Journal The Garage

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Sorry for the double picture, when I went to write about it, it posted the picture again and wouldn't let me delete it. This picture is called The tail of the whale, I found it on as a 3D background for my computer. It is such a beautiful, peaceful scene. The water is calm and just behind and to the right of the tail you can see a ripple in the water, maybe a calf following mom. Above there is a break in the clouds, reminding me that even though there may be a storm all around me I have peace in God's light.
Sorry for the double picture, when I went to write about it, it posted the picture again and wouldn't let me delete it. This picture is called The tail of the whale, I found it on as a 3D background for my computer. It is such a beautiful, peaceful scene. The water is calm and just behind and to the right of the tail you can see a ripple in the water, maybe a calf following mom. Above there is a break in the clouds, reminding me that even though there may be a storm all around me I have peace in God's light.
Its a very awesome picture. I can see why you use it for a background very nice. Thank You for sharing. I love photography.
So much easier today with digital.
Heavenly Father... I love you... I adore you... and I WORSHIP your most Holy Name.
You and only YOU are WORTHY to be praised.

I bring before you my beloved Mr. Moose who is going for surgery today.
Kiss his spirit with PEACE... Wrap Him in your loving arms and be with
doctors today as they perform this procedure.

I thank you for my brother.... He has added such JOY to the Garage.

In Jesus Name, I pray. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AMEN
Thank you for the prayers. I was very peaceful with very little anxiety, so answered prayers right there. I was a little worried when the doctor who was doing the surgery came in prior to it to describe what was about to happen. First, he looked a little like the first lead singer of INXS.
Kinda like that. He knew what he was talking about, what with the old wires that I have going from my shoulder to my heart (18 years wow). But he seemed a little jumpy or nervous..........or just too much pent up energy, whatever it was. So he did have to drill out the wires from the ICD, since they were apparently stuck in the device. But other than that, smooth sailing. So now I get to recover. I don't remember covering to begin with, but there it is.
So here's to another 9 years of a machine in my chest, (does that make me a Borg???), doing nothing but monitoring my heart and all the gymnastics it does.
Thank you all again.
Mr. Moose
So happy to hear that all went well with your procedure Mr. Moose Big Moose
Frannie was pacing all day... which means absolutely nothing because she travels at delayed speed. HA

Good morning my precious forum family...
Well... Mr. Louie arrived yesterday morning at 7 am... and I have one more day with him. Margaret will pick him up tomorrow morning at 9 am. He was a very good boy... and he has so far gotten a ton of cuddles and head massages which is what he loves most.

Yesterday I decided to go swimming because it was a relatively warm day. I did not look at the temperature of the lake. I later looked up what the temp was and it was a degree lower than my last swim on October 4th last year. My last swim October 2023 the temp was 18.4... and yesterday... the temp was 17.3. Definitely a cold water swim. I did not think I would participate in doing it this year... but it's like I get into the challenge and I can't stop. HAHA. It's not comfortable... but I take my time.... and wade in slowly and give myself three or so minutes to finally take that plunge.

It's not dangerous... I'm not into dangerous... I'm too old for dangerous... but it is UNCOMFORTABLE however... it is a beautiful experience. Once I submerge myself fully in the water... I dog paddle in a few circles... hahaha... I can't swim... and I don't go deeper than my neck.... and then I FLOAT.... it's such a spiritual experience for lack of a better word. The sun is just coming out and so in the next ten minutes... I am going to go in and have a quick dip.
It's currently 9 C = 48.2 F. Not for the faint of heart. HA.
Good Morning. Up Sunday early, went to bed Early.
Met with Hospice yesterday. So I was to meet with the Hospice Nurse Supervisor to sign papers.
I was going to meet in the Lobby area and talk so my mom was not a distraction. I live like a few minutes away
so arrived early.

They have this huge Lobby and massive salt water tank. I went over to look why I waited for the nurse.
The building has two side courtyards to the left and right of the lobby. I think My mom is sleeping probably.
I here this click of the courtyard door and in pops my mom in her wheelchair. She loves being outside.
And actually gets around quite frequently with ease in her chair.
And of course my Mom spotted me. I am not sure how well anyone reading this knows about ALZ/DEM,?
But the Nurse arrived 2 minute later as well with my mom being there, the appointment maybe would have taken 20-30 minutes
took one and half hours. LOL. I do not like the word expert. But when it comes to Cognitive issues, I consider myself as such.
( no not saying to brag or boast) But even with my high skill level LOL sorry it was funny was I could not redirect my Mom to save my own life.
And she was exist seeking, so she wanted to leave and me to taker her, there was no defusing that.
Of all things to be and expert at, I wish I was not in this. Because it is a confusing world.
n John 16:33, Jesus directly acknowledges the troubles and confusion that exist in the world, but He offers reassurance:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Jesus acknowledges that the world can be a difficult and chaotic place, full of trials, but He encourages believers to find peace in Him because He has overcome the world. He reassures His followers that despite the world's confusion, they can trust in His victory over it.

I truly want to share that this world the normal is struggle. I hear often, nearly every day. Why does God make it so hard?
He doesn't. We live in a world of sin, and those influences along with free will are just, is what it is situation.
Life is not s sterile operating room, where each moment is monitored and designed to work at peak performance and maximum results.
But we are not alone. As Father, Son and Holy Spirit do present a path to peak performance. And its Free to apply. :D
I truly want to share that this world the normal is struggle. I hear often, nearly every day. Why does God make it so hard?
He doesn't. We live in a world of sin, and those influences along with free will are just, is what it is situation.
Life is not s sterile operating room, where each moment is monitored and designed to work at peak performance and maximum results.
But we are not alone. As Father, Son and Holy Spirit do present a path to peak performance. And its Free to apply. :D
I experienced just this.... yesterday. I went to the grocery store... and on my way home... I see this guy
on his knees ( and not in a good way )... He has ten and five dollar bills in front of him... scattered on the sidewalk... and he is doing the zombie sleep thing... where he seems to be frozen. I could not believe my eyes... and I could not walk past. So.... I introduced myself... and told him he had money in front of him... I had an extra wallet in my purse ( for some reason ). It was a zippered pouch type thing... and so I asked him if I could help him pick up the loose bills and he said yes. I got that all sorted for him... and put it inside of a shaving bag he had so it was safe.... and then I asked him if he could tell me part of his story. Well... his story was so devastating.... I asked him if I could hold his hand... and he gave it to me... and we sat on the curb...outside Shoppers Drug Mart for half an hour. He talked and talked and then I asked him if I could pray for him. I did not know what to say... so I just wept... and told Jesus... this is NOT ok.... this is just NOT ok.... and I asked Him to reveal himself to this man who was suffering so deeply.... to reveal Himself to him and to protect him from harm. I honestly did not have a clue how to pray.... because it was NOT "a sterile operating room".
It was a real human being so broken and so pathetically hopeless. There are no words.... but GOD.... I am hoping for the but GOD part to manifest itself in the life of this man who has deeply touched my heart.

As I was praying... I noticed a man and a woman come up but standing back and her hand went up to signify that she was agreeing in prayer. The guy said thank you afterwards.... and that he had to go because he had to walk to the clinic. I spent another 20 minutes talking to the lady and gentleman who had stopped and it turns out... her daughter lives on the streets and is a drug addict. I gave her my email address and told her I would love to go for coffee. She has been diagnosed with cancer and apparently she belongs to the gym I go to. She said she is NOT afraid.

WOW.... all this in the span of 45 minutes.

Today.... I started back up at the gym.... I was there for 5:15 am... and I went swimming this afternoon. My swimming days are numbered now... and every time I go in... I think of the fact that it might possibly be my last swim for the season. The lake actually warmed up by 1 degree... HA.

I am in a pondering mood. It blows me away how JOYFUL... PEACEFUL and PLENTIFUL my life is when others are in such a state of suffering. Come Lord Jesus... Come.
I experienced just this.... yesterday. I went to the grocery store... and on my way home... I see this guy
on his knees ( and not in a good way )... He has ten and five dollar bills in front of him... scattered on the sidewalk... and he is doing the zombie sleep thing... where he seems to be frozen. I could not believe my eyes... and I could not walk past. So.... I introduced myself... and told him he had money in front of him... I had an extra wallet in my purse ( for some reason ). It was a zippered pouch type thing... and so I asked him if I could help him pick up the loose bills and he said yes. I got that all sorted for him... and put it inside of a shaving bag he had so it was safe.... and then I asked him if he could tell me part of his story. Well... his story was so devastating.... I asked him if I could hold his hand... and he gave it to me... and we sat on the curb...outside Shoppers Drug Mart for half an hour. He talked and talked and then I asked him if I could pray for him. I did not know what to say... so I just wept... and told Jesus... this is NOT ok.... this is just NOT ok.... and I asked Him to reveal himself to this man who was suffering so deeply.... to reveal Himself to him and to protect him from harm. I honestly did not have a clue how to pray.... because it was NOT "a sterile operating room". It was a real human being so broken and so pathetically hopeless. There are no words.... but GOD.... I am hoping for the but GOD part to manifest itself in the life of this man who has deeply touched my heart.

As I was praying... I noticed a man and a woman come up but standing back and her hand went up to signify that she was agreeing in prayer. The guy said thank you afterwards.... and that he had to go because he had to walk to the clinic. I spent another 20 minutes talking to the lady and gentleman who had stopped and it turns out... her daughter lives on the streets and is a drug addict. I gave her my email address and told her I would love to go for coffee. She has been diagnosed with cancer and apparently she belongs to the gym I go to. She said she is NOT afraid. WOW.... all this in the span of 45 minutes.

Hello In Awe of Him;

I just got back in town and when I logged on earlier this afternoon I came across your beautiful post. I was touched and exclaimed to God, this is what we do, sister!

This was very uplifting and what you did blessed me.

God bless you, In Awe of Him.


Good morning my beautiful forum family...

Oh how the forums are bursting with NEW life... WOW... This is so lovely on my heart because I have prayed for people to come and add to the fellowship of this wonderful place. It's HAPPENING!!!! Thank you FATHER.

It is 4:40 am... and I am getting ready to go to the gym. I love that this place is open early ( 5 am ). :D
This means I am out and done by the time most people are waking up. HA.

I have a friend in South Carolina who contacted me yesterday. I lost touch with her over this year... we are email pen-pals. Yesterday I sent her a message and asked if she would be able to just let me know if she was OK. God bless her... she wrote back a very brief email. She and her family are ok but they still have no power... which means they lost all their food.

For some reason... this is my week to profoundly count all as in ALL my blessings. I am so fortunate to not have any hardships. After three years of sheer... overflowing JOY... I am suddenly feeling a bit confused as to why I am not receiving any trials. Last year... I did have ONE very difficult situation... and I was deeply affected... but for the most part... I wake up daily with JOY... great JOY... and PEACE that surpasses all understanding. This is not from ANYTHING I have done. It is strictly what GOD is DOING.

Perhaps this is simply what occurs when we age... and we sin less... and we love more... we surrender all things to Him faster and we embrace life as it comes with acceptance and joy????? That is a statement and a question.

I am so GRATEFUL.... this week... I have seen and heard great tragedies... and my heart is pierced for those who are suffering. Perhaps Father is simply wanting me to pay attention to something.

Thank you Heavenly Father for this precious place I call my family. Thank you for the new people who are coming in and have so MUCH to contribute. Thank you for the creative giftings we have here with our poets... and writers. Thank you that people feel safe here to share from their hearts. OH how that blesses me.

I love you guys so much. Have a beautiful day everyone.
I experienced just this.... yesterday. I went to the grocery store... and on my way home... I see this guy
on his knees ( and not in a good way )... He has ten and five dollar bills in front of him... scattered on the sidewalk... and he is doing the zombie sleep thing... where he seems to be frozen. I could not believe my eyes... and I could not walk past. So.... I introduced myself... and told him he had money in front of him... I had an extra wallet in my purse ( for some reason ). It was a zippered pouch type thing... and so I asked him if I could help him pick up the loose bills and he said yes. I got that all sorted for him... and put it inside of a shaving bag he had so it was safe.... and then I asked him if he could tell me part of his story. Well... his story was so devastating.... I asked him if I could hold his hand... and he gave it to me... and we sat on the curb...outside Shoppers Drug Mart for half an hour. He talked and talked and then I asked him if I could pray for him. I did not know what to say... so I just wept... and told Jesus... this is NOT ok.... this is just NOT ok.... and I asked Him to reveal himself to this man who was suffering so deeply.... to reveal Himself to him and to protect him from harm. I honestly did not have a clue how to pray.... because it was NOT "a sterile operating room".
It was a real human being so broken and so pathetically hopeless. There are no words.... but GOD.... I am hoping for the but GOD part to manifest itself in the life of this man who has deeply touched my heart.

As I was praying... I noticed a man and a woman come up but standing back and her hand went up to signify that she was agreeing in prayer. The guy said thank you afterwards.... and that he had to go because he had to walk to the clinic. I spent another 20 minutes talking to the lady and gentleman who had stopped and it turns out... her daughter lives on the streets and is a drug addict. I gave her my email address and told her I would love to go for coffee. She has been diagnosed with cancer and apparently she belongs to the gym I go to. She said she is NOT afraid.

WOW.... all this in the span of 45 minutes.

Today.... I started back up at the gym.... I was there for 5:15 am... and I went swimming this afternoon. My swimming days are numbered now... and every time I go in... I think of the fact that it might possibly be my last swim for the season. The lake actually warmed up by 1 degree... HA.

I am in a pondering mood. It blows me away how JOYFUL... PEACEFUL and PLENTIFUL my life is when others are in such a state of suffering. Come Lord Jesus... Come.
It is truly beautiful when God works in you and through you. Very inspirational!
Good morning my precious forum family....
Happy Monday.... OH my goodness... life has been a bit busy this last week. Not sure what I've been busy with HAHA... but I have been busy.

This morning I am being picked up to dog-sit the cutest little creatures... oh my goodness...I met them yesterday and my heart just melted.... like seriously.... One of the dogs is just over 4 pounds.... she was abused.... and her little tongue just sticks out and she looks up at you with her little eyes. I just want to take her home and keep her. All discipline goes out the window when something like that happens. THANKFUL that this 13 year old Chihuahua is finally receiving lots of love. My heart is absolutely GONE. The other dog is well and healthy... He is 3 and his name is Munchkin. SO..... gonna be the BEST EVER day.... with TONS of licks and cuddles.

So.... garden work is done... I had my last swim two days ago... I'm pretty sure I'm done with the swims because it's getting pretty cool out there.

Have a wonderful day. I'll be back tomorrow.
Good morning my precious forum family....
Happy Monday.... OH my goodness... life has been a bit busy this last week. Not sure what I've been busy with HAHA... but I have been busy.

This morning I am being picked up to dog-sit the cutest little creatures... oh my goodness...I met them yesterday and my heart just melted.... like seriously.... One of the dogs is just over 4 pounds.... she was abused.... and her little tongue just sticks out and she looks up at you with her little eyes. I just want to take her home and keep her. All discipline goes out the window when something like that happens. THANKFUL that this 13 year old Chihuahua is finally receiving lots of love. My heart is absolutely GONE. The other dog is well and healthy... He is 3 and his name is Munchkin. SO..... gonna be the BEST EVER day.... with TONS of licks and cuddles.

So.... garden work is done... I had my last swim two days ago... I'm pretty sure I'm done with the swims because it's getting pretty cool out there.

Have a wonderful day. I'll be back tomorrow.
OMG... You have my dream job!
Animals just are so adorable and never give us any grief, unless of course they are vicious because of abuse and mistreatment. But treat them well and they learn to trust again, I'm convinced. Praying you go from doggy mum to super doggy mum😇❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Busy week, umm I mean year.
Seems each week has had its own obstacles. I have to say I am well aware that God is testing me this year.
As I pull back on service( pastoral stuff) Seems was just in time for the unloading things to overcome.
As the last year has come and passed. Major events keep coming. Yet important to realize in life this is what happens.
And if God is testing me, he saw me trip and stumble some this year. A week ago Mom went on Hospice, in the last three weeks,
Two family members have passed. I have the blessed task this week to make funeral arrangement for my mom whom is still alive.
That is about as odd a thing to do. As ALZ/DEM continues to take its toll. Today my son goes in for his Colonoscopy for maybe the 35fifth time
and he is 29. Has Chronic Crones disease as well as Pervasive developmental disorder and autism. And he gets this as a added bonus.
He is the strongest man I know. What we have and take for granted he has never had. Never had a first love, a first kiss. A job, doesn't drive,
has no friends, and lives with us all his life. Yet he wakes up each day, loves the Lord and is actually OK, not being like everyone else.
As parents we want the best for our kids. My father in law has maybe 6months to a year left. Prognoses is grim, my mother in law is also a smoker and she is just now starting to have health issues. My oldest son started his own business and I am trying to help in any way he asked. And that has been actually allot of fun watching him do this. But I am the assigned glue to keep everyone moving.

Now I am not writing this as a compliant, I think many people take it the wrong way when I post stuff like this in the forum.
I am not struggling for no reason. God has assigned me to slowly remove my pastoral duties to embrace those whom need me more.
God has always done this. The miracles of faith, and the Holy Spirit is alive and well in me. There is nothing, I mean nothing God can not handle.
I know this, because had I done it alone, I would not be here now typing this, and that is a cold hard fact I know 100%.
God is there, do not forget it, God never walks away or takes a break, we do. Walking with the Lord, is not just a metaphor, it is a fact of Grace.
PaulisSaved you seem to have quite a lot on your plate. Praying the Lords wisdom, patience and compassion sees you through...

I remember when my dad died and even though I saw it in a dream and it prepared me, it was no less heartbreaking, but when we celebrated his life at his funeral, (as he would have wanted to), I was relieved just to know he would have never wanted us to be sad because he was such a jolly man... so we all keep him in our hearts as the happy man he wanted us to see!
Busy week, umm I mean year. Seems each week has had its own obstacles. I have to say I am well aware that God is testing me this year. As I pull back on service( pastoral stuff) Seems was just in time for the unloading things to overcome. As the last year has come and passed. Major events keep coming. Yet important to realize in life this is what happens. And if God is testing me, he saw me trip and stumble some this year. A week ago Mom went on Hospice, in the last three weeks, Two family members have passed. I have the blessed task this week to make funeral arrangement for my mom whom is still alive. That is about as odd a thing to do. As ALZ/DEM continues to take its toll. Today my son goes in for his Colonoscopy for maybe the 35fifth time and he is 29. Has Chronic Crones disease as well as Pervasive developmental disorder and autism. And he gets this as a added bonus. He is the strongest man I know. What we have and take for granted he has never had. Never had a first love, a first kiss. A job, doesn't drive, has no friends, and lives with us all his life. Yet he wakes up each day, loves the Lord and is actually OK, not being like everyone else. As parents we want the best for our kids. My father in law has maybe 6months to a year left. Prognoses is grim, my mother in law is also a smoker and she is just now starting to have health issues. My oldest son started his own business and I am trying to help in any way he asked. And that has been actually allot of fun watching him do this. But I am the assigned glue to keep everyone moving. Now I am not writing this as a compliant, I think many people take it the wrong way when I post stuff like this in the forum. I am not struggling for no reason. God has assigned me to slowly remove my pastoral duties to embrace those whom need me more. God has always done this. The miracles of faith, and the Holy Spirit is alive and well in me. There is nothing, I mean nothing God can not handle. I know this, because had I done it alone, I would not be here now typing this, and that is a cold hard fact I know 100%. God is there, do not forget it, God never walks away or takes a break, we do. Walking with the Lord, is not just a metaphor, it is a fact of Grace.

Good morning, Paul;

I red / blue lighted your post.

Your new Church family at Christian Forum Site loves and accepts you just the way you are, brother. Nobody is taking you the wrong way, we're still getting to know you, yes, but nobody is taking you the wrong way. Let it go. Your brothers and sisters are seasoned Christians who understand, share daily their own personal trials, challenges and sufferings. What better place to lean on than the Friendly Christian Forum! For that I praise His Wonderful Name.

Your Mom is your beloved Mom and she remains in our prayers daily. I've read your posts regarding your wonderful sons. I believe they minister and bring joy to you and your wife each day. God blessed and entrusted you with His treasures (your sons.)

I don't get to come home and enjoy my son because he died in my wife's womb at 6 months. But in time Hazel and I realized our son brought us closer together as he went to be with the Lord. The Lord assured us of double blessings, we celebrated 39 years marriage in 2024 and have all the faith our son is with the Lord. He would have been 38 this year.

Since we know God sees everything and remains sovereign, still, He loves us unconditionally, and sends us to serve Him in all He calls us to do. What an honor.

We're reminded of John 15:15. Therefore, rest in Him, rest in His love. Prayerfully pursue the plans God has for your life and act on it.

We're here to encourage you, Paul. Keep writing.

God bless you and your entire family, brother.

Good morning, Paul;

I red / blue lighted your post.

Your new Church family at Christian Forum Site loves and accepts you just the way you are, brother. Nobody is taking you the wrong way, we're still getting to know you, yes, but nobody is taking you the wrong way. Let it go. Your brothers and sisters are seasoned Christians who understand, share daily their own personal trials, challenges and sufferings. What better place to lean on than the Friendly Christian Forum! For that I praise His Wonderful Name.

Your Mom is your beloved Mom and she remains in our prayers daily. I've read your posts regarding your wonderful sons. I believe they minister and bring joy to you and your wife each day. God blessed and entrusted you with His treasures (your sons.)

I don't get to come home and enjoy my son because he died in my wife's womb at 6 months. But in time Hazel and I realized our son brought us closer together as he went to be with the Lord. The Lord assured us of double blessings, we celebrated 39 years marriage in 2024 and have all the faith our son is with the Lord. He would have been 38 this year.

Since we know God sees everything and remains sovereign, still, He loves us unconditionally, and sends us to serve Him in all He calls us to do. What an honor.

We're reminded of John 15:15. Therefore, rest in Him, rest in His love. Prayerfully pursue the plans God has for your life and act on it.

We're here to encourage you, Paul. Keep writing.

God bless you and your entire family, brother.


Oh My Dear Brother Bob, truly appreciate the kind words.

( I hate the internet sometimes. Very hard to articulate when people do not know you )
Was actually talking with my son today at his colonoscopy as we were talking about his crones.
And he has been lately discussing how he is often on the outside looking in.

I am sad to hear of your sons passing, My wife and I had what would have been the older daughter of these two sons.
She also died at 6 months back in 1989. I think about her near each day. She was to be called Emily. So brother I am sorry you had to go through that. Its something I don't talk about. As we were just married in 1988 and were starting the family.
And in 1991 my oldest son, I nearly lost my wife and son, due to my wives rare blood type. The trials in our life brother.

I think its time for some deep meditation and prayer on my end. To try and get a clear path where I am going.
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