Could you be a cult leader?

I used to have 2 Mormons come round to my house and play chess. They were very nice people, very smart and intelligent.
I don’t have a problem with anyone as long as they don’t to try force me to join their groups. If I remember rightly I lived outside a LTS church, so they were everywhere and very friendly. They did ask me to join and I politely declined, but said they were welcome to come to my home because we all had an interest in playing chess.
They never badgered me, but I moved home and that was that.

One of the best methods of all cults is "Pacience". Be friendly, accommodating and just wait.
IT seems to me as perhaps the Lord is preparing me for a cult face- off of some ( plz no)
Of late what I see on YT or other media I watch an issue comes up about cults.

MY family are the Word and God BELIEVERS so I'm not sure whom I will meet that has been deceived but pray love will be how I speak in his word to them!

If never and I'm just feeling such,that will be terrific.

What exactly do you mean by............" Word and God BELIEVERS "?

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

King James Version

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Actually, they believe in a pantheon of gods....billions....across the cosmos. When I asked which one was the very first one with the creative power to bring this universe into existence, they had no answers from their authoritative writings. They too are faced with the fact that the universe had a beginning, so their system collapses under the weight of infinite digression through their gods for them to try and come up with an answer that doesn't end up betraying the serious flaws within their own books.

BYU has tried to tackle this, but to date, I have yet to see or hear anything form that place that holds water any better than a single layer gunny sack.


The LDS religion is one of the most deceiving and insidious and false theologies to ever be invented.

Keep in mind the LDS followers only "claim" to be a Christian organization.

The reason they say this is because they think that if you believe in Christ then you are a Christian, when in fact this is not true at all, because Satan and his demons believe in Christ, but that does not make them Christians now does it. They claim this while secretly in there doctrine the call our Christian churches the whore of Babylon, and Christian preachers, heretic disciples of Satan.

They believe that we are the occult and not them. The Mormons are very powerful in the world today and have Power because of their wealth. The Marriott Hotel chain is owned by the Mormon Church, and there is Mormon Literature in every room.

Mormons are very affluent with the dead. They claim to be visited regularly by dead family members. They are being deceived By demons. They actually believe that through prayer, these people can receive salvation even in death. They associate very much with the dead. The Pastor of the First Satanic Church, and the author of the Satanic Bible, is Anton LaVey. In his Satanic Bible, LaVey lists, under "In fernal Names," one of them as "Mormo," which is the God of the living dead, and the king of the Ghouls.

The followers of Mormo, are called Mormons. Take that and chew on it a while. Coincidence? I don’t think so. The Mormon Church is the owner of the largest Genealogy center in the world, and they deal directly with the dead ancestors of the living. Mormon missionaries have had a hard time witnessing in China, and it is not because of it’s communists rule. It is because the word Mormon in Chinese means Gates of Hell.
Because the people they talk to do not know anything about the Scriptures! These charlatans know what the Scriptures say and they use that terminology to "sound like a Christian".

Most people at one time or another have been to a Christian church. These fake cultists use that experience to suggest that they are just like what you are used to except..........!

I would also suggest that we need to remember that Satan is alive and weel and is working really hard to take as many as he can with him.

At the end, there will be many people who will think they are in because of their ministry credentials. And Jesus will say, “I never knew you” and call them “workers of lawlessness.” Their repentance was in word only. They acted like followers but didn’t have a saving relationship with Christ based on faith and repentance as the foundation of their lives. Jesus said there will be many people in this terrifying condition, living their lives thinking they were in and finding out in the final analysis they weren’t.
JW and Mormons and other cults just know a certain amount of passages, as they are drilled to learn just a select few, so once you get them off thedir track, they get flustered!
Its not just religious cults, but political cults that can become just as dangerous, eg idolising your nation's leader way too much.

Also, many politicians claim to be christian, when they are clearly not, but using that claim to garner votes.
Indeed, as we saw some here in the USA that made both president Obama and Trump seem to be like their own "political messiah!"