Oh . . .haha
RTM does your daughter's job actually pay much?
Probably not by the sound of it or she could afford to rent her own place! Maybe her friend didn't like living with her either. Oh dear. Also, sounds like her bedroom is too small otherwise all her 'junk' and her laundry could go in there.
And A/C is a pain because you can't open windows and doors to go out for a second without immediately shutting it.
I wouldn't be so mean to suggest she sell her dog to pay for her phone bill. Or maybe just get her to use her work phone and her work pays for it, but get one of those plans, so she can contribute to her OWN phone instead of using your number. (but still be in your household)
Well..Bible says train a child up in the way that they should go and they won't depart from it. Did you train her up? Or, like most parents, didn't really do any training and sent them off elsewhere to be trained. I mean I am not doing any job my parents did and they aren't training me to do their jobs. I did work with my mum once as a summer job but I didn't want to stay and work at her workplace!
Embarassing. Well some mothers and daughters do work together but in separate departments, and I knew some husband and wife teams.
But if you live with people you got to expect them to be able to live with you and sometimes it can be messy -fact of life. Nothing to get ANGERS about. You had children, so...what, disown them and have them live on the street with $3000 dog? When they can't afford rent hmm.
They not invisible you know.
If its only temporary she'll find somewhere else if she knows you don't really want her there. But she'll probably cry cos it hurts when parents don't want you even if you are 33 years old.
I remember my mum crying when I said well I don't need to live with you anymore, I'll pay rent to go live with strangers. She begged me to stay. But, when the tables turned and I was back home mum got angry at me for, well being HUMAN, and complained about me living with her I cried. I said well I'll go live with strangers who like me better if that's really how you feel. It was like really is it that BAD?
Ok, she has an apartment in Washington, DC, she is just not in it right now, but still paying the rent. As for her job, she is a US Government contractor, and they are paid well. As for the bedroom, it is big enough. Even if it was not, we do have storage areas and a two-car garage she can keep her stuff in.
As for the A/C, what can I tell ya? Learn to close the bloody door. If you are going to leave your room, turn off the lights, turn off the TV. You can always turn them back on when you get back.
As for the $3,000 dog; I've grown close to her, so how about we keep the dog and sell the daughter?