Up again 415am no reason really this time.
I am locked in a paradox.
In 2021 I met a man, his wife and son. That were in my trading group and you tube channel for stock trading.
He was new to stocks in 2020 but was a fast learner. I helped him establish his own trading Discord.
And for free helped counsel him just because I had done it quite awhile and I did not want to take on such a task.
At the time, my group and channel kept me busy. I would find out we are very similar backgrounds. And we both had sons that
were Autistic Spectrum over time we became stock friends, and he would talk allot about his life and we would become pretty good friends.
As good as one can be on opposite sides of the country. I am pretty reserved in sharing my private life ( in this forum I am open for some reason Christ keeps me safe here) . His group would grow and he would always ask me for ideas and thoughts often. And in 2022 I closed my stock group and channel. I had it since 2020. And people became toxic. So I went over and during the day trading I helped him coordinate the Discord.
MY background of education other then computers, accounting and law. Not a lawyer never and accountant. But these tools help me consult many business as a side job. And because we were friends. I just helped. I never felt used still do not. But as he grew he would put trust in other people. Some he would know in Discord a few months. This is how he makes a living his family runs this day in and out now. And the last year I think he is getting some very bad advice from people. But its his business and Discord an I have to respect it. I tried to help his burden by designing some software to help him not spend so much time. He and I are close in age by three years/ And I get tired watching him.
I do not think, some of these people have his best interested at heart. They seem to give him ideas that are making him work harder and longer hours. I have been honest with him, and he asks my advice but where he once listened he hasn't in awhile.
More and more I see them putting pressure on him ( those that are helping in the Discord). I worry his health will suffer and he can not sustain it.
His Discord in a year is making 900.00- 1200 a month with three people working ( his fam) And is spending 3k-4k a month for things that help it run that I know he doesn't need but persuaded but others.
My Paradox is a friendship was not intended but became a blessing to get me out of that toxic social media, as this was just helping someone and that was rewarding to do. The software I created I gave to him free hoping he would the other stuff he way paying for. I want to remain friends so I have backed off allot the last month giving him feedback. I have been very honest with him with my opinions, that he asks for but ignores. So I have been keeping my distance as to not ruin our friendship. But at the same time I feel obligated to try and protect him, but he is simply not open to my opinions any more.
I have a few times really messed up, by not backing off like I am doing. Thigs in my past dealings like this go sideways and I end up being the bad guy and lose my time and people I cared about. I am easy going and get along with anyone. But I have a real back pet peeve is I do not like to see people manipulated or bullies/cooerced. And I feel his desperation has put him there. But if I push this harder we may end up destroying our friendship.
I have been praying, and so far all that really come of guidance is walls are being placed in between him and I.
So I am simply letting that take place.
Life and People can becomes so complicated. I just wanted to enjoy stock trading a group with my friend.
And now that is becoming tainted as others move their will in.
I do hope everyone has a great day today

Just placing this here, no particular reason. Other then its on my mind.