This is what my brain thinks about. Apologies in advance.
You are and Atheist you love to debate there is no God. And I have a few questions.
1. What do you fear more, being convinced there is a God. Or being right that there is none.
Which would you prefer to have as a result?
2. If the universe was created by a big bang, And all things were created from a big bang including you.
When you die, do you now go back to the earth that exists because of the BigBang created it?
How is that different from believing in God?
3. I do not spend my whole life trying to convince people, there are no aliens, or bigfoot. Yet the Military and humans
spend billions trying to prove they exist. Why do you spend your whole life trying to convince people there is no Sky God? ( as atheist put it).
4. Without a God, there is no purpose to life. Science, nor physics can explain a reason for life to exist.
Scientifically, its been proven that the universe has no logical reason for existing and furthermore replicating organisms.
The only logic even Stephen Hawkins agrees, is that a purpose had to be created for it to exist. And we know of none.
( I know of one

5. Your view is, nothing created the universe. If came from outside.
My view is Nothing Created the universe as it came from outside.
Your view is Nothing, was created something for no reason.
My view, God created from nothing a purpose. What seems more provable. That some one created something from nothing.
Or Nothing created, something from nothing?
6. In thousands of years humans have existed. With Biology, science, physics. With trillions of hours of studying life and its origins.
How is it not one example of Nothing producing something exists, if its natural to this universe and its existence, has never been observed?
This is what people that know me have to live with LOL