Journal The Garage

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PaducahLuke Is Junior safe to be near? He looks a bit wild to me
What has he got in his hand?

Is he kind to snails? Please say hello to them for me. Loads of treats on the way to Canada for them. And some special polish for their shells.

Yeah, Junior's OK, I recon. He's just a little more back in the woods than most and don't get a haircut like the rest of us. I suppose eatin' mainly bear meat, Possum innards, and crow wings can make folks look like that after a while. At least when he done eatin', he brushes his 'tooth' with a tooth brush what Cletus give him.

In that photo, he's carryin' a bottle of deodorant that someone give him. He uses it every time he takes a bath - every April.


We have had the same house about 25 years. We have a family ranch my son takes care of this as we prefer in town most times.

Well when we moved into this house 25 years ago, the street was quiet. Across the street was
this nice elderly couple must have been in their 50's or 60's.

People have come and gone at that house across the way. The older couple lived there over 20 years before us.

About 5 years ago, this nice couple across the street moved in about 30 years old, and have this nice elderly couple across the street from them that have lived there over 20 years. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
A wee update... I went to see the doctor this morning and I have a SEVERE chest infection. She took my oxygen levels and decided to put me
on anti-biotics and a very strong puffer with three different medications in it.

This is WHY people should NOT smoke. I quit months ago... but... I still have the first stages of COPD. My doctor has NEVER said that word to me... and when I brought my care papers home... there it was in "NEON" ( not really ) printing.... COPD ACTION plan. I thought I had a chest infection????
Anyways... I came home... my daughter audio called me... I had a melt down... cried... felt sorry for myself for 5 minutes... ok... half hour... :D
and then I decided to PRAISE.

I will PRAISE you in the light.... I will PRAISE you in the dark... I WILL PRAISE YOU in the good... I will PRAISE you in the bad.... I will PRAISE you in the plenty... I will praise you in the famine... I will PRAISE you in good health... and I will PRAISE you in the sickness.

It doesn't matter what I have.... the damage is done... These last two weeks have been rough ones. This week-end... I experienced what it felt like to have a bowel obstruction. I thought I was going to die. I was so sick. A medication issue caused by an increase in dosage.

I am learning the beautiful dance of PRAISING in sickness.

A wee update... I went to see the doctor this morning and I have a SEVERE chest infection. She took my oxygen levels and decided to put me
on anti-biotics and a very strong puffer with three different medications in it.

This is WHY people should NOT smoke. I quit months ago... but... I still have the first stages of COPD. My doctor has NEVER said that word to me... and when I brought my care papers home... there it was in "NEON" ( not really ) printing.... COPD ACTION plan. I thought I had a chest infection????
Anyways... I came home... my daughter audio called me... I had a melt down... cried... felt sorry for myself for 5 minutes... ok... half hour... :D
and then I decided to PRAISE.

I will PRAISE you in the light.... I will PRAISE you in the dark... I WILL PRAISE YOU in the good... I will PRAISE you in the bad.... I will PRAISE you in the plenty... I will praise you in the famine... I will PRAISE you in good health... and I will PRAISE you in the sickness.

It doesn't matter what I have.... the damage is done... These last two weeks have been rough ones. This week-end... I experienced what it felt like to have a bowel obstruction. I thought I was going to die. I was so sick. A medication issue caused by an increase in dosage.

I am learning the beautiful dance of PRAISING in sickness.

The testimony you just shared, is exactly what I needed to read.

God works in so many wonderful ways.

God is truly amazing. 🙏

Praying for your strength and courage to move through this, as he moves through you.

In Awe of Him I hope you are feeling the healing very soon. Since we are throwing the medical stuff out there, I am getting my ICD changed out since the battery has ended its life expectancy. An ICD is very similar to a pacemaker, but it is only for a shock if I should ever need one. This is the second time I will have one replaced, as the first one was installed in 2006 and replaced in 2015. I go under the knife on Thursday.

The backstory for this is I had a heart attack in 2003 at the age of 36. Recovered somewhat (with a lower ejection fraction), but in 2006 I found out the EF fell to around 25 - 30%. 50% or more is normal. So the doctor recommended this implant in case of needing shocked in the future. I never have been shocked in all these years, so that's a blessing. The good thing about this was that they were able to see my tachycardia problems and adjust my meds.

This is usually in and out the same day, so hopefully not a big deal. So there is my big update.

Gosh.... apparently I stayed signed in all night. Lights were on but nobody was home. HAHA

Good morning my precious forum family.... to PaulisSaved and Big Moose ... THANK you for your encouraging words. Please know that I will continue to be praying for both of you. I put Thursday in my calendar as I like to pray the day of things. ***** Note.... I really need to buy some moose stickers. HAHAHAHA. The snails will all want to throw you a big WELCOME HOME party I'm sure. ( I think Frannie has a crush on you ). :D

I am coming on to a year of being here... The time has flown... and in the midst of all these pages that started as a JOURNAL in early January of this year.... the GARAGE came alive in such an unexpected and truly beautiful way.

I cannot express with words.... the absolute GRATITUDE I feel towards EVERYONE here at the forums.

You have all taught me so much... you have encouraged me when I was wobbly and finding my "sea legs"... you
have tenderly taken me aside and exhorted me to "think and pray" on things... you have laughed at me and with me. HAHAHAHA.... and I have felt your prayers and genuine love towards me. You have offered me a "safe haven" with the assurance that I can simply be me... as is... and the guarantee that I will be respected. YOU have delivered over and above what the RULES have stated. THANK YOU... THANK YOU.... THANK YOU.
Hi, thar, Miss In Awe of Him and a good mornin' to ya.

As I wuz readin' yer words above, I started to get tears in my eyes. Then I realized that I wuz cuttin' up a white onion to go with our lunch of Possum stew, 'taters, greens and some chocolate cake that the Missus baked up. As soon as I stopped choppin' up that onion, them tears went away. BUT, yer words above were powerful and inspiring enough to make a puppy pull along an 18-wheeler semi truck.

My cousin, Billy Bob, used to drive a big rig 18 wheeler years ago. He retired after an accident on the interstate. He wuz haulin' a trailer full of ladies wigs on a rain slick road, hit a tree and all them wigs got throwed out of the trailer. Police 'combed' the area for many hours.

Y'all have a good day, now, y'hear...


Police 'combed' the area for many hours. 😉

1727290934833.png This is my friend Lil.... she is an EXPERT onion shredder... She told me to tell ya PaducahLuke... that if you take a bowl of onions.... put them at the end of your property line.... light a stick of dynamite... RUN to your neighbour's house.... and BAM!!!!!!!!!! NOT only are they diced... them babies are cooked too.
NO tears... Aunt Bertha will be so impressed that you dun learned how to slew an onion.

I spent the day in prayer and Worship.... It is WELL with my soul. My chest is still sore but I can tell that the anti-biotics are starting to work... so that is a very GOOD thing.
I get Mr. Louie on Saturday so I have to be in fine form for my furry little friend. My friend Margaret is moving her brother to another apartment... so I get Mr. Louie till Monday morning. Two week-ends in a row have gone to the dogs... HA.
Heavenly Father... I love you... I adore you... and I WORSHIP your most Holy Name.
You and only YOU are WORTHY to be praised.

I bring before you my beloved Mr. Moose who is going for surgery today.
Kiss his spirit with PEACE... Wrap Him in your loving arms and be with
doctors today as they perform this procedure.

I thank you for my brother.... He has added such JOY to the Garage.

In Jesus Name, I pray. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AMEN
Good morning my BEAUTIFUL and PRECIOUS forum FAMILY!!!

Just getting ready to go shopping for some fresh salmon. Fresh fish is going to become an important part of my NEW and improved diet. I really have never learned about fish. My version of salmon is inside a can.

Anyways.... I need to share my heart here... because something so BEAUTIFUL has come out of my terrible experience this week-end of being so very very sick. The chest infection is something I have been dealing with over the last few weeks. It was an uncomfortable feeling... a tightness in the chest... but it was NOT painful or scary.

Having a bowel obstruction on the other hand is a whole different level of sick... and it was honestly very concerning not to mention scary.

Just to articulate a bit more of the facts here. Several weeks ago... my injection of Ozempic ( which is a diabetes medication used to strip the sugars from my blood ) was increased because... over the last 6 months... I have basically reached a plateau.This was a normal thing for the doctor to do and I thought nothing of it... however... once I took that increased dosage two weeks ago... I was nauseous for the rest of the week and this is when my chest infection began... so it was a rough time. Last week... I went back to my normal dosage... and once again... thought nothing of it... by then the nausea was gone and I thought it was business as usual.... but the other thing that Ozempic does is DELAY the bowels from moving.... and so... something I did a week ago... will take a week to catch up ( if that makes sense ).
So... when I woke up Sunday morning and was sicker than a dog... I simply thought I had the flu... but once it cleared up suddenly after being sick for 9 hours... I knew it was an obstruction... and just to make it clear ( so that people don't think I am simply diagnosing myself )... when I went to the doctor on Tuesday morning... she confirmed that my diagnosis was accurate and she has told me to cease taking this medication for "a break" and then in a month... to start again at the lowest dose.

What she does not know is that I will NOT be doing that. HA. NOPE NOPE NOPE. So....what I will be doing is taking control of my life ( Imagine that!!! ):D.

So... before I get to the WONDERFUL thing that has come out of this... I have taken you from the disaster... to the WAKE UP CALL. I'm not sure if you all have had a WAKE UP CALL... but let me tell you.... It's an EPIPHANY of suddenly knowing that you know that SOMETHING is not working and has to change immediately. That is what I received after my doctor's appointment on Tuesday morning. I can't even describe what occurred within me.... except I received a NEW FOUND attitude. It is one of the strangest things to happen to me.

I am in the process of doing a complete inventory of my life.... I will purge the things that serve me no purpose and replace them with things I need to be healthy and well... spiritually... emotionally and physically.

I seem to be such a SLOW learner.... I have spent over 5.5 decades of my life in complete despair. God bless me... because my entire past ( up until my healing three years ago ) is a total right off. I do not remember much of my past. I believe that is a gift that God has given me in order to cope with the severe sorrow and sadness that plagued me relentlessly for all that time.

So.... I think what has happened here is that God has said... Ok my beautiful little sheep... You have been basking in your healing and JOY for three whole years now.... and that is LOVELY....... BUT.... I have MORE for you.... and it is going to come to you in such a way that you are not going to expect it.... but once you have received it.... you will know what to do.
To be clear... that is not a voice that I heard.... it is a feeling I have been left with.

There are many things I do that are simply survival techniques... I do not engage in activities for the sake of experience... that is why I am the worst consumer. HA.... I will pick a Tim Horton's coffee that cost 2 bucks over a Star Bucks coffee that cost 5 bucks. HA. I am frugal... and very practical with my money... and I sacrifice everything basically. I am always SAVING things for later... I can never open something right away. I don't know what you call it... I have heard it called a "poverty mentality". What ever it is.... I realized after my doctor's appointment that I needed to LIVE a little.... have a little fun... be FREE. So.... since I have a nice little goose egg of saving... I treated myself to something I have wanted for YEARS.

It's so funny how God works.... because when I got to the doctor's office on Tuesday... I was there for 9 am... and that day she was not coming in until about 10:30... so I had an hour and a half to kill. My doctor is located right down town so I decided to go for a stroll and see what's new... and low and behold... I found a little shop... a jeweller... and there was someone in that little shop... so I stood at the door ( which was locked) and a little old lady came out and he let me in. So... Can I help you?? Ok then... uuum.... well... Can we talk about rings?? HAHAHA.

WELL... oh my goodness... I had to most spectacular experience in that meeting. He talked to me for half an hour. I touched an 89,000.00 diamond. I tried on a 10,000.00 diamond ring... and I got to hold another diamond worth 36,000.00. This man was BRILLIANT. Humble... humorous ( because he told me that a chocolate diamond which I wanted was NOT really a diamond. ) HAHA. I walked out of the store with the thinking that I had probably just seen things that most don't get the privilege of seeing but that was the end of my thought.... then my doctor's appointment happened.... and I walked out of there a different person.

I have special ordered myself a solitaire diamond ring which this man has agreed to make for me... He knows my budget..I told him that the ring is very special because it represents so much more than the world will see. IT is the journey of God convincing me that I am WORTHY of His love. I told him that this ring he will make for me... Is God's gift to me. I told him to use his gifts to make me a ring that represents someone giving something of WORTH.
He messaged me back and said he accepted the challenge.

HOW AWESOME is that????? Honestly.... OH my goodness... and OH MY GOODNESS. This is turning into a novelette and I still can't explain the amazing BEAUTY in this experience. This is not me having been dropped on my head and suddenly going WILD.... HAHAHA.... This is me rising up... and GOD lifting my countenance. This is God lavishing me with HIS LOVE.

The tears are falling... so time to sign off and go to Metro to pick up my fresh salmon. HA.
Well.... Aren't I just a chatty Cathy today. :rolleyes:

I did not get salmon.... I got a white fish... I looked up the description and it's labelled as some kind of catfish... In light of the rumours going around about people eating their pets... I'm not impressed but.... I will cook it up anyways. I'm sure Bubba has eaten worse. HAHA. It's called Basa. I can't believe I am 61 and have NO knowledge of fish other than salmon ( the canned stuff )... and the deep fried stuff you get at the chippy truck. Suffice to say... I'm not a fish person... however... I do like fish... so ????????? Makes no sense. HA

I am going to pan fry with salt, pepper... .a bit of paprika... onion powder...garlic powder... and a touch of dried thyme.
I will squeeze some lemon juice and decorate it with fresh dill once it's cooked. Served over a nice fresh salad with a ton of vegetables in it.... like seriously.... I even put cabbage in there. I will make a Greek yogurt dressing of some kind.

So... now that I have contributed the RECIPE of the day....

I stopped in at the gym for the THIRD time since I've been sick. The little guy who signed me up... is as cute as a button... and I asked him if he would be my accountability partner.... He agreed ( which means nothing but yet it seems important somehow... HAHA )... Anyways... I gave him the report and he said a lot of people are getting really sick. I never told him everything but shared I was dealing with a chest infection and that I would be back to the gym for October 1st ( which is Tuesday next week ). I am babysitting Mr. Louie... the dog... till Monday morning so... October 1st seems like a nice FRESH number to start with. I went through a lot of emotions over this gym thing. Falling off the stair machine was NOT a good start for me. HAHA.... a week ago... I did not think I would extend my three month membership... but after that miraculous doctor's visit... HA. I have decided that the gym is going to become my FRIEND. I don't know how that is going to play out but .... I will start with the treadmill... so that I can get my steps in on a daily basis. I will work out from Monday to Friday... take the week-ends off and repeat. That is just the way it has to be. The weights are going to have to..... "wait". Once I am fully back to myself... I will make an appointment with the trainer to basically talk about safety and how to work with my upper body while protecting my chest area.

I'm a bit concerned about this COVID thing and the gym... but I like to work out in the very early morning ( before 6 am )... so if I'm careful and keep my distance... it should be ok. The gym is very clean... they have garbage cans filled with clean rags and another for dirty rags... you have to spray down your machine after use. I refuse to live in FEAR.

So then.... the sun just came out... I'm going to go out and enjoy the wee bit of colour that is still left in what plants are out there.

God bless you all... I am thinking of my dear Mr. Moose.
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