Journal The Garage

I agree. And welcome back. And what is a star jump?

You work on the ....................... sea??????!!!!?????
I'm imagining you shelling sheasells by the shesore! That last bit describes

In Awe of Him !! haaaaaaaaa​

A Star jump at its finest!

Being at sea is a metaphor for just wandering off, taking time out . I needed to focus. Sometimes this ADHD mind just wont let me focus on where it should be, it's like a blender in here on full blast. And I needs a power cut lol

Glad to see your still here Dave 😎 its always refreshing to read your posts too!

Looking forward to this thread hitting 100000000000 posts

without needing another power cut lol
Good Morning we are getting our first rains.

I was sharing in another thread here. I was watching a geological documentary, it was not religious or bible based.
Yet they are now finding through ice core samples from around the world. That there was not a regional flood as deniers
want us to believe. But was global. They are finding proof that water removed much of the Global landscape as described in the Bible.
But once more they can see deep sediments that shows that water washed away the land so much so they calculate most any structures, and all life
would not have survived it. This seems to contradict what science was saying just a few years ago. That Human History is uninterrupted.
The documentary did not address the flood of the Bible, but they did say that based on finding over the years, and now with this discovery
That there was a fairly advanced humans before the flood and is why proof of this is found in archeology.
I wish I could dig deeper but this is a huge subject and we only have a two car Garage here.

I appreciate everyone tolerance as I switched my name last night with the help of the staff here.
But the name change as I slept on it. Also means to me I must be trusting the group more when it comes to God.
At 61 I have heard it all. Every snake charmer holding a Bible. But I find myself at peace here. I love reading all the entries.

I breath here, I feel grounded and feel the Lords strength here. And this is Good.
Ok .... so..... DO you know how confused I was when I peeked in here this early morning??? Some strange NEW guy with a beard and bunny ears.... I thought Mr. Moose found a hunter and invited him to the GARAGE. HAHAHA.

So glad you have decided to STAY with us..... OH what fun we are going to have.
Good afternoon everyone...

Well... Day 3 of the gym and thankfully NO MISHAPS or INJURIES.

On Tuesday morning... I have an appointment with a trainer/body builder... apparently my membership allows me an hour consultation.... so I will use that time to have her guide me through some of the weigh machines.

I'm actually starting to accept this... and quite enjoyed my time there today. I have decided to go from Monday to Friday and take the week-ends off. I think this is a good choice.

I have the Fire Department on my mind.... this week-end... I will be fine tuning the menu... I got everything to make my stew.
Oh my goodness... the butcher at one of our grocery stores was an absolute sweetheart. He specially cut the meat for me. I was highly impressed. I watched a chef on YouTube and he said instead of browning chunks of meat... cut your meat into STEAKS.... and that will be plenty..... so... the butcher cut two roasts up in 2 inch thick slices... so I have 4 pieces of meat to work with.... and will cut it up in chunks after I brown both sides.

The dessert is still up in the air... but I'm pretty sure I am going to make a pineapple upside down cake. They are so pretty.

On Tuesday... I will buy some fresh buns... and OH MY GOODNESS..... I am DINING with them. JOY!!! JOY!!!! JOY!!!!

Ok... so.... my sore little body is tired but IT IS WELL. I hope everyone can say the same thing. God is so GOOD!!!
Ok .... so..... DO you know how confused I was when I peeked in here this early morning??? Some strange NEW guy with a beard and bunny ears.... I thought Mr. Moose found a hunter and invited him to the GARAGE. HAHAHA.

So glad you have decided to STAY with us..... OH what fun we are going to have.
My apologies, I figured if I was sticking around I better address my my name.
The Bunny is a long short story. When ppl were doing those NFT things there was a guy in the Philippines who was making some
characters call Tony The Bunny. NFTs died off and the project was abandoned so I purchased the rights of these. I already had bought several.
But was granted the copyright so. I have some of these I like a couple were made just for me custom by the guy.

Glad the Gym is working out and things coming together.

Today I am going over to visit my mom in Memory care. She is 85 and one day he wont remember me.
She fell a few times and now uses a wheelchair. She is not confined to it. She just is much more stable.
I was going to go yesterday but it rained all day. And I wanted to go for a walk with her.

When it comes to food I was blessed. The Misses was a cook when I met her in 1983. She has been the Dinning Director at
her facility about 25 years and why I am a pretty darn good cook if I don't say so myself. She is amazing at it. Her facility has one
national awards for her Dinning experience there. Because ( shhh don't tell anyone.) But she always thought the company menu was off and since she was the Director she makes top end meals that are Yummy. She found away to stay within corporate policy yet create her own meals.
She also Crochets hats and scarfs. I mentioned a few days back I had to clear storage for her hats. She does them each night and has done them for 20 years. And has made well over 1000 hats and scarfs for the residents there. Its her calling she sits with them all the time as well.
I do not think she will ever fully retire from there. She was there the first year they opened.

She has been save a very long time and I guess I am sharing her testimony. But the differences I was getting to was.
We are all called to serve. Even the meal you are making will have and impact with them and because you are blessed as a Child of Gods through Christ who knows what life may need that touch when you are there.

Service work is not always what we think it is or want it to be. :)
The Bunny is a long short story. When ppl were doing those NFT things there was a guy in the Philippines who was making some
characters call Tony The Bunny. NFTs died off and the project was abandoned so I purchased the rights of these. I already had bought several.
But was granted the copyright so. I have some of these I like a couple were made just for me custom by the guy.
So... you purchased the rights on BUNNY EARS??? Do they come in a dozen like donuts? I think Mr. Moose might be interested
in a pair... and the snails.... WELL..... they love playing dress up. HAHA.
So... you purchased the rights on BUNNY EARS??? Do they come in a dozen like donuts? I think Mr. Moose might be interested
in a pair... and the snails.... WELL..... they love playing dress up. HAHA.
This was on that they made for me . But I have to have ears, or it would just be Tony they guy.
Which would be weird since my name is Paul. And Paul The Bunny doesn't have the ring to it.
Also I don't have rights to Tony the Guy or Paul the Bunny, :confused::rolleyes:
So... you purchased the rights on BUNNY EARS??? Do they come in a dozen like donuts? I think Mr. Moose might be interested
in a pair... and the snails.... WELL..... they love playing dress up. HAHA.
My ears are fine, thank you very much. The donuts, on the other hand, sound like a good idea! And tell the snails to stay out of my ears. OOF!! That gets annoying when they are on each side of my ear and yell so they can hear the echo! echo! echo! echo! echo!
My ears are fine, thank you very much. The donuts, on the other hand, sound like a good idea! And tell the snails to stay out of my ears. OOF!! That gets annoying when they are on each side of my ear and yell so they can hear the echo! echo! echo! echo! echo!
My Dear Mr. Moose...

On behalf of the snail family... I want to extend a formal and heart felt apology for the ringing in your ears.
Unbeknown to me.... 4 snails have been missing for over a week now. Bert and Gert did not send out an
alert and therefore... the little rascals appear to have been hanging out with you ( ON YOU ). You are dearly
loved by the snails. I have sent out a memo to the snail family... and they will be sitting down with the kids tonight
to formulate some important MOOSE RULES.

Perhaps you would be available for questions and or even better.... a moose speech. HA

On a more serious note.... I am sick today... I have bronchitis and am feeling YUCKY.... Please feel free to send
chocolate... flowers.... energy drinks... HAHAHA.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and week-end... I am OUT!
God Is Great. The Lord is my strength and my shield.

The last 6 months has been a while wind.
And the last week, I am being pushed and Pulled. I have not posted too much about it just some.
Mom is not well, the Mrs. lost her Aunt over the weekend.
Last night I went to sleep pretty disoriented over my Mom, and I know I am being tested.
As its been six months of one thing after the other. And draining my bank account trying to recover from
them LOL.

But Lord, I am not sure how well or long I will hold out. But I am stronger because of this.
I can feel satan's grubby fingers trying to reach out and trip me.
Its not easy living life in todays world too many temptation. But this morning God answered.
I am sure he heard my soul cracking around the edges. Because a hour or so dipping into his words.
And I am much better. I can still feel the dark push behind me its always there. But the Lords voice is much louder.
Lord I am grateful for not giving up on me. I am humbled by your strength in me, without the Holy Spirit I would fail.

I Love You Lord, Thank You.
Life is cruel. I sometimes wonder how anyone can thank God. That’s how bad it’s got with me from time to time.

I admire anyones faith when they keep going sometimes.

I can’t wait for a permanent heaven where no one suffers.
I can’t even imagine one anymore.
I pray for your mum and family Paul.

Hold on everyone xxx

I actually even though being ordained twice I have horrible confidence in my faith.
One thing when I was looking for a group to is you are allowing the raw side of me to be here.
Meaning, I am transparent about being a Christ Follower.
I have checked every box one could do to have it easier following Christ.
All day today I rebuked satan as I have o be open and honest as we are all tested every day. If we are truly being honest I
Thing we all have that happen. At least people I have talked with the last 61 years of my life is. Its Hard to be good and faithful to
people, near impossible to faithful to God.

This is me this week using and analogy. I woke up Monday had a great weekend. Not awake and hour and satan was right there.
I then turned to the word and he became a distant murmur. he kept throwing rocks at me all week. And today like 5 times.
There is not magic combination, or one right way to stay faithful on the path. But satan so far has never been able to even get me to notice him, when I am within the word. When I am weak I will need him more then ever. Sometimes I suffer greatly. I have cried out and feel my voice was not heard. But eventually what God had in my path makes sense. Things could not be as they are without willing to take the path.
Do I all the time take the right path. Umm no. Not even close.
God is my shield and am a pathetic mess. Being a pastor all these years did not make the struggles any easier.
If anything I observed allot pain in thousands of people. Enough for me to ask if he took the year off.
The word of God is ,my only salvation.

I Love God because only he along can ease this struggle.
There is nothing else out there, I know I looked. And all you might see in a mirage of what is really there.
When we do not seek God as our solution. We Seek Nothing.
Anything we seek other then God is useless, it brings us nothing. Never has brought us anything but pain and suffering.
Well satan offers allot, so many things. And they are all useless to be in his kingdom.

God created all things from Nothing. And satan can give us all things that are nothing.
There is no value in sin. And I think that is why I am a target because I call satan what he is.
Weak, for I can suffer and still turn to God. He gave up when it got too hard.
My Dear Mr. Moose...

On behalf of the snail family... I want to extend a formal and heart felt apology for the ringing in your ears.
Unbeknown to me.... 4 snails have been missing for over a week now. Bert and Gert did not send out an
alert and therefore... the little rascals appear to have been hanging out with you ( ON YOU ). You are dearly
loved by the snails. I have sent out a memo to the snail family... and they will be sitting down with the kids tonight
to formulate some important MOOSE RULES.

Perhaps you would be available for questions and or even better.... a moose speech. HA

On a more serious note.... I am sick today... I have bronchitis and am feeling YUCKY.... Please feel free to send
chocolate... flowers.... energy drinks... HAHAHA.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and week-end... I am OUT!
Have a wonderful weekend In Awe of Him and hope your bronchitis heals sister.
I find salt water helps to gargle when I am throaty.