see...your curse has ended, I won't do it.

see...your curse has ended, I won't do it.
Kids who are not disciplined will behave that way. Kids definitely need discipline. not spanking does not mean not disciplining. I think that's where people get confused. They think not spanking means no discipline. Spanking is just one way of disciplining but not the only way. I was never spanked as a kid but I was disciplined and I never talked back or behaved like a spoiled each there own but i have been around kids not disciplined. they back talked mom disrespected dad and other adults .you can spank a child and warm his/her backside . it can be effective its not abuse
Also too, spanked kids will misbehave more in school because they know they can't be hit there. So they get a thrill out of misbehaving and not getting hit because of it. It's a novelty to them so they want to push it as much as they can. They feel a little bit of power over the adult. Once kids are spanked as a form of discipline, they become conditioned to only respond to that. It's harder to get a mostly spanked child to respond to other forms of discipline. Especially kids from troubled homes who's parents have a heavy/frequent spanking hand. Not impossible, just takes more work. It doesn't feel serious/real to the kid until they get hit. So they don't listen. That's why some people who spank, if they try not spanking, they will say it didn't work. It will work, the kid just has to be conditioned to respond to non physical discipline that's all. It takes time and consistency. Starting the kid out from the beginning without spanking and using other forms of discipline is easier.There are some naughty children in my school, we have a procedure where we give them a red card.
That means we have to isolate them for a while. This is to stop them from hurting others. Then we have a chat with them and ask whats going on. Then steps are taken to remedy things. It might involve removing priveliges or banning that person from activities.
What tends to happen is because one child is naughty, all the other children lose out on all the good stuff because some head teachers think just cos one can't behave, they have to dumb everything down so they can stay in class.
I read that they are going to run out of social security when the next generation is ready to retire. That is very scary! I guess I better be ready to work till I'm 90. LOLI understand. It is stressful to watch the bounces.
I have another friend who has a military retirement, a city pension, social security and a small annuity his deceased wife left him.
He lives modestly in a mobile home he owns on a rented lot. He still must clerk 3 days a week at a market to make ends meet.
Of course this is a very expensive area to live in and he could move to North Dakota, but he doesn’t want to move because this is where his friends and family are.
Edit: I should add, he’s not complaining, he is happy in Christ, I am complaining for him and the injustice of it all.
Don't come to California whatever you do! Rent is $3,000 a month for 1 bedroom. That's why there's so many homeless.I guess all you can do is wait and see. The wife is seven years younger, so she will continue working. We also plan on relocating to Memphis, TN, which has a cost of living of around 33% less than Miami, FL.
Wow that's horrible! Sorry that happened to you! I think the curse has been broken whether you have kids or not. ou are determined to not spank because of what happened to you.My experience is different: The spanking turned into physical abuse. One day, my Dad was spanking me and then the next, he was punching me in the face and leaving a bloody mess because I wouldn't eat a salad.
So, in my own experience, I won't do it. I also have prayed hard that the generational curse of abuse ends with me. I think there's a reason I don't have children and I'm 33.
yep.Also too, spanked kids will misbehave more in school because they know they can't be hit there. So they get a thrill out of misbehaving and not getting hit because of it. It's a novelty to them so they want to push it as much as they can. They feel a little bit of power over the adult. Once kids are spanked as a form of discipline, they become conditioned to only respond to that. It's harder to get a mostly spanked child to respond to other forms of discipline. Especially kids from troubled homes who's parents have a heavy/frequent spanking hand. Not impossible, just takes more work. It doesn't feel serious/real to the kid until they get hit. So they don't listen. That's why some people who spank, if they try not spanking, they will say it didn't work. It will work, the kid just has to be conditioned to respond to non physical discipline that's all. It takes time and consistency. Starting the kid out from the beginning without spanking and using other forms of discipline is easier.
I read that they are going to run out of social security when the next generation is ready to retire. That is very scary! I guess I better be ready to work till I'm 90. LOL
I found that applying the Golden Rule, a lot of kindly patience, giving your child genuine respect, and modeling godliness will go a long way in bringing up a good person. Never discipline a child in anger; calm down and lovingly explain the situation before administering discipline. Never shout or raise your voice except in an emergency where the child is in danger. Speak always in an even tone. Finally let your child know that your job is to explain things to them, but you only have to tell them something once. After that, you are free to apply discipline for failures to perform or violations of rules or trust.hello, i try my best to raise my kids biblically, anyone else in the same boat?
I was a child in which it was excessively used and abused. If parents have a problem with rage, angry, impulsiveness etc. It definitely needs to be taken up with a Professional, Pastor and family therapist. I see no reason why punishment [correction] would or should be withheld. Our young generation gets away with murder - literally nowadays. Calling CPS on their parents, teachers getting involved and meddling in family business [pertaining to lifestyles kids "think" they want] on and on. I believe in tough love with compassion and sound doctrinal truth of God's Word. You don't want to break a child's spirit and exasperate them but you also don't want them to have free rein and never wake up to the reality that natural consequences can harm, hurt and even kill you.
Warmly in Christ![]()
I found that applying the Golden Rule, a lot of kindly patience, giving your child genuine respect, and modeling godliness will go a long way in bringing up a good person. Never discipline a child in anger; calm down and lovingly explain the situation before administering discipline. Never shout or raise your voice except in an emergency where the child is in danger. Speak always in an even tone. Finally let your child know that your job is to explain things to them, but you only have to tell them something once. After that, you are free to apply discipline for failures to perform or violations of rules or trust. These are principles I learned as a leader in the military. I applied them to my parenting, and my 28 year old son is an outstanding man.
I can definitely understand your confusion. I remember one time I was with my cousin and they had friends over that day. They were taunting the neighbor's dog. I however stayed out of it.Hello TransformedinChrist and BibleLover;
This is not easy to articulate so please bear with me as I try. From reading both your applications of discipline in rearing your child or children, these would have to develop from lessons and hard knock experience learned from the parent.
I'm sorry TransformedinChrist went through a tough childhood and the hard knocks may have given you discernment and wisdom in raising your daughters.
On the other hand, BibleLover's son has grown to be a fine man. As he shared he learned the principles of rearing his son as a leader in the military. My Dad, an officer major in the Air Force had a harder time instilling the discipline with me.
Being an Air Force brat, my parents struggled raising me being their first born. I was the guinea pig when my parents tried to discipline me. I got spanked a lot on the bottom, Mom and Dad did get angry and impatient with me, raised their voices and scolded me, at times without thinking.
It was really confusing for me because on the flip side they were very loving, took great care of their children and no matter what, when it came to children's events like a birthday, school plays and Little League baseball games, my parents attended every event. That went a long way with us kids.
But the moment I got mischievous or misbehaved at school my parents went from guardian angels to being angry parents. Still, it confused me.
By the time I turned 10 years old, my Dad never spanked me on the bottom again. My Mom, however, was still quick to scold me. My parents read the old Dr. Spock books on parenting but it didn't help or change much.
I confess (and I'm not humble bragging,) I was a mischievous boy in grade school and always got into foolish trouble. I was also very spoiled from being the first born so I tended to get my way. As I went into my teens (attended youth group) I got into more serious trouble.
Ironically, my siblings didn't get into as much trouble as me. I guess they were watching my example being the eldest.
I do believe God's hand was in this because my parents prayed and while at Church every week they were blessed by the witness of other parents with their children. I remember Dad and Mom would discuss it as we drove home from Church. Somehow God kept His hand on my parents and allowed them to view their mistakes in rearing me as an opportunity to be more developed in disciplining their other kids besides me.
In today's times I have sat with parents and especially single parents in the Church regarding their children. I noticed there is not so much physical abuse, but more verbal abuse to the children who seem numbed, as if they don't take the discipline serious and shrug it off.
God bless you all.