Good Morning. Up Sunday early, went to bed Early.
Met with Hospice yesterday. So I was to meet with the Hospice Nurse Supervisor to sign papers.
I was going to meet in the Lobby area and talk so my mom was not a distraction. I live like a few minutes away
so arrived early.
They have this huge Lobby and massive salt water tank. I went over to look why I waited for the nurse.
The building has two side courtyards to the left and right of the lobby. I think My mom is sleeping probably.
I here this click of the courtyard door and in pops my mom in her wheelchair. She loves being outside.
And actually gets around quite frequently with ease in her chair.
And of course my Mom spotted me. I am not sure how well anyone reading this knows about ALZ/DEM,?
But the Nurse arrived 2 minute later as well with my mom being there, the appointment maybe would have taken 20-30 minutes
took one and half hours. LOL. I do not like the word expert. But when it comes to Cognitive issues, I consider myself as such.
( no not saying to brag or boast) But even with my high skill level LOL sorry it was funny was I could not redirect my Mom to save my own life.
And she was exist seeking, so she wanted to leave and me to taker her, there was no defusing that.
Of all things to be and expert at, I wish I was not in this. Because it is a confusing world.
John 16:33, Jesus directly acknowledges the troubles and confusion that exist in the world, but He offers reassurance:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Jesus acknowledges that the world can be a difficult and chaotic place, full of trials, but He encourages believers to find peace in Him because He has overcome the world. He reassures His followers that despite the world's confusion, they can trust in His victory over it.
I truly want to share that this world the normal is struggle. I hear often, nearly every day. Why does God make it so hard?
He doesn't. We live in a world of sin, and those influences along with free will are just, is what it is situation.
Life is not s sterile operating room, where each moment is monitored and designed to work at peak performance and maximum results.
But we are not alone. As Father, Son and Holy Spirit do present a path to peak performance. And its Free to apply.