Journal The Garage

There is a friend of mine, I have known three years we talk about Finances, stocks in our group we kind of run togeteher.
The Christ Follower in me always hints about how I get through life with God.
But he never usually responds.
In the last two weeks, has many power outages, had to repair the electrical box. My wives aunt died.
My Father in Law is dying from health issues. My Mom fell she's 85 has a concussion and we think a stroke.
She has ALZ and Dem, I have had to deal with renewing my sons SSI that he has to have for insurance to get infusions.
And several other things. He wrote me and said God is really testing you isn't he. I have been praying for my friend and his family
allot as they also have difficulties. I wrote back.:

Oh I think he has been testing me all my life.
I actually do not mind it as much as it seems. Yes it takes up allot of time and can be hard to get through at times. But God has always revealed why the struggle was there. Not always the way I expect. But if I am open to the path chosen, then there is greater peace when it hits the fan. Not saying I like it. I just accept it, pray for strength and guidance. So I don't do it alone

I am not sure, but yet again God opened a door for his Glory to be seen.
If I may and I am sure most everyone here knows this.

Mine and yours struggle are not God attacking you or hating you. I can do so much now because of the pain,
tears and stress I have been through while are life destroying events. Yet. ... I keep asking all my life to let his path be known to me.
Sometimes its a week, a year or decade and a tool God gave me after a struggle is used to bring others to God.
If this last few weeks hardship brings my friend to begin accepting God, then for his glory it was done.
Oh I do not like the struggles, or the pain. I am not a masochist. I wish life was easier. But its not. But regardless my life has free
will. But as Gods Child I need his fatherly advice and I try and take it.

May all Glory be seen, from the Lord thy God.
So sorry for being absent... I have been sick.... and today is Fire Hall day... I did not think I was going to make it to be able to join them
as invited because all day I was nauseous. BUT.... THANK YOU JESUS.... I got everything done.... they will be here in 3 minutes and it's my FAVOURITE PLATOON.

I will catch up tomorrow. Love ya guys.
So sorry for being absent... I have been sick.... and today is Fire Hall day... I did not think I was going to make it to be able to join them as invited because all day I was nauseous. BUT.... THANK YOU JESUS.... I got everything done.... they will be here in 3 minutes and it's my FAVOURITE PLATOON. I will catch up tomorrow. Love ya guys.

In Awwwwwweee of Him;

I believe the weather begins to cool to Autumn in September in Canada. I'm wondering if this is also the time that something is in the air? I hope all goes well with the Fire Hall lunch.

Over here in Daly City, CA it cools down in September but warms up in October. This causes people to catch a bug because of the sudden change in temperature.

I'm getting my pneumonia shot on Wednesday and possibly my flu shot the same day or following in the next week or so.

We're praying you feel better soon,
In Awe of Him.