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I think our struggles bring us closer. I think each time we trip, God seems to pick us up. Dust us off and lets us know he was waiting for us.All I pray for now is guidance. I am only just getting back into accepting Jesus. but I am just letting the seed grow. Taking it slowly.
For the longest time, I studied Wicca and other pagan paths. They are interesting. a lot of people are drawn to them to connect more with nature.
But there is something empty or missing at the core. God is there but distance. And Jesus likes to tap me on the shoulder as a reminder he is still there.
Then He sends that wave of love through your core every once and while. Jesus does not play fair.
Made me smile reading your return path. The world is rough and his light is bright. Just sometimes its hard to see. I know I struggle and have all my life. And each time, wow. God is loyal to us in his promise. We have that. Its ours. I studied Cultural Anthropology decades ago, and took me on a long path of religions and dangerous confusion for me. But in the end. God was there. All Mighty, All Loving, and supports us.
Just my opinion, I bet God has a very warm feeling when ppl look for answers and come back and find them in him. Like the proud father whos sons and daughters went out into the world. But always knew where home was and we are always welcomed.
I will pray as well for strength and Guidance, and clarity as you move back into his acceptance.
Lord, please help Nelson see the path you have in store for him.
Give him strength and wisdom to feel your embrace. And to help him know you are there.
You are wonderous and love us so much. Lord please keep him safe as he travels closer to you.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Blessings to you brother.