Journal The Garage

So it seems your end of deliberation is deliberate
It is determined...decisive... deliberation that is deliberate. :)

Mr Moose does not care about being funny.... He thinks with his tummy... ( like Winnie da Pooh )... so ... as long as we are stocked up on peanut butter cups and fizzy drinks... Mr. Moose is a happy camper.

I on the other hand am NEEDY..... I NEEDY to be(dee)... FUNNY!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
It is determined...decisive... deliberation that is deliberate. :)

Mr Moose does not care about being funny.... He thinks with his tummy... ( like Winnie da Pooh )... so ... as long as we are stocked up on peanut butter cups and fizzy drinks... Mr. Moose is a happy camper.

I on the other hand am NEEDY..... I NEEDY to be(dee)... FUNNY!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
So was the decisive response, a cognitive reaction, or was it a determined response from deliberation.
Good thing Mr. Moose does not care about being funny, I do think when I have eaten moose it did taste funny.
I am clinically insane, so by definition my insanity can not be comedic in nature. But is more clinical in so.🏥😷
At least that is what the voices tell me.
11 He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.12 Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 13 This is why I speak to them in parables:

I'm gonna pray this scripture over this thread. because I see so much Faith going on
The Book OF Books, and amazing collection of material.
That exists, simply because humanity is really not that bright.

The Bible could have been a simple 10 pages as God Saying.
This is how I created all of this. See this list don't do that.
The End.

OK after awhile God realizes boy are these humans are dense. The Flood the, tower, the cities..
And they don't get it.

OK here is a couple of more pages.
That stuff I told you not to do, say you are sorry, my son is here to help you repent and have salivation.
You just have to stop doing that other stuff. And then things will be ok.

And yet here we are, 2000 years later. The Bible is the Book of Salvation.
Its truly that basic. Yet God twice has these two large pieces containing many books.
To tell us how to have salvation. And yet................... all these directions and we can't get it right and even defy it?.

In fact some try hard to not have salvation, simply because its too hard.
Repent, Accept and avoid work to avoid sin.

Who would know, we would need thousands of pages to tell us, to please God and
do good things. And ....... yet.........??

Tonight I was breaking the Bible down to its simplest form.
( Of course the bible has allot more in it, but in the end, its a book to save humans)