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When I saw this Garage , I thought..RootedWithGod ... I am honoured that you felt comfortable enough to post your thoughts in this humble little GARAGE. HA
When I first started this thread... I think it was with the intention of keeping a journal of sorts... but if I recall correctly... I was petrified of my writing style because I am so often random with my thoughts... and there was a strict rule about STAYING on TOPIC. Come to think of it... I don't think I ever got called on that... but this is because I was PETRIFIED I would.... HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Bob mentioned earlier that he can't seem to understand this thread.... and well.... in his defence.... HAHAHAHAHA.... This place is a lovely... free flowing collection of HUMOUR... RANDOM facts... SERIOUS thoughts... and LOVE... This place is filled with genuine kindness... and I am so honoured to be part of the CREW that hangs out here. So.... with that said... Thank you for posting.
I am on my way out... but there are two things that caught my attention about what you just wrote.
1. The fact that when people block us out/stop listening to us... ( for whatever reason ) it is usually an indication that their priorities are changing.They are perhaps as you suggest being taken advantage of by people who are not as well intentioned as you were and are.
2. As Christians... boundaries are important and necessary for us to be at peace with ourselves and God.
3. You have stated that in the past.... you have messed up by NOT backing off.... WOW... You are learning NOT to repeat things that have brought you heart ache. THIS IS GOOD my friend!!!!!!!!!
As the old saying goes... you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
The hardest part of loving someone is allowing them to make their own mistakes.... and navigating when it's time to step back and out of the situation.
It is NOT your job to PROTECT your friend. You have given honest counsel to him... you are free and clear to release this burden over to the care of the ONLY one who can do something... ( our WONDERFUL HEAVENLY FATHER )
Continue to pray for your friend... but continue to back off... and allow the chips to fall where they may.
The sun has come out and so I decided that the jigsaw puzzle can wait... and I am going to have a beach day.
God bless you my new friend.... I am delighted that you are being open and transparent within these forums... THAT is what makes
this place SPECIAL.
Now BOB is going to be even more CONFUSED as to what the GARAGE is supposed to be.... HAHAHA.
Have a wonderful day everyone.... BE FILLED with peace and GREAT JOY!!!
Tough love is called tough love because it allows the other to make mistakes that we can see coming a mile away.
I think you and I share this absolute DISGUST in INJUSTICE... Oh gosh... It has in the past... and still does DRIVE ME NUTS when I see someone taking advantage of someone else... I have learned to mind my own business and allow GOD to do HIS WORK.
I said self. Seems like this is a thread, where people hang out.
Like standing around a Garage, music playing and random topic and discussing just take place.
Kind of like having a BBQ, where you laugh, you cry, you tell stories and share life.
I never quite saw a purpose either, but my abstract brain drew me to it LOL