Journal The Garage

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RootedWithGod ... I am honoured that you felt comfortable enough to post your thoughts in this humble little GARAGE. HA

When I first started this thread... I think it was with the intention of keeping a journal of sorts... but if I recall correctly... I was petrified of my writing style because I am so often random with my thoughts... and there was a strict rule about STAYING on TOPIC. Come to think of it... I don't think I ever got called on that... but this is because I was PETRIFIED I would.... HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Bob mentioned earlier that he can't seem to understand this thread.... and well.... in his defence.... HAHAHAHAHA.... This place is a lovely... free flowing collection of HUMOUR... RANDOM facts... SERIOUS thoughts... and LOVE... This place is filled with genuine kindness... and I am so honoured to be part of the CREW that hangs out here. So.... with that said... Thank you for posting.

I am on my way out... but there are two things that caught my attention about what you just wrote.

1. The fact that when people block us out/stop listening to us... ( for whatever reason ) it is usually an indication that their priorities are changing.They are perhaps as you suggest being taken advantage of by people who are not as well intentioned as you were and are.

2. As Christians... boundaries are important and necessary for us to be at peace with ourselves and God.

3. You have stated that in the past.... you have messed up by NOT backing off.... WOW... You are learning NOT to repeat things that have brought you heart ache. THIS IS GOOD my friend!!!!!!!!!

As the old saying goes... you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

The hardest part of loving someone is allowing them to make their own mistakes.... and navigating when it's time to step back and out of the situation.

It is NOT your job to PROTECT your friend. You have given honest counsel to him... you are free and clear to release this burden over to the care of the ONLY one who can do something... ( our WONDERFUL HEAVENLY FATHER )

Continue to pray for your friend... but continue to back off... and allow the chips to fall where they may.

The sun has come out and so I decided that the jigsaw puzzle can wait... and I am going to have a beach day.

God bless you my new friend.... I am delighted that you are being open and transparent within these forums... THAT is what makes
this place SPECIAL.

Now BOB is going to be even more CONFUSED as to what the GARAGE is supposed to be.... HAHAHA.

Have a wonderful day everyone.... BE FILLED with peace and GREAT JOY!!!

Tough love is called tough love because it allows the other to make mistakes that we can see coming a mile away.

I think you and I share this absolute DISGUST in INJUSTICE... Oh gosh... It has in the past... and still does DRIVE ME NUTS when I see someone taking advantage of someone else... I have learned to mind my own business and allow GOD to do HIS WORK.
When I saw this Garage , I thought..
I said self. Seems like this is a thread, where people hang out.
Like standing around a Garage, music playing and random topic and discussing just take place.
Kind of like having a BBQ, where you laugh, you cry, you tell stories and share life.
I never quite saw a purpose either, but my abstract brain drew me to it LOL
Good morning my beautiful forum family.

It's FRIDAY again... oh my goodness :D:D:D:D ( I don't know why I gravitate to this emoji ).
I keep hoping he is going to miraculously turn a few shades of deeper green. HAHAHAHA.

Anyways... I am struggling to find something of substance to say. HAHA. I am in a strange state
of just being in a zone. I am somewhat tired... but yet filled with great JOY. I just can't seem to collect
my thoughts properly... so... IT IS WHAT IT IS.

Yesterday I did a garden clean up... pulled out the dead flowers from the pots along the fence line... There are
a few left... but it now looks a bit sparse. My peppers are ready to pick... I just need to decide what I am going to do with them... as I want to keep them on the vine until I am going to use them. My tomatoes are coming along nicely. It's too dark still to see for today... but as of bedtime yesterday... they are slowly starting to turn orange. I took the risk of cutting off some unnecessary branches to expose the fruit more... I had no idea if this was going to work but... that was about 5 days ago... and all is still well.

So then... It's supposed to be a beautiful hot day again... we've had autumn (ish ) cooler temps this last week... I think it will definitely be a swim day.

Have a wonderful week-end everyone.
The Garage is a safe place to say what is on your mind and not get slammed for it. It is a place of no topic, therefore you can't get off topic. You can change the topic if you need to unburden yourself. I truly enjoy just visiting my good friends from all over in this wonderful Canadian Garage. May the love and peace of GOD rest upon you all.
Thank you for reaching out. Very nice to hear testimony from Christ Followers.
And I do think there is a strong distinction, between Christian and Christ Followers.
I wont post in the open forum as I am sure it could offend and that is not the intent.
I just feel at times, people get Baptized, Go to Church. And thing they are Good to go.
I keep remember Jack. A man in our Men's Bible study. Me and my Mrs. We driving to Church.
Its a typical small city street ( I live in a pretty small town by todays standards. 21,000 only up from 19,000
28 years ago because of annexing.
Anyways we are having a peaceful day. Behind me I see a person bobbing and weaving behind me in traffic.
Speeding cutting ppl off. Honking at people Doing about 45 in a 25 for about 3 miles as I see him up in the distance.
( you guessed it ) He is just parking his car as we pull in the drive. The he walks up to the greeters as it everything was OK.
There are many ppl I see like this. And actually they irritate me way more then a struggling sinner like myself.
I believe he is a elder in the Church now. There was a Lady In HR.
Where I worked as a counselor supervisor in a In patient facility for addiction.
I remember 6 months before I left the place. She and and Elder called me late at work and asking me if I would
use my Pastoral tools( I don't know the proper words one cup of coffee) As one of the addicts here died after being kicked out.
And they wanted me to contact the family. I did. Six months later I caught her and my supervisor embezzling funds from the
OHP program. Oregon Health Care. Its how they get food and rooms paid for when broke. I made the mistake of reporting the
theft I found had been going on years, and told the person that was actually doing it. I was threated to be fired if I didn't drop it.
Long story short another Christian by name doing evil things that hurt the suffering. I am a sinner, and I know we all struggle.
But when you target those that are suffering, I have no tolerance for it at all. That is not just a sin, that evil.
I found they kept the money of ppl they kicked out. In fact they would double their money by getting paid first of the month from OHP then kicking them out the first week of the month and bring someone else in their place. the HR was the OHP approval person after me.
I only caught on, when she had signed a document and forged what I had written and it was returned back to me because client didn't sign.

I apologies, I didn't mean to over communicate your welcome you have given me.
But I think slowly I eased up as a Pastor over time probably because of the tiring attacks I had to see over and over.
Again thank you for the warm welcome, everyone here has been gracious and kind.

Feel free to chat anytime I always love hearing stories like you and others in this form share. Feeds the soul.
There are many people, who practice "Churchianity". It is just for show, I've known some that only used church for business contacts. GOD sees their hearts and their conduct, while they may get away with it for a time, GOD will judge them for their willful sins. There are some that I wonder if they ever actually accepted Jesus as their savior. It is not my place to condemn them, but, it is my place to tell them of their sin and ask them to repent. The LORD tells us to snatch them out of the fire. I have told some that I hand them over to GOD.
There are many people, who practice "Churchianity". It is just for show, I've known some that only used church for business contacts. GOD sees their hearts and their conduct, while they may get away with it for a time, GOD will judge them for their willful sins. There are some that I wonder if they ever actually accepted Jesus as their savior. It is not my place to condemn them, but, it is my place to tell them of their sin and ask them to repent. The LORD tells us to snatch them out of the fire. I have told some that I hand them over to GOD.
You articulated perfectly what I want to state. Thank you Dave F.

RootedWithGod ... I believe you are struggling with the perimeters of righteous anger and what I mean by that is understanding how to deal with issues of hypocrisy... complacency... and all the other sinful behaviours we seem to "witness" within the church.
I am boldly stating this BECAUSE.... oh my goodness.... up until my healing experience 3 years ago.... I was overcome... overflowing.... FULL of ANGER/WRATH. I LOATHED so many things within what people chose to call CHRISTIANITY. I loathed it so much that it consumed me and overwhelmed me.

God has been so gracious with me... because like you.... I KNOW that I am the least of these and the CHIEF of sinners. I know this because it's true. I do not take my attitudes lightly... and so with that said... I would like to encourage you with a challenge.

Dave F said if perfectly when he articulated that GOD sees EVERYTHING... He does NOT miss a beat and HE does NOT need help from us to keep the score. There is a fine line between righteous anger and harsh judgement... it is a line that I personally have crossed far too many times.

I am not stating that you should NOT be angry with sin.... BE angry but Sin NOT. Allow... as in... LET GOD DO HIS JOB of convicting. God is the perfect convictor of sin. His correction is a CLEAN CUT. No guilt and shame attached... a simple... go and sin NO MORE.

WE on the other hand tend to be more critical and we get those itchy "pointy" fingers of condemnation.

I learned to MIND my own business.... and when I say that... I simply mean... I have learned ( still fall short at times ) to surrender others completely over to the care of God. Their sin is not my concern... and again... I need to clarify that I am not talking about the Church turning a blind eye. I am talking about the PROPER way to deal with this issue. The Bible is very clear with the topic of correction and how to go about it.
However... with that said.... often times... people seem to get involved in affairs that are none of their concern... and it causes a lot of problems not to mention hurts and deep wounds.

I'm not sure if I am coming across properly... This is not a judgement on you... for if it was... I would be the guiltiest of all.

What helped me a lot was envisioning two file folders..... One was labelled with my name.... the other was labelled with God's name. Every time I took on a burden or offence... I had to process it and decide if it was rightly fitting into my file or should go into God's file. At first I kept things in my file that I KNEW were not mine... but HAHA... the rebel in me just needed to hold it for awhile. HA. However... over time... and especially now that I am filled with GREAT JOY to overflowing and PEACE... in a world that is so broken and lacking... I find that most EVERYTHING that is not personally in my own little life to belong in God's file folder.

REMEMBER that NO ONE gets away with EVIL.... NOT one person gets away with it.... so BE AT PEACE.... and KNOW that HE is GOD... HE IS ON THE THRONE and HE NEVER SLUMBERS.... OH the RELEASE of pressure that will flood your soul once you surrender it all onto Him.

Please do NOT EVER apologize for your style of communicating. I have enjoyed your fearless choice to simply TRUST first and run with it.

You are going to fit in just wonderfully. GOD bless you.
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There is only one person in the church that you need to be sure is not a hypocrite, and that is the one looking back at you from the mirror. That is the only one you can control, all others are in GOD's hands. Pray earnestly for them and continue to pray for their returning to the LORD.
Big Moose .....Mr. Moose... listen up.... You and I need to go on the road and WARN the WORLD about purple vegetables....

Like SERIOUSLY..... I bought these tiny potatoes... tri-coloured ( yellow, red and you guessed it... purple )
WELL.... first of all... they were full of eyes... I have a thing about those eyes... I don't like putting them in my food.... but even worse... when you cut the potato it had ribbons of purple dots and stripes..... HORRIFIC discovery!!!! Then... to add to my misery... I had to buy a purple cabbage which was the size I needed... I already know that it is going to BLEED into my chicken soup.... but like you said... it just reveals that it's actually a GREEN vegetable that decided to use Nice n' Easy hair colour... HAHAHAHAHAHA....

I packed us a lunch... the world needs to know..... EAT YELLOW.... say NO to PURPLE!!!!
Up again 415am no reason really this time. I am locked in a paradox. In 2021 I met a man, his wife and son. That were in my trading group and you tube channel for stock trading. He was new to stocks in 2020 but was a fast learner. I helped him establish his own trading Discord. And for free helped counsel him just because I had done it quite awhile and I did not want to take on such a task. But as he grew he would put trust in other people. Some he would know in Discord a few months. This is how he makes a living his family runs this day in and out now. And the last year I think he is getting some very bad advice from people. But its his business and Discord an I have to respect it. I tried to help his burden by designing some software to help him not spend so much time. He and I are close in age by three years/ And I get tired watching him. I do not think, some of these people have his best interested at heart. They seem to give him ideas that are making him work harder and longer hours. I have been honest with him, and he asks my advice but where he once listened he hasn't in awhile.
Thank you for reaching out. Very nice to hear testimony from Christ Followers. And I do think there is a strong distinction, between Christian and Christ Followers. I wont post in the open forum as I am sure it could offend and that is not the intent. I just feel at times, people get Baptized, Go to Church. And thing they are Good to go. I keep remember Jack. A man in our Men's Bible study. Me and my Mrs. We driving to Church. Behind me I see a person bobbing and weaving behind me in traffic. Speeding cutting ppl off. Honking at people Doing about 45 in a 25 for about 3 miles as I see him up in the distance. ( you guessed it ) He is just parking his car as we pull in the drive. The he walks up to the greeters as it everything was OK. There was a Lady In HR. Six months later I caught her and my supervisor embezzling funds from the OHP program. Oregon Health Care. Its how they get food and rooms paid for when broke. I made the mistake of reporting the theft I found had been going on years, and told the person that was actually doing it. I was threated to be fired if I didn't drop it.

Good morning, Rooted;

That's good that you were helping a friend with his stock trade so he could earn a living and take care of his family. As far as the man's driving being out of whack on the way to Church and the HR lady ripping off the OHC, in both instances, sadly, this does happen on a small to large scale.

As a man of God I have helped many brothers and sisters in and out of the Church by putting together a budget on a spreadsheet, organizing their home, how to be a better steward of their job and recognizing their God given talent. I can only go as far as my capacity allows me, then as others in this post shared,
"teach them how to fish," then get out of God's way and let them go.

God used me to help them but now they have to make mistakes or succeed beyond. I can be there to support their efforts if they reach out to me but it's in God's hand to take the lead.

I continue to pray for their endeavors but I also need to take care of the tasks God has assigned me.

The HR lady and the supervisor did something wrong that could hurt a non-profit organization - 501c3. I was witness to a
dishonest act back in 1997 involving the president, his secretary and my immediate reporting VP and manager. I was delegated to work with a vendor by lying and I told my employer I couldn't do this because of my faith. This went on for about a week until I was called in a meeting. HR took back my job and salary increase from a recent positive review of my work. I was devastated for being honest and calling the company out. I could have kept it hush hush and went along with the dishonest act against the vendor.

But instead, I took this setback and gave my 2 week notice. After my last day I was now out of work, extremely hurt and was at the lowest point in my accounting career. I brought this before the Church leaders and they prayed for my next job. I was out of work for a month. A month seemed like an eternity until one day I received a call from a small, wholesale retail packaging company. They hired me at a lower wage but it would be my first ever manager position. In my new position I could practice policies that would bring glory to God, while my new employers had my back.

I felt vindicated by God. He would deal with my situation but allow me to go forward with His blessing.

This happened before I began seminary in
2004. Years later I have used my testimony in my witness and sermons. In both instances Christians still struggle with their inner and outer cups. Christians also witness dishonest acts. In both areas God is constantly working in each of us by revealing His Kingdom, righteousness, justice and sovereignty. All play a profound part in our daily walk and He will guide us in every circumstance what to say and do at that time and moment.

This is my story, this is my song.

God bless
you, Rooted, and thank you for allowing me to share.

I want to clarify something about what I posted regarding righteous anger and minding our own business... I did not mean to suggest DO NOTHING in the face of EVIL....We are definitely commanded to rise up and speak out against evil.

I think what I am talking about is having a place to LAY down these heavy burdens... WE do what we can... and then we HAVE TO LEAVE it with GOD so that we don't go CRAZY. God wants us to live in peace ( as much as is able ).
Good morning, Rooted;

That's good that you were helping a friend with his stock trade so he could earn a living and take care of his family. As far as the man's driving being out of whack on the way to Church and the HR lady ripping off the OHC, in both instances, sadly, this does happen on a small to large scale.

As a man of God I have helped many brothers and sisters in and out of the Church by putting together a budget on a spreadsheet, organizing their home, how to be a better steward of their job and recognizing their God given talent. I can only go as far as my capacity allows me, then as others in this post shared,
"teach them how to fish," then get out of God's way and let them go.

God used me to help them but now they have to make mistakes or succeed beyond. I can be there to support their efforts if they reach out to me but it's in God's hand to take the lead.

I continue to pray for their endeavors but I also need to take care of the tasks God has assigned me.

The HR lady and the supervisor did something wrong that could hurt a non-profit organization - 501c3. I was witness to a
dishonest act back in 1997 involving the president, his secretary and my immediate reporting VP and manager. I was delegated to work with a vendor by lying and I told my employer I couldn't do this because of my faith. This went on for about a week until I was called in a meeting. HR took back my job and salary increase from a recent positive review of my work. I was devastated for being honest and calling the company out. I could have kept it hush hush and went along with the dishonest act against the vendor.

But instead, I took this setback and gave my 2 week notice. After my last day I was now out of work, extremely hurt and was at the lowest point in my accounting career. I brought this before the Church leaders and they prayed for my next job. I was out of work for a month. A month seemed like an eternity until one day I received a call from a small, wholesale retail packaging company. They hired me at a lower wage but it would be my first ever manager position. In my new position I could practice policies that would bring glory to God, while my new employers had my back.

I felt vindicated by God. He would deal with my situation but allow me to go forward with His blessing.

This happened before I began seminary in
2004. Years later I have used my testimony in my witness and sermons. In both instances Christians still struggle with their inner and outer cups. Christians also witness dishonest acts. In both areas God is constantly working in each of us by revealing His Kingdom, righteousness, justice and sovereignty. All play a profound part in our daily walk and He will guide us in every circumstance what to say and do at that time and moment.

This is my story, this is my song.

God bless
you, Rooted, and thank you for allowing me to share.

Similar Life patterns :
I also left a few weeks after their threat died down. I then reported it to the state offices.
That did result in the CEO ( was also in on it and many others) stepping down.
My supervisor who I trusted and told first. Quit after 20 years 2 month after I left.
Was in perfect health. Was walking her dogs and dropped dead on the street three months after I left.
That was in 2012. It shoot me hard I was not happy others were what looked like punished.
The reason being is I get people do bad things. So do I. I just wanted them to stop stealing and hurting people.
I took no pleasure in the events, even though they vindicated me.
As I knew that it would shake the facility and destabilize it for a few years to come.

I tend not to question why God puts paths that seem so difficult at the time.
But I can say 100% if I listen, his path is revealed.
In 2013. My Youngest son who has Autism was home. I was as well as. I was looking for work.
And the company was making that hard to do. But I was home when I normally would not have been.
My son was cutting water bottles just some of the compulsive stuff he did. He ended up slicing right at the lower arm
and artery right below the elbow, It cut the tendon as well. I was there, had I not he would not have known what to do.
He lost blood fast as there was no time to waste.
He was never left alone, but had I been working its possible he would have been had I not quit.
God does things for a reason, of that I have no doubt. And if we leave our eyes open and not dive deep in our own self and will.
Its often revealed.

I give it all to him, good or bad, the blessing are revealed. Not always as we want or would hope.
I am firm on that there is a reason for all that is done. Jack driving. Inverted to me thinking about how I drive.
The HR lady made me see the addicts suffering more in depth then I may have.
The think that became hard to swallow until I got in my mid 50's was there are many people claiming they walk with God.
Are not absent cruelty, and many times its a pattern they just do. But I am not here to forgive or tolerate others sins.
And sometimes I am offended when the Lords gifts are used as pawns of self righteousness.
I am not angry or mad, I am disappointed. Because I believe when we try and be good, its infective.
And spreads to others. I also believe cruelty has the same effect.

God Is Great. :)
The Disciples : Died in some of the most horrible ways to do so.
They would rather die in great pain, ridicule and judgment.
Rather then denounce Christ.

Being able to openly and freely announce to the world. Christ is Lord and Savior.
Say it aloud with me. Wow is that such a freeing emotion.
Yet now imagine being put to death like the Disciples, for simply uttering those words.

We have come so far, and in this shows that faith is enough.
That God is enough
God strengthen us to continue this battle, let your words be heard and not ignore, or denied.

The Disciples : Died in some of the most horrible ways to do so. They would rather die in great pain, ridicule and judgment. Rather then denounce Christ. Being able to openly and freely announce to the world. Christ is Lord and Savior. Say it aloud with me. Wow is that such a freeing emotion.
Yet now imagine being put to death like the Disciples, for simply uttering those words. We have come so far, and in this shows that faith is enough.
That God is enough God strengthen us to continue this battle, let your words be heard and not ignore, or denied. AMEN

Well said, Rooted, amen!
Today helping my Son start his first Business.
Its been near a year of planning he already has customers lining up.
Very proud of him.
We live in what is a Lumber town and livestock town and
people come from all over to hunt in this county.
near 7 years ago ( my son is 32 now)
He started working at a Meat Processing place where they do live stock and used to do game.
For seven years he started by staying late, having to hand clean grease traps. Scrub the machines.
He always wanted to be a butcher since he was a kid. But could not afford schooling.
The owner took a chance and trained him, to be a butcher, and now he has been the manager there 4 years.
A person that works with him also has about 12 years experience from there and other places and a opportunity came up.
As in the last 3 years all the local shops started taking on more live stock. And slowly eliminated Game.
And so my son and now partner they decided to open their own shop parttime for now, and work at the processing place FT.
My son knows all the cuts for every animal you could guess. And so they are now opening in two weeks when ELK
season opens for all the tagged hunters.
We have been building freezers, and coolers and getting everything setup. Its pretty cool setup.
If you have a Game animal you just back in. They have a winch that removes it on a long slide and brings it in the shop.
The now have coolers and freezers, as well as grinders. We started in March this year after they got and amazing lease.
All they have to do is pay the property tax each year.
I am a software developer and as well as website creator going back to the 80's and 90's Just from doing it as a hobby so long.
But he has a website now on my server too and all those processing places that do not do Game? No my sons well known now and his reputation is greatly known as a man they knows this industry very well. In the area even including his boss he is billed as the best in the county.
So when he started slowly opening two months ago getting ready for opening fully in Sept. Those places all are referring what they used to do to him. He has not placed one ad yet or advertised.

Here is the best part. My son who has autism, is on SSI and honestly at soon 62, I worry what life will be like when I am not here.
I pray often that I can't leave him Lord, my wife and I both want to be with the Lord desperately. But I ask him to keep me here.
Not for me, but for my son no matter what I must endure. To help me stay.
It is a constant pain and agony we have faced as what to do when we go? As since he was 2 and is now 29. WE think near daily, What will become of him.
He can't work, but is single task oriented which is pretty typical of Autism. My youngest son, is a miracle. You can sit and listen to him at for hours. He is the one that told, me all these people quoting scripture are doing it wrong. He said: The Bible is a Book of Books, not a Book of quotes. As he understand each book when read through tells the whole story, and of why all " quotes " need to be kept in context.

Digress. well my son will be working the grinding machine for them. He will have a job. And a way to survive. My oldest will make sure he gets and from works as he cant drive. And he will live in our guest house when we are gone.
The Grinding machine is modern and the design makes it pretty impossible to be injured. Thats technology for you.
This morning my youngest is still training and they are doing and Antelope. I know? Antelope? I guess you can get a hunting tag for them here as well. I wont go into the animals they do. I am trying to be sensitive to others. But I could not share this story with out explain it.
Well its 7am got to clean up and head over there.
I am very happy the Lord answered my prayers. For 27 years been praying for a solution to this.

God is Amazing. And just funny if you get out of the way, the plan for me has always, eventually been revealed of why. And then it all makes sense.
Today helping my Son start his first Business. We live in what is a Lumber town and livestock town and people come from all over to hunt in this county. near 7 years ago ( my son is 32 now) I am a software developer and as well as website creator going back to the 80's and 90's. But he has a website now on my server too and all those processing places that do not do Game? No my sons well known now and his reputation is greatly known as a man they knows this industry very well. So when he started slowly opening two months ago getting ready for opening fully in Sept. My son who has autism, is on SSI and honestly at soon 62, I worry what life will be like when I am not here. I pray often that I can't leave him Lord, my wife and I both want to be with the Lord desperately. But I ask him to keep me here. Not for me, but for my son no matter what I must endure. To help me stay. It is a constant pain and agony we have faced as what to do when we go? As since he was 2 and is now 29. WE think near daily, What will become of him. He can't work, but is single task oriented which is pretty typical of Autism. My youngest son, is a miracle. You can sit and listen to him at for hours. He is the one that told, me all these people quoting scripture are doing it wrong. He said: The Bible is a Book of Books, not a Book of quotes. As he understand each book when read through tells the whole story, and of why all " quotes " need to be kept in context.

Good morning, Rooted;

You posted a nice testimony and I want to share my thoughts. Your son reminds me of the worker from the school of hard knocks who start from the very bottom. With your love, support and encouragement he was able to build up his reputation and new business opportunity. God anointed your background of software and websites to aid him where needed.

Your concern about what his life will be like when you and your wife move on to God reminds me of David and his son Solomon.

In 1 Chronicles 22:5, 5 David said, “My son Solomon is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for the LORD should be of great magnificence and fame and splendor in the sight of all the nations. Therefore I will make preparations for it.” So David made extensive preparations before his death. - NIV

Of course David and Solomon were from the kingship and Solomon's task from God would be huge. But the concept is the same regarding you and your son. David had no idea what Solomon would accomplish, but God knew.

Keep doing what you're doing. Your son is going to be fine, brother. We pray that God will grow him in faith, trust and relationship with Christ. You shared that your son has a good reputation. Good reputation equate to earned support.
This way God won't allow him to progress without reinforcements to give counsel.

You and your wife have been entrusted by God to be the stewards (parents) of your sons. No doubt the years may have had it's challenges but from what I've read I'm sure God is pleased.

God bless you, Rooted, your wife and sons.
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