Could you be a cult leader?

So he claimed as a 'good' politician would when there was a high pecentage of born agains after the 'Jesus People' movement.
I just have my doubts considering his stance on evolution and gay marriage, with statements like " “I think Jesus would encourage any love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else and I don’t see that gay marriage damages anyone else”.
He did have an interview published by him also in Playboy, and doubt that the Sbc approved of that!
Duh you're getting my last nerve,

We don't follow any man but appreciate the word preached in truth from Genesis to Revelations.

While we appreciate the carrier of the word it must be in His word or it's just an opinion.

We clan as blood family and each has their own understanding which we share and search out.

If it ain't there it ain't God's truth!

We ARE not Jesus only,nor KJ only, we are full bible believing ppl. If I had to pick a denom it would be "Church of God" out of Tennessee. Not Baptist not Methodist, although I have a friend there whom I attend with on occasions, not JW, not Church of Christ, not LDS, not Lutheran, not Catholic,not Anglican ECT. Just BELIEVERS that hold to his word as the only authority over his children.
I did not mean to touch any nerves. If you felt that then that is not on me. I was just courouse of your comment and wanted to understand what you were saying. I would only say to you that you might want to try and not be "challenged" when anyone speaks to you.

DV3.......As far as I know (speaking of me).....I believe exactly what you said------
"We don't follow any man but appreciate the word preached in truth from Genesis to Revelations."

As far as the "Church of God" out of Tenn. I am very familiar with their statement of faith and beliefs.
I even accept most of them such as abstaince from alcohol, and cursing, and moderation in dress.

I am not argueing in any way, but A questionable point of doctrine in Church of God doctrine is the Wesleyan teaching of total sanctification or, sinless perfection in this world, which, according to the Church of God and others in the Holiness Movement. I for one do not find that in the Bible.

Again, I hope that you understand that I am not arguing about their faith and beliefs or yours my dear.
They are yours and they are important to you and I respect that. I am just having a nice conversation with a nice Christian lady!
I did not mean to touch any nerves. If you felt that then that is not on me. I was just courouse of your comment and wanted to understand what you were saying. I would only say to you that you might want to try and not be "challenged" when anyone speaks to you.

DV3.......As far as I know (speaking of me).....I believe exactly what you said------
"We don't follow any man but appreciate the word preached in truth from Genesis to Revelations."

As far as the "Church of God" out of Tenn. I am very familiar with their statement of faith and beliefs.
I even accept most of them such as abstaince from alcohol, and cursing, and moderation in dress.

I am not argueing in any way, but A questionable point of doctrine in Church of God doctrine is the Wesleyan teaching of total sanctification or, sinless perfection in this world, which, according to the Church of God and others in the Holiness Movement. I for one do not find that in the Bible.

Again, I hope that you understand that I am not arguing about their faith and beliefs or yours my dear.
They are yours and they are important to you and I respect that. I am just having a nice conversation with a nice Christian lady!
The statement of beliefs do question is that so called second act of grace as evidence by tongues, that divine healing is in the Atonement, and that 'sanctified holy living", which seems to be a code for reaching a sinless perfection state!
like president Obama?
Biden with the most votes in history? Obama claimed to be christian but im one of those crazies that thinks he is moslem. I read somewhere that a catholic bishop i think it was wanted to refuse communion to Biden and Pelosi due to their stance on abortion.
Biden with the most votes in history? Obama claimed to be christian but im one of those crazies that thinks he is moslem. I read somewhere that a catholic bishop i think it was wanted to refuse communion to Biden and Pelosi due to their stance on abortion.

Correct. The Priest in South Carolina refused him communion.

The Catholic Church’s Code of Canon Law, which dates from 1983 stipulates that Holy Communion should not be given to those “who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin.”

The Priest said that Bidens stance and God's Word clashed and He went with the Word of God.
I do not agree with a lot of the Catholic positions, but I do that one.
Anyone else find it odd that these "christian" politicians are pro-abortion and gay marriage?

Ya know what it says brother.......there are a LOT of so-called Christians who sit in churches who do not understand anything about the Word of God.

There are only 2 answers..........

1. The Pastors refuse to preach the absolute Word of God.
2. Those who hear that Word reuse to accept the Word of God.

I preached the horror, and sin of abortion since 1973. I know for a fact several liberal church members who placed their political position OVER the Word of God and voted for those who supported abortions.
Biden with the most votes in history? Obama claimed to be christian but im one of those crazies that thinks he is moslem. I read somewhere that a catholic bishop i think it was wanted to refuse communion to Biden and Pelosi due to their stance on abortion.
Well, he did state that the most beautiful thing he ever heard was the Muslim call to prayer!
Ya know what it says brother.......there are a LOT of so-called Christians who sit in churches who do not understand anything about the Word of God.

There are only 2 answers..........

1. The Pastors refuse to preach the absolute Word of God.
2. Those who hear that Word reuse to accept the Word of God.

I preached the horror, and sin of abortion since 1973. I know for a fact several liberal church members who placed their political position OVER the Word of God and voted for those who supported abortions.
Sad to say, MANY of our black Christian brethren voted for president Obama due to him being Black, even though they knew it violated their held convictions and beliefs as Christians!
Like 98 %, and was main reason was elected!