Journal The Garage

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Oscar uses snail repellant. It doesn't hurt them, they just don't like the smell.

Oh no, I bet that policeman mixes me on too!
Perhaps I better stay at home.
NO NO... You cannot stay home... Oscar would feel most welcomed with that GO AWAY mat. It keeps away the bad bugs.

Unfortunately... I received a letter from his publicist... and he is not touring these days. He wishes us the best of rotten garbage... and he sent his picture to put up in the Garage.

How will he get along with the Snail family? You know they won't stay out of the 'can' or 'bin' as you people say.
Them snails move so slow that by the time they get to the trash can, Oscar will be long gone. I recon they can clean up the garbage mess that Oscar always leaves behind. If not, then my cousin Marvin can stop by. He works part time as a trash collector - He gets a dollar fifty an hour and all that he can eat.

Good morning my beautiful forum family.

Well... we've had quite the adventure this last part of August... and thus is the beauty of the "Garage"... a place where anything and everything happens. HA.
Thank you to everyone who filled in the blanks while I was on my "dry spell".... and PaducahLuke
I feel so blessed to know you because you always know somebody who knows somebody. I'm going to need a mover in the future and I am thinking I might hire your cousin Marvin. :D

I had to pack up the bear puzzle. I have realized something in the last few years... my vision is changing. I am not able to work out the subtle colour differences in the dark greens and browns... and that puzzle was loaded with mostly this colour blend.
So.... I found this one. It's 1000 pieces and it will be a fun puzzle to do. There is enough going on colour-wise to be able to enjoy the process. Since I puzzle for relaxation and pleasure and NOT for challenge... I need to make sure that I start paying extra attention to this detail. The bear puzzle was free from the library... and this one is new.


I'm gearing up to do this beauty below. It's a high quality Clementoni puzzle called Blue Lake. Again.. .there is enough going on here to be a bit of a challenge but doable as I do have some puzzling experience. The below puzzle is also from the library and was free but the beautiful thing about a Clementoni puzzle is that I can count the pieces to ensure that they are all there before I even start... This is the largest puzzle I will have done ( 1500 pieces ) the magic number is 1504 pieces. It will take up almost my entire piece of foam core so I am going to have to be VERY careful while constructing it... ( especially when transporting it from my table to my bedroom ). I don't want anymore "oh I found a piece on the floor" experiences. HA


So..... That is my puzzle update which I didn't even plan to do. RIP picnic bears... You will be donated to a thrift store soon for someone else to enjoy!!
I am off for a nice 5 mile walk this morning along the lake front to my happy place where my beloved ship is docked.
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