that's free.
It costs you nothing to encourage a young person.

I also believe that adults can learn later in life, you never stop learning, but a lot of people think they are too old to learn anything new.
Or, I have seen teachers, teaching year 6 and despairing that the year 6s are immature and haven't learned everything there is to know yet.

I would guard against that expecting a young person to know everything by age 11.
Telling a young person to 'get a job' is like telling a starving person who is very skinny to 'eat more'. It is cruel and assumes that that person can just go get a job, just like a starving person can just go get food.
I too have RH neg blood but birthed two healthy beautiful babies,1 boy,1 girl. I took Rogam shots after the first birth.
You most definitely have been thru the rough waters. Those things give us strength and resilience and an independent spirit that refuses to give up.

I'm proud to have you as a sister of faith. You are right our attitude and faith in God keeps us pushing against that stone wall,come what may. He said the waters would not overflow us bc he is our champion we cling to.

Keep pressing foward,our peace is just thru one more valley and over the next hill.

Abundant spiritual blessing in his word and Spirit to you ,sister!
I am going to try and speak peaceably to you.

You posted this same rhetoric on the other site where I know you from. I am an American and I'd really appreciate if you would stop being negative about my country.

I know nothing of your ppl or country and you know nothing of mine,are you American,do you live in the states? No,I don't think so.

You are negative in some areas of your perspective and know little world wide of what you speak.

I don't think YOU know anything about what ppl of my generation have done nor been through. WW1,GREAT DEPRESSION,WW2, prior to 1945 and up KOREA,VIETNAM,DESERT STORM ,these are wars my country engaged in to keep ppl with the option of freedom!

You bad mouth boomers,the USA and the ppl that have more money than you think they should. I take exception to your thoughts and attitude. I have never been on a cruise,how many have you taken?

If post 151/152 are addressed to me since you've stated you. I have taught young ppl of all ages up to college. I appreciate those who are themselves and do not diss other ppl.I want all to succeed and none to fail.

I don't know if there is an ignore option here yet but since you start so many threads,I don't want to miss comments of those I find positive and encouraging by ignoring you.

May God teach us both in what we lack and keep us in the word! I am through!
Baby Boomers are post 1945.
Get your facts right.

Also, if you don't know anything of my country why not be open to learning?

What has a cruise got to do with anything? I have never said you have been on a cruise. I live in NZ, in a city of SAILS right on the harbour. Of course I have been on a ferry to get to the other side. If you live in a landlocked area, of course you would never go on a cruise! What has that got to do with anything.

Don't assume that people know what YOU are talking about when you fail to listen to what youngsters from all over the world are saying. I would appreciate it if you get your head out of the sand. Thank you.
Weird, so some people are strange about a person going on a cruise? I've only been on ONE cruise ship ever but so many would come into the harbour every couple of weeks. My brother works on superyachts because thats his job but its not like he owns one lol.

Most of the time we visited ones in construction so if I have ever been on one its actually only been lying in the harbour with plastic wrapping all over it lol. Cos he was working on it. The paint fumes aren't great!

I have been on an aeroplane a few times too. Does that make me somehow... not aware of anything? Ignorant? Oh also, I have been on a train and a bus. And a tram. Ask Bob about the trams!
BTW I wouldn't recommend going on a cruise if you don't like being sea sick. It's a bit brutal for the first couple of days. But like going on an aeroplane with the air pressure popping your ears. That hurts.

I remember the very first flight being super exciting. But flying is also not that comfortable. However, when you live in a country on the other side of the world, sometimes you have to take an aeroplane to visit other countries. You cannot take a ship as it would take forever. You can't take a train or just drive somewhere else either. You have an ocean to cross.

I guess people don't understand logistics. That is why Auckland transport is a bit of a nightmare. Why people take issue with where I live is beyond me. I live on planet earth just like everyone else.
BTW I wouldn't recommend going on a cruise if you don't like being sea sick. It's a bit brutal for the first couple of days. But like going on an aeroplane with the air pressure popping your ears. That hurts.

I remember the very first flight being super exciting. But flying is also not that comfortable. However, when you live in a country on the other side of the world, sometimes you have to take an aeroplane to visit other countries. You cannot take a ship as it would take forever. You can't take a train or just drive somewhere else either. You have an ocean to cross.

I guess people don't understand logistics. That is why Auckland transport is a bit of a nightmare. Why people take issue with where I live is beyond me. I live on planet earth just like everyone else.
I really love ships. my family are wusses. except my dad....
he was a navy man, he made it from shore to shore.
I have his genes. I can eat piccalilli sandwiches and dance a jig on a storm on a ship, which is one of my claim to fames lol.

feel sorry for all the ship wreckers, who, can't stomach a few big waves though...
Bob, what are the trams like?
hey hey... love peace and, well............... New Zealand ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hello via;

are short for public train transportation, subway, BART Bay Area Rapid Transit, British Rail, etc...

I am going to try and speak peaceably to you.

You posted this same rhetoric on the other site where I know you from. I am an American and I'd really appreciate if you would stop being negative about my country.

I know nothing of your ppl or country and you know nothing of mine,are you American,do you live in the states? No,I don't think so.

You are negative in some areas of your perspective and know little world wide of what you speak.

I don't think YOU know anything about what ppl of my generation have done nor been through. WW1,GREAT DEPRESSION,WW2, prior to 1945 and up KOREA,VIETNAM,DESERT STORM ,these are wars my country engaged in to keep ppl with the option of freedom!

You bad mouth boomers,the USA and the ppl that have more money than you think they should. I take exception to your thoughts and attitude. I have never been on a cruise,how many have you taken?

If post 151/152 are addressed to me since you've stated you. I have taught young ppl of all ages up to college. I appreciate those who are themselves and do not diss other ppl.I want all to succeed and none to fail.

I don't know if there is an ignore option here yet but since you start so many threads,I don't want to miss comments of those I find positive and encouraging by ignoring you.

May God teach us both in what we lack and keep us in the word! I am through!
Baby Boomers are post 1945.
Get your facts right.

Also, if you don't know anything of my country why not be open to learning?

What has a cruise got to do with anything? I have never said you have been on a cruise. I live in NZ, in a city of SAILS right on the harbour. Of course I have been on a ferry to get to the other side. If you live in a landlocked area, of course you would never go on a cruise! What has that got to do with anything.

Don't assume that people know what YOU are talking about when you fail to listen to what youngsters from all over the world are saying. I would appreciate it if you get your head out of the sand. Thank you.

This thread, Tired of boomers has been overall a good discussion. I feel the areas of boomers and generations after have been difficult for both.
I'm a boomer born in 1957 and have seen the tough times in these United States and while living in the UK as a boy. In the late 90s I was challenged by the Busters born between 1965-1983, and the Bridgers (GenerationY and Millennials) born 1984-2002.

I wasn't a good example of respect for my elders while in my teens and early 20s. In my 40s in the church and work, I also pushed back on the younger generations because I wouldn't tolerate the manner spoken to me by a young person.

God has already been aware of history in our times but He was also aware of me letting down the guard of my heart and tongue. Regardless of my seniors or youngins, I had to pay heed to the Scriptures.

1 Timothy 4:12 and 1 Timothy 5:1-2 were good starts for me. As God helped me process this discipline, it opened up understanding between both sides of the generations that I dialogue with.

I'm still working on it and have to catch myself. But I'm getting there.
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