We are moved by the Spirit of God on a personal level and if it is not of God to YOU personally to do it then make sure that you don't.
I have witnessed on several occassions adults doing this and a 3 or 5 year old child does it also..........not because the Spirit moved them because they saw mom or dad do it. I am not saying that is bad or wrong, just that it maybe for the wrong reason.
That is how I understand it as well.
One of things that does always have me wondering is that I see all these Christians who say how in love with Jesus they are. It's hard to explain, but it's like they are teenagers in love. It sounds like lovey dovey stuff.
I don't feel that. Do I love my Lord, yes, yes I do, but I don't say things like I am so in love with Jesus.
At times it makes me feel like less of a Christian because I don't say those kinds of things.