Journal The Garage

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All I pray for now is guidance. I am only just getting back into accepting Jesus. but I am just letting the seed grow. Taking it slowly.
For the longest time, I studied Wicca and other pagan paths. They are interesting. a lot of people are drawn to them to connect more with nature.
But there is something empty or missing at the core. God is there but distance. And Jesus likes to tap me on the shoulder as a reminder he is still there.
Then He sends that wave of love through your core every once and while. Jesus does not play fair.
I think our struggles bring us closer. I think each time we trip, God seems to pick us up. Dust us off and lets us know he was waiting for us.
Made me smile reading your return path. The world is rough and his light is bright. Just sometimes its hard to see. I know I struggle and have all my life. And each time, wow. God is loyal to us in his promise. We have that. Its ours. I studied Cultural Anthropology decades ago, and took me on a long path of religions and dangerous confusion for me. But in the end. God was there. All Mighty, All Loving, and supports us.
Just my opinion, I bet God has a very warm feeling when ppl look for answers and come back and find them in him. Like the proud father whos sons and daughters went out into the world. But always knew where home was and we are always welcomed.
I will pray as well for strength and Guidance, and clarity as you move back into his acceptance.

Lord, please help Nelson see the path you have in store for him.
Give him strength and wisdom to feel your embrace. And to help him know you are there.
You are wonderous and love us so much. Lord please keep him safe as he travels closer to you.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Blessings to you brother.

My friend... my brother in Christ.... I am absolutely DELIGHTED that you are here and that you found us.
I do appreciate the welcome and everyone has been very welcoming. I am slowly adding this to my routine. :)
I do feel Christs embrace in this group. I am never sure 100% about these groups.
As we all know temptations to question the good are always there.
And satan is quite the manipulator of emotions. Especially when the Lord is close by. He tries and stick his foot out and trip us.
Not today darkness, not today.
Hello there CranberryArtworks ... WOW... a fellow Canadian. Thank you for stopping in at the Garage.... and here I thought I was the ONLY Canadian here. HA!
My daughter just moved to New Brunswick last year... and I am in Ontario.
I have not eaten a lot of wild game. I did try a really bad batch of deer meat... oh my goodness that stuff was nasty... I don't even know how to describe it. WILD tasting... and just YUCK! HAHA.

LOOKIE at you trying to be "pun"ny..... HAHA.

Happy September 1st to EVERYONE... oh my goodness... my most favourite time of the year has arrived... BRING on the SWEATERS.... .LOVE IT.... LOVE IT..... LOVE IT!!!!!

View attachment 11347 Now these guys look HAPPY!!!!

Thank You God, I am not as tired today. Slowly been feeling my mind at ease. The same life issues exist at the moment.
But Prayers seems to be answered as I needed peace and clarity.
This is why I truly love being saved. Life is never easy. Right now my personal life is bound in uncertainty from near every angle.
Except God, which gives me strength to see this is just life stuff. Like so many times before it will pass.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

Truly being in Gods army is the best support system. And unlike a therapist, God doesn't charge me 250.00 and hour :)
Well... good Tuesday morning my beautiful forum family...

I have not done a heart to heart lately so I guess it's time!

The autumn has made an abrupt arrival here where I live.... and it seems to me that it has come a few weeks early. Usually the cool weather arrives AFTER school starts which is TODAY ( First day of school for people in Canada ).
The trees are starting to change colours. THIS is my most FAVOURITE time of the year... and where I live... we are blessed with many Oak and Maple trees ( which are the ones that turn those glorious and beautiful deep shades of burnt orange and burgundy red ).

I am slowly cleaning up my garden area... but I have to wait till the tomatoes are done before dumping the soil in my pots... back into the actual garden where I took the dirt in the first place. I will have to replenish the soil next year as I know crop rotation is a thing... but I'm not sure how it works.

Went on an adventure with my niece yesterday... Took her and the kids to the chip stand for some good home made fries and a pogo.

Saw this on the way.... Mr. Moose will LOVE this. We do honour YOU here in Canada. HAHA. I don't have a phone so I got my niece to take a picture for me and send it to me via email. YOU'RE WELCOME... I do love you Mr. Moose. :D


So.... this week... I need to decide on the finer details of my menu for the Fire Department and decide what day I'm going to serve. This is the team that invited me to dine with them... and I'm hoping this happens again. I think I have decided on a nice hearty beef stew with some yummy fresh buns and something for dessert. HA.

Anyways.... not really a heart to heart I guess... but an update none the less.

I hope everyone has a week filled with much PEACE and GREAT JOY! I find Autumn is always a time of deep reflection for me... something about Thanksgiving coming up that always brings me to count my overflowing BLESSINGS.

Love you all!
Well... good Tuesday morning my beautiful forum family...

I have not done a heart to heart lately so I guess it's time!

The autumn has made an abrupt arrival here where I live.... and it seems to me that it has come a few weeks early. Usually the cool weather arrives AFTER school starts which is TODAY ( First day of school for people in Canada ).
The trees are starting to change colours. THIS is my most FAVOURITE time of the year... and where I live... we are blessed with many Oak and Maple trees ( which are the ones that turn those glorious and beautiful deep shades of burnt orange and burgundy red ).

I am slowly cleaning up my garden area... but I have to wait till the tomatoes are done before dumping the soil in my pots... back into the actual garden where I took the dirt in the first place. I will have to replenish the soil next year as I know crop rotation is a thing... but I'm not sure how it works.

Went on an adventure with my niece yesterday... Took her and the kids to the chip stand for some good home made fries and a pogo.

Saw this on the way.... Mr. Moose will LOVE this. We do honour YOU here in Canada. HAHA. I don't have a phone so I got my niece to take a picture for me and send it to me via email. YOU'RE WELCOME... I do love you Mr. Moose. :D

View attachment 11374

So.... this week... I need to decide on the finer details of my menu for the Fire Department and decide what day I'm going to serve. This is the team that invited me to dine with them... and I'm hoping this happens again. I think I have decided on a nice hearty beef stew with some yummy fresh buns and something for dessert. HA.

Anyways.... not really a heart to heart I guess... but an update none the less.

I hope everyone has a week filled with much PEACE and GREAT JOY! I find Autumn is always a time of deep reflection for me... something about Thanksgiving coming up that always brings me to count my overflowing BLESSINGS.

Love you all!

I loved the story update, then chuckled where you said you didn't have a phone to take pictures. I had my handy dandy flip phone until 5 years ago. Then we had our Grand daughter up and about and figured I better get one.

Our weather here in the Pacific Northwest is odd. It was down to 70 this weekend will be 95 thurs and friday.
Then 80's for a few days and then 90's. It will then cool. But we get our version of Ground Hog Day here.
At the end of September it can reach 100+ for two or three days in what we call Indian Summer then drop and stay in the 70's for two months.
If it does that we have snow this year. If it stays cool no Indian summer, we will get late snow in Feb.
Our Gardens are in full full swing pulling out the last summer fruits and veggies.

Hope everyone enjoyed the three days here in the states. We just hung around the house, worked in the yard. Trimmed some trees.
Saw this on the way.... Mr. Moose will LOVE this. We do honour YOU here in Canada. HAHA. I don't have a phone so I got my niece to take a picture for me and send it to me via email.
I chuckled to myself thinking about how THIS conversation went in the car.
Niece: Where? Where?
Niece: Why would a moose be on a truck?
Niece: Of a truck???
Niece: OK! OK! You know a moose??!?!
In Awe: Yes, yes. I talk to him online.
Niece: You..... a moose.?.?.
In Awe: Yes, he is quite brilliant, by the way.
Niece: <rolls eyes>

I chuckled to myself thinking about how THIS conversation went in the car.
Niece: Where? Where?
Niece: Why would a moose be on a truck?
Niece: Of a truck???
Niece: OK! OK! You know a moose??!?!
In Awe: Yes, yes. I talk to him online.
Niece: You..... a moose.?.?.
In Awe: Yes, he is quite brilliant, by the way.
Niece: <rolls eyes>

Oh man, had me nearly spitting my coffee out reading this. Too funny.
HAHAHAHAHAHA..... that is about the size of it.... I actually wanted to stand beside the truck with a paper bag over my head to protect my identity.... however.... the man who owns the truck went into a business... and I thought if I GET caught standing beside his truck... it would not go over well. HAHAHAHA.

My niece has learned NOT to question me... but I did's a moose. YES I did. HAHAHAHA

Oh... and I did say it's for a friend who will appreciate it... I did not say it's for MR. MOOSE... I should have... I regret not saying it. HAHAHA
HAHAHAHAHAHA..... that is about the size of it.... I actually wanted to stand beside the truck with a paper bag over my head to protect my identity.... however.... the man who owns the truck went into a business... and I thought if I GET caught standing beside his truck... it would not go over well. HAHAHAHA.

My niece has learned NOT to question me... but I did's a moose. YES I did. HAHAHAHA
OM, comes out you standing next to his truck with a bag over your head. HAHAHA. OK. Now every one in my house will think I am crazy.
I am watching the stock market in here laughing by my self. LOL
Thank you both for the smiles nice way to start the week LOL wow too funny.

Well folks... It's that time of year AGAIN. CLEANING up the garden can be a real chore... but here at the Garage... we have the HELP you need for very reasonable rates... and yes I know... the video is NOT of Mr. Moose... but I got permission to use it for promotional purposes.

small garden... 7 peanut butter cups ( as everyone knows... 7 is the number of perfection and well it's two more than 5 ).

medium garden... 10 peanut butter cups plus a big bag of potato chips... and a drink to make it a full meal deal.

large garden.... breakfast.... lunch... 15 peanut butter cups... snack... a bucket full of fizzy drinks... lounge chair for afternoon nap... and supper.
Howdy, y'all. I ain't been here by the garage fer a while, 'cause me and my cousins Bubba and Cletus has been out scoutin' around the huntin' grounds here abouts in western Kentucky, 'cause huntin' season's comin' up pretty soon. We gotta get us some meat fer the winter 'cause the cupboard's are all getting a bit bare. We is lookin' to get us some deer, possum, rattle snake, bear, grouse, pheasant, turkey and a partridge in a pear tree. No, we ain't huntin' snails 'cause' y'all made 'em part of the family here in the garage. Looking forward to possum stew with beans, carrots, 'taters, collard greens, and some celery from the garden. For folks here in the garage what ain't never seen a possum, they's kinda strange lookin'.

In Awe of Him - if y'all gots an extra tomato, I'll give ya a Canadian Dollar fer one fer the stew.

Y'all take care, now, y'hear...

When my daughter was young, she had a book that had a picture of a possum in it, when we got to that picture I told it was a tree rat. Months later my wife was reading that same book to our daughter and called the animal a possum. My daughter said "No, Mommy, that's a tree rat!" When I got home my wife told me I had some 'splainin' to do. HA HA HA....
Howdy, y'all. I ain't been here by the garage fer a while, 'cause me and my cousins Bubba and Cletus has been out scoutin' around the huntin' grounds here abouts in western Kentucky, 'cause huntin' season's comin' up pretty soon. We gotta get us some meat fer the winter 'cause the cupboard's are all getting a bit bare. We is lookin' to get us some deer, possum, rattle snake, bear, grouse, pheasant, turkey and a partridge in a pear tree. No, we ain't huntin' snails 'cause' y'all made 'em part of the family here in the garage. Looking forward to possum stew with beans, carrots, 'taters, collard greens, and some celery from the garden. For folks here in the garage what ain't never seen a possum, they's kinda strange lookin'.

In Awe of Him - if y'all gots an extra tomato, I'll give ya a Canadian Dollar fer one fer the stew.

Y'all take care, now, y'hear...


Good morning, PaducahLuke;

I have noticed in the Garage thread the mention of eating animals such as deer, possum, snake, bear, squirrels, etc... I have never eaten these kinds animals, including lamb or goats.

The only meat I eat is cow, bacon, sausage and certain fish.

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