You said..........
So what you are saying is that a Christian should only be poor for a few months until he musters up more faith then a ridiculously tiny mustard seed, then he will be rich? All Christians poor for longer then a few months are not real Christains? They are wavering / double minded and being tossed to and fro....albeit they love Jesus from the bottom of their heart...
That is a really funny theory you pushing there Jim.
I believe riches and ''signs'' have absolutely nothing to do with our Christian walk and faith.
Kj it is sad how you twist and make things up that others have said.
Brother you can believe Jesus ate piazza every night too but it still does not make you right.
All believer if they are walking in His word the way he has set forth for us to walk and live on this earth should have signs and wonders following them.
Riches are all through out both the new and old Testament and for us and riches is NOT only finances KJ. Brother here is the deal.........No one includingmy self said you have to be prosperous to be a real Christian. I did however say His desire is that we are. Look KJ if you want to be poor and except things as if it all is Gods will for you then go for it. I mean if that is how you want to live then so be it. However this does not make any one wrong who refuses to live like that.
Agaian KJ would you please pray and seek God to give you real understanding of the parable of the mustard seed !
You said..........
So what you are saying is that a Christian should only be poor for a few months until he musters up more faith then a ridiculously tiny mustard seed, then he will be rich? All Christians poor for longer then a few months are not real Christains? They are wavering / double minded and being tossed to and fro....albeit they love Jesus from the bottom of their heart...

I believe riches and ''signs'' have absolutely nothing to do with our Christian walk and faith.
Kj it is sad how you twist and make things up that others have said.
Brother you can believe Jesus ate piazza every night too but it still does not make you right.
All believer if they are walking in His word the way he has set forth for us to walk and live on this earth should have signs and wonders following them.
Riches are all through out both the new and old Testament and for us and riches is NOT only finances KJ. Brother here is the deal.........No one includingmy self said you have to be prosperous to be a real Christian. I did however say His desire is that we are. Look KJ if you want to be poor and except things as if it all is Gods will for you then go for it. I mean if that is how you want to live then so be it. However this does not make any one wrong who refuses to live like that.
Agaian KJ would you please pray and seek God to give you real understanding of the parable of the mustard seed !