Well 'to God'' yes. God sees a being in His presence as 'much' better off then a being out of His presence. But God has not dishonored the devil from his vantage point or ours...by a longshot. He was referred to as the great dragon. The 'only' thing God has done is remove him and the other fallen angels from His presence.
Could it be that the dragon is great because of the greatness of his wickedness, not because of his honor? Perhaps this is why he is called the dragon, serpent, and devil. The word great modifies the title dragon (a dishonorable term). Notice how scripture uses the term great in other verses. "And God saw that the
wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Gen 6:5 Great here modifies the term "wickedness of men"
Here is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this
great wickedness, and sin against God? Gen 39:9
You can be forgiven for your belief. But for me, I can't ignore two things on this. 1. Death is referred to as something that can be loved Prov 8:36 and a state of being in sin Col 2:13. 2. A good God gives free will. Serve or literally die is not free will, making God evil. Any reasoning from impeccable logic that paints God as evil is false or God is liar / scripture is false. Psalm 136:1 is crystal clear that the reason we 'give thanks' is because God is good. It does not say He is good and evil, otherwise we would not be advised by David to give thanks. No free will = evil. There is simply no way around that.
Impeccable logic can only come from its perfect author, God. With all the respect and sincerity I can muster, your understanding is based on human logic. " For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. " Isa 58:8 Free will has never been a choice between good or good, but good or evil, life or death. Evil always leads to death, this is reality. Think of sin like a poison. You can choose to drink poison or you can choose not to not to drink poison. This is the choice Adam and Eve was given in the garden, either eat the tree of life and live, or eat the tree of knowledge of good and evil and die. (Gen 2:17) This is what the Word of God says, so I believe it. Let the word of God be true and every man a liar. (Rom 3:4)
The reason why Eve ate from the tree was for this very thought that you are advocating. She presumed on Gods mercy and loving kindness. Notice the words of the serpent, "Ye shall not surely die:" Gen 3:4, effectually calling God a liar. You need to be very careful here not to duplicate the very sentiments of the devil.
It is as though we lose our common sense when reading scripture. I asked you a question above on what you would do. Think about it. Think also about forced marriage. Would you ever say to a woman ''Marry me or die?'' How is this not what you believe? How in the universe is that never not evil?
This serves as a poor example. Everything God does for our benefit. The appeal from God is "why will you die, O' House of Israel" Again, death is an innate trait of sin. If you sin, you choose separation from God, the source of life. Eve would have died instantly were it not for the plan of redemption. It is for this very reason, that sin brings about death, that Jesus had to die on the cross. He tasted death for
every man. (Heb 2:9) We will never understand His sacrifice. But in the idea you are advocating, you are making His infinite sacrifice a small thing. Gods love is revealed at the cross, not in the eternal life of the wicked.
No offence to you, but you need to believe that the unsaved cannot live happily. As that would justify annihilation. But that requires you to ignore the fact that many unsaved are not that bad. Granted, they have a level of approval of them that are very evil and are still of their father the devil. But....still...not ''that'' bad! How are we much better then them? We sin just like them...the only difference is that we hate the sin Rom 7:15 & Rom 12:9.
This argument fails on two points.
1.) The happiness of the wickedness is based on circumstances--which would not be good if everyone is wicked aka selfish. The happiness of the righteousness is internal (aka they are selfless), John 14:27.
2.) Wickedness is progressive and only because of Gods mercy. For proof I cite Gen 6:5, Gen 13:2, and Gen 15:16.
You need to consider things like 1. How God spoke to the devil on earth in Matt 4. He gave him the time of day. He was not rude or ugly. Even consider Job. Why is the devil not crying blue murder at God like any person on death row would to their executioner? 2. God allowed the devil to leave heaven with dignity as a great dragon. 3. God promoted the devil with no evil intentions / setting him and the angels up for a fall. Evil thoughts do not exist with God. 4. God loves the devil, the devil hates God. God cannot / does not hate any of His creation, only its actions. 5. What angels will we judge? Those in heaven created above us? I doubt it. Who here will pass a sentence of annihilation or more then an hour of torture on a fallen angel? 6. We will still have free will in heaven. We don't cease being the human race. The reason we will not go to hell when in heaven is not because we will always be on good behavior, it is because for all eternity God will recall the day we gave our lives to Him / repented sincerely. Along the lines of James 5:20 ''doing X covers a multitude of sin''. Now because of that, we need to just appreciate the fact that we all ''just escape'' hell. It could be anyone of us in there. The thought of YOU being there is a reality that you cannot ignore. You do not have to stress as I said to Major, I WILL make sure God does not kill you, nor torture you. God will not listen to me? He listened to Moses and spared those who worshipped the golden calf. Why do we assume the worst about God on the unknown future? We should be assuming the best.
Gods mercy is found in Jesus. This is the beginning and end of our faith. No where in scripture does it extend beyond him. He is the only way to eternal life.
God Bless,