Views on discipline/spanking?

My dad did hit me once but that was to make me shut up as I wouldn't stop crying. Also he called me boy when he did it.

I thought he was confused and said 'I'm not a boy'.
Yes, the handouts part comes later when they go on SS. 😶
Not hardly. Although liberals try and equate it to welfare, SSI is taken from the worker every paycheck. Do some checking. A person works 40 years would have to live to be over 100 years old to recoup what he puts in. Problem is the government hands it out like its nothing and then cries thats its all gone. They have been taking it for years to fund their give away programs for those who wont work.
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what about the elderly retired and widows do they not get anything from the US govt. Or children who are too young to work. Or people who are sick or injured or disabled. Do they not get anything.

Maybe it's all going on weapons handouts? Everyone can have a free gun.
I'm asking if your daughters are christians...?

Not what job they do. What is the evidence of their faith? What do you mean half of them are? How can you be a half christian?
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Discipline is part of raising child properly.

Did you ever notice the parallels between the development of MAN by God and the development of an individual under his/her care-giver? His rules for our faith and practice included much physical inducements.

> Adam and Eve were given simple instructions (don't eat that fruit) with little explanation and was backed up by the threat of great physical consequences. This was for their benefit, so that they did not aquire knowledge before they aquired wisdom.

Many times a baby's first rules are for their safety (don't play with that electrical cord). The consequences of electrical shock can be great, but could not be understood by the infant. Some children will happily find other things to investigate, some will not because investigating the world is their job. Compliance must be complete and immediate, for their good. If cajoling by the parent does not produce changed behavior, a light swat can make the point.

> As man developed, God gave additional commands. They were often more complicated, but intended to guide man along the path. These were often given on a "because God told you" basis. Where reasons were given, they were simplifications and skeletal. Consequences for failure to follow increased in number and intrusiveness. Debating with God has not been shown to obtain pardon.

As a young person grows, they are given an increasing number of things that must be done and things to be avoided. Some children can be calmly, if repeatatively told what and why and they will eventually change to approach the desired behavior. Some will insist on debating the issue ("why can't I run naked in the street?"). The debaters must learn to recognise and acceed to the authority of the parents. If taking away of priviledges is used, debaters will fume and convince themselves that they are treated unfairly.

> Behind God's rules for our behavior has always been His love for us, and His desire to instill that love in our being so that we may show His Love.

Behind a parent's rules for their young is the desire to make our children happy members of mankind, showing love for our fellow man.

> When Christ came and personified Love in action, He was telling mankind that it was time for us to be guided by the underlying principles. All the rules for worship and practice are manifestations of the underlying love.

When a young person becomes an adult, the sum total of how he has learned fo contribute within the rules of society are expected to be exhibited in his behavior.


Physical punishments, including the striking of a child's backside with the open palm the the hand (spanking) can get the attention of a misbehaving child.

It is not every child that needs this.

It is not properly a way of dealing with rage in the parent. It must be done calmly, with the intent of returning the child to proper behavior.

It must be balanced with love and affection.

I do not speak for others, but in my opinion the use of straps, sticks, etc is problematical at best. They seem more like implements with which to express rage of the parent than to correct the young.
what about the elderly retired and widows do they not get anything from the US govt. Or children who are too young to work. Or people who are sick or injured or disabled. Do they not get anything.

Maybe it's all going on weapons handouts? Everyone can have a free gun.
You are allowed to start collecting social security at 62 years of age. If you do not need the money, you can hold off until 70. With every passing year. Depending on your disability, you can collect disability from social security as well. As for widows, I guess it would depend on their age, but they can collect social security at the rate of their deceased spouse. As for children, those that are too young to work and usually taken care of by adults.

Here' an example:

Lets say that someone who makes $90,00 a year, starts colleting at age 66. They would get around $1,986 a month. If they wait to full retirement age (66 years), they get $2,723. If they wait until 70 (which is the oldest you can wait), they get $3,476. Now, regardless of this person's age, if he/she becomes disabled, they get $2,648 a month. Family members can get what is called Survivors Benefits, which can be as much as $4,670 (depending on how many children under the age of 16 are involved.

All of this depends on how much money a person makes a year and their birthday. When they can retire and how much they get depends on these two factors.

As for the free gun thing, I'll pass because I suspect they will not be of good quality.

Hope that helps.
Haha. I suspect you are correct.
Back in the day, we use to carry a 2-inch S&W Model 10 Revolver. When we transitioned to a 9mm semi-auto, the government allowed us to buy the revolvers for $10.00. I did not guy it and a similar weapon now goes for over $600.00. When I retired, they did not allow us to purchase the semi-auto (sig sauer) 8 something; however, Sig did make a special order that you could get with your name, years or service, and badge engraving. It was around $1,200. Did not get that either. A while ago, they started to carry a Sig Sauer M17. I did go ahead and buy the civilian version of that, because it is a nice weapon.
Then there's also this verse. :)
Ephesians 6:4
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.




  1. Mild, kind, yet earnest reproof.
  2. Cautionary advice or warning.
  3. The act, or an act, of admonishing; counsel or advice; gentle reproof; instruction in duties; caution; direction.
to each there own but i have been around kids not disciplined. they back talked mom disrespected dad and other adults .you can spank a child and warm his/her backside . it can be effective its not abuse
Back in the day, we use to carry a 2-inch S&W Model 10 Revolver. When we transitioned to a 9mm semi-auto, the government allowed us to buy the revolvers for $10.00. I did not guy it and a similar weapon now goes for over $600.00. When I retired, they did not allow us to purchase the semi-auto (sig sauer) 8 something; however, Sig did make a special order that you could get with your name, years or service, and badge engraving. It was around $1,200. Did not get that either. A while ago, they started to carry a Sig Sauer M17. I did go ahead and buy the civilian version of that, because it is a nice weapon.
Im a Ruger guy. My 45 auto l gave to the younger boy. I have .357 and ACP .38 for carry. I prefer revolvers. Have a .22 Ruger revolver for plinking. My oldest just bought a .44 Henry rifle. He loves it.
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to each there own but i have been around kids not disciplined. they back talked mom disrespected dad and other adults .you can spank a child and warm his/her backside . it can be effective its not abuse
My sister told the wife once that our kids were well behaved. The wife told her that they didnt have a choice. A parent that spanks doesnt have to do it often at least in our case. Knowing that we would was a good deterrent to bad behavior.
You are allowed to start collecting social security at 62 years of age. If you do not need the money, you can hold off until 70. With every passing year. Depending on your disability, you can collect disability from social security as well.
Great explanation rtm3039 !

There are some other aspects of the US Social Security system not understood outside the US.

For instance, the system collects its money from both the employees and the employers so it is not primarily a government handout but intended to be a self funded plan.
For the average employee, they see a deduction in every pay stub and their employer make a matching payment every fiscal quarter by law.

The funds collected are put into trust and the only purposes for which these trust funds can be used are to pay benefits and program administrative costs.

As rtm3039 points out, how much you receive is based on your salary and employment history and is an average that summarizes up to 35 years of a worker's indexed earnings. There are numerous exceptions made for the disabled and other circumstances.

The Social Security trust funds hold money not needed in the current year to pay benefits and administrative costs and, by law, it is invested in special US Treasury bonds that are guaranteed by the U.S. Government.

This pool of money wasn’t lost on congress so the government began to borrow from the trust fund buy buying these bonds, however by law, they (we) have to pay it back. In effect, the funds are loaned to the Treasury, which borrows the money just as it borrows money when it sells Treasury securities to the public.

Still, the system as currently configured and funded, is under strain and there are projected shortfalls on the horizon if adjustments aren’t made. This is a third rail topic in politics so the outcome has some uncertainty.