Could you be a cult leader?

My next door neighbours are mormons
God hadn't really told me I ought to evangelise them
Though they don't come over to our place, the only one who did that really was their cat.

When their son died we sent them a card and if not for covid lockdown we might have attended the funeral, which would have been at the Mormon church, but we didn't in the end. LDS beliefs about the afterlife are very different...

The LDS have their own temple in Hamilton which is the centre in NZ and there are many LDS churches especially amongst the Pacific Islanders...its very family orientated, given that the original LDS (or fundamentals) practiced polygamy!!

I remember leaving one chick tract in their letterbox once (it was one for Mormons) but I don't know if they ever read it.

JWs we avoid and they don't come round to our door anymore, I think they used to and they actually do target certain households. I remember flatting and they'd come round but they only wanted to talk to my flatmate who was kind of open to them.

I think one tried to follow me round the outside of house as I was gardening (mormon or JW, can't remember) but as soon as they found out I was born here and not a foreigner, they left. I think they recruit a lot of immigrants because its an easy sell and they assume they don't know anything else or don't already belong to a church or have faith ..I don't know. A few girls said they were JWS in school and they refused to sing the National Anthem..
I agree. I also do not let them inside and have found the truth of the word sets them on the exit.

I asked bc we do have ppl that do not get involved with this site,they only read. New borns and toddlers in the Lord need us to guide them in the dangers that are in the world.

MY compassion is also directed at these deceived ppl. They want to worship and love but the enemy has ensnared and keeps them in captivity to false doctrine.

When the JW's come to your door, remember, one is a learner and one is completely brainwashed. I always focused on the "young" one and look them straight in the eye. I never take my eye of that one and I ask them to open THEIR Bible and read the Scriptures I ask them. I ask them to read Romans 3:23 and 6:23 and ask them...........Do You realize that this is YOU?

Invariably the older witness will quote an obscure Scripture and I always keep looking at the young one and ignore the other one. I will say something like.........Your friend wants to change the subject but I am going to ask you, do you want to go to heaven? YOU must choose!

So far.....everytime that has happened the seasoned witness begins to leave and drag the other one away.

When the JW's come to your door, remember, one is a learner and one is completely brainwashed. I always focused on the "young" one and look them straight in the eye. I never take my eye of that one and I ask them to open THEIR Bible and read the Scriptures I ask them. I ask them to read Romans 3:23 and 6:23 and ask them...........Do You realize that this is YOU?

Invariably the older witness will quote an obscure Scripture and I always keep looking at the young one and ignore the other one. I will say something like.........Your friend wants to change the subject but I am going to ask you, do you want to go to heaven? YOU must choose!

So far.....everytime that has happened the seasoned witness begins to leave and drag the other one away.
The JW and Mormons send out a teenager/youth with more a experience member, for if they get caught up in a discussion cannot handle, the older one will step in to assist!
My next door neighbours are mormons
God hadn't really told me I ought to evangelise them
Though they don't come over to our place, the only one who did that really was their cat.

When their son died we sent them a card and if not for covid lockdown we might have attended the funeral, which would have been at the Mormon church, but we didn't in the end. LDS beliefs about the afterlife are very different...

The LDS have their own temple in Hamilton which is the centre in NZ and there are many LDS churches especially amongst the Pacific Islanders...its very family orientated, given that the original LDS (or fundamentals) practiced polygamy!!

I remember leaving one chick tract in their letterbox once (it was one for Mormons) but I don't know if they ever read it.

JWs we avoid and they don't come round to our door anymore, I think they used to and they actually do target certain households. I remember flatting and they'd come round but they only wanted to talk to my flatmate who was kind of open to them.

I think one tried to follow me round the outside of house as I was gardening (mormon or JW, can't remember) but as soon as they found out I was born here and not a foreigner, they left. I think they recruit a lot of immigrants because its an easy sell and they assume they don't know anything else or don't already belong to a church or have faith ..I don't know. A few girls said they were JWS in school and they refused to sing the National Anthem..

They prey upon the less critical thinkers and the less learned. They tend to believe what's fed to them. I was raised Southern Baptist, and JW's didn't have a chance with me, but the LDS...yes. You see, the LDS are better at living together in 'church' community than evangelicals, by far. The LDS stick together like family, and do all kinds of activities together like no other grouping I have ever seen. Wow. If only others could see what I have seen. Evangelicals have no clue how far behind the curve of actually being family in the Church.

They prey upon the less critical thinkers and the less learned. They tend to believe what's fed to them. I was raised Southern Baptist, and JW's didn't have a chance with me, but the LDS...yes. You see, the LDS are better at living together in 'church' community than evangelicals, by far. The LDS stick together like family, and do all kinds of activities together like no other grouping I have ever seen. Wow. If only others could see what I have seen. Evangelicals have no clue how far behind the curve of actually being family in the Church.


Another thing about this topic is that we are headed toward a time when we will ALL be driven to greater reliance upon one another as the Church family, with each organ needing all others functioning in the capacity God gives to each one. Otherwise, the body dies. Institutionalism is an artificial life support system to the Church that has just about worn itself out. It's high time we get back to total reliance upon one another as followers and lovers of Christ and each other. We need that familial relationship with one another to keep the vitality of our testimony alive in the site of unbelievers.

Buildings no longer have that lure that pastors in generations past relied upon as the drawing 'force' to the unbelieving world around them. If our very lives together doesn't draw in those who are seeking, then we've completely missed the to speak.

They prey upon the less critical thinkers and the less learned. They tend to believe what's fed to them. I was raised Southern Baptist, and JW's didn't have a chance with me, but the LDS...yes. You see, the LDS are better at living together in 'church' community than evangelicals, by far. The LDS stick together like family, and do all kinds of activities together like no other grouping I have ever seen. Wow. If only others could see what I have seen. Evangelicals have no clue how far behind the curve of actually being family in the Church.

The Lds have tried their best to try to convince us that they are actually Christians!
Their theology can sound more biblical then JW, but they have 3 gods, not One!
The Lds have tried their best to try to convince us that they are actually Christians!
Their theology can sound more biblical then JW, but they have 3 gods, not One!
They also believe they can become a god (as did the god of this world) and their wives will give birth to all the people who inhabit their creation.
The Lds have tried their best to try to convince us that they are actually Christians!
Their theology can sound more biblical then JW, but they have 3 gods, not One!

Actually, they believe in a pantheon of gods....billions....across the cosmos. When I asked which one was the very first one with the creative power to bring this universe into existence, they had no answers from their authoritative writings. They too are faced with the fact that the universe had a beginning, so their system collapses under the weight of infinite digression through their gods for them to try and come up with an answer that doesn't end up betraying the serious flaws within their own books.

BYU has tried to tackle this, but to date, I have yet to see or hear anything form that place that holds water any better than a single layer gunny sack.

Actually, they believe in a pantheon of gods....billions....across the cosmos. When I asked which one was the very first one with the creative power to bring this universe into existence, they had no answers from their authoritative writings. They too are faced with the fact that the universe had a beginning, so their system collapses under the weight of infinite digression through their gods for them to try and come up with an answer that doesn't end up betraying the serious flaws within their own books.

BYU has tried to tackle this, but to date, I have yet to see or hear anything form that place that holds water any better than a single layer gunny sack.

They have no absolute Supreme being, as there never has been a single eternal God to them!
IT seems to me as perhaps the Lord is preparing me for a cult face- off of some ( plz no)
Of late what I see on YT or other media I watch an issue comes up about cults.

MY family are the Word and God BELIEVERS so I'm not sure whom I will meet that has been deceived but pray love will be how I speak in his word to them!

If never and I'm just feeling such,that will be terrific.
I used to have 2 Mormons come round to my house and play chess. They were very nice people, very smart and intelligent.
I don’t have a problem with anyone as long as they don’t to try force me to join their groups. If I remember rightly I lived outside a LTS church, so they were everywhere and very friendly. They did ask me to join and I politely declined, but said they were welcome to come to my home because we all had an interest in playing chess.
They never badgered me, but I moved home and that was that.
If the cult members,I'm talking the establish cults, know how to take "christian" terminology and redefine it for their agenda. How do we address this or study it to combat their thinking? Also can one of these established members be won over by another person?
If the cult members,I'm talking the establish cults, know how to take "christian" terminology and redefine it for their agenda. How do we address this or study it to combat their thinking? Also can one of these established members be won over by another person?
the cultist can be "won over". but that only can happen thru the scriptures and the Holy Spirit convicting them and opening their eyes to the truth of Jesus and gospel!

walter Martin has some very good works on both JW and Mormons doctrines, as do the tanners!
the cultist can be "won over". but that only can happen thru the scriptures and the Holy Spirit convicting them and opening their eyes to the truth of Jesus and gospel!

walter Martin has some very good works on both JW and Mormons doctrines, as do the tanners!

Thank you.
I'll check them out. The kingdom of cults MM recommended is raising a lot of questions.
Yesterday on Story TV there was a show about Waco. They interviewed some of the survivors. Some still believe Karesh was Jesus and are waiting for his return.
If the cult members,I'm talking the establish cults, know how to take "christian" terminology and redefine it for their agenda. How do we address this or study it to combat their thinking? Also can one of these established members be won over by another person?

Because the people they talk to do not know anything about the Scriptures! These charlatans know what the Scriptures say and they use that terminology to "sound like a Christian".

Most people at one time or another have been to a Christian church. These fake cultists use that experience to suggest that they are just like what you are used to except..........!

I would also suggest that we need to remember that Satan is alive and weel and is working really hard to take as many as he can with him.

At the end, there will be many people who will think they are in because of their ministry credentials. And Jesus will say, “I never knew you” and call them “workers of lawlessness.” Their repentance was in word only. They acted like followers but didn’t have a saving relationship with Christ based on faith and repentance as the foundation of their lives. Jesus said there will be many people in this terrifying condition, living their lives thinking they were in and finding out in the final analysis they weren’t.