What about Ufos and Cryptozoology then?

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I have never considered that but if there were one then it would seem like it would be dead by now and if there were two then there should be many. I can't prove anything either way though. Interesting to consider though.
I would see a small colony of those creatures surviving, or else maybe something very unusual, such as a giant eel in loch ness?
What did you think of the sonar hit, and the Holmes video of something swimming at loch ness?

It could be a "Clutch of Southern Baptist Nessies" all gathered for a Norwegian Convention!

It could also be something the ships captain cooked up to advertise and get more people to pay him for a boat ride.

What do you think is the most believable???
I was watching a doco on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. There are so many amazing creatures that I had never seen before.

From tiny to huge. Ones that change colours, ones that have ingenious ways of capturing their prey, ones that have ingenious ways of hiding from their predators. There's so much more than we could ever imagine. AND many of them we don't even know much about because scientists haven't even finished classifying them.

I could spend hours watching fish swim in the ocean (on tv) it's mesmerizing. I guess it's why astronomers are fascinated with skywatching too. If you've ever seen the wonder of the Northern Lights, or the Milky Way, how can you ever count or identify all the stars? I don't think we can...though people have tried to give them all names. I would run out of names...
I was watching a doco on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. There are so many amazing creatures that I had never seen before.

From tiny to huge. Ones that change colours, ones that have ingenious ways of capturing their prey, ones that have ingenious ways of hiding from their predators. There's so much more than we could ever imagine. AND many of them we don't even know much about because scientists haven't even finished classifying them.

I could spend hours watching fish swim in the ocean (on tv) it's mesmerizing. I guess it's why astronomers are fascinated with skywatching too. If you've ever seen the wonder of the Northern Lights, or the Milky Way, how can you ever count or identify all the stars? I don't think we can...though people have tried to give them all names. I would run out of names...

I Thought of the serpent described before the fall of false pride bringing corruption of the whole creation on day three .The Lord finding pride in the heart in the beauty of creation. all beforehand was glory, glory, glory. Until the Lord of glory departed.

His glory is represented by a multiple or rianboe of colors used of stones that later became a rainbow of colors as to the serpents flesh.

The father of lies had used the beauty of creation represented by the stones .Same stones that are on Aaron breastplate to represent the righteousness of God not seen .

Some call the serpent after “serpentine” multiple colors or psychedelic a term used in the 60’s. It falsely produces and apparent expansion of consciousness called Gnosticism.

The glory of God departed on day four leaving the previous glorious creation empty of the light of God invisible glory. .. . revealing the nakeness of corruption. .

Lucifer the most beautiful mesmerizing creature of all .The beauty and glory of God's creation with all its glitter before the fall.

Lucifer’s ability to walk was removed .It would seem to have become an ingenious ways of capturing prey "mankind" who sought after the wonderments, marveling and not faith of Christ believing ."Do not eat or you will die".

I have been looking at the John 3 teaching as to why Jesus would say to Nicodemous in respect to the greatest possible miracle Born again from above freely given eternal life.

Jesus lovingly commanded him to wonder or marvel not but rather believe. Exercise the faith of Christ that does work in the believer our yes or no.

Wondering, doubting is not coming to the end of what one believes (faith). It is wondering. Believing God as he works in the believer is exercising faith. Believing God .

Curiosity killed the cat. Questioning by wondering” thou shall sure die” is the death sentence.

Marvel and wonder at the spiritual things of God not seen but get over it or it will get over us and hide the true glory.

Stay away from snake pits and there psychedelic mesmerizing false lying power .The spirit of judgment.. . false prophecy the poison of serpents
uh, ok

we don't have snakes in nz.
It was just a tv documentary. They had underwater cameras. God had made all those creatures, but we are His final creation. I can look at my fingernails I suppose. They are an amazing pink colour. A bit grubby where I've been gardening. Cos there's dirt under them.
Apparently, in nature, those that have really colourful coats and skins, are showing that they are actually poisonous to eat. It's kind of like a warning.
If you don't ID your plants (or fruits) properly, you'll end up dying, so, that's why we rely on God to tell us what is what. But Adam did get tasked with naming all creation. That actually wasn't God's job.
uh, ok

we don't have snakes in nz.
It was just a tv documentary. They had underwater cameras. God had made all those creatures, but we are His final creation. I can look at my fingernails I suppose. They are an amazing pink colour. A bit grubby where I've been gardening. Cos there's dirt under them.
I did not know that. Apparently, you all do not have any dangerous animals at all.

What I learned today:

1. New Zealand Has Only One Type of Native Land Mammal

2. There are Six Different Species of Penguin in New Zealand

3. New Zealand is Home to the World’s Heaviest Insect

4. There are No Dangerous Animals in New Zealand…

5. … But Kea Will Pull Your Car Apart

6. There are No Snakes in New Zealand

7. The South Island is Home to a Carnivorous Snail

8. New Zealand Used to Have Giant Birds

9. Tuatara are a Living Descendant of the Dinosaur Era and They Happen to Have a Third Eye

10. Kiwi Birds Can Hold Eggs That Take Up 20% of Their Body and Have a Great Sense of Smell

10 Things You Did Not Know About New Zealand Wildlife - NZ Pocket Guide #1 New Zealand Travel Guide
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