Absolutely correct!
All of you who believe that anyone has seen the literal Jesus Christ please answer me this simple question..........
"How in the world does anyone know what He looks like"????
Then what really concerns me is how easy it is for so many people to conventially discard the Bible verse which do not allow for this to happen.
Its like........I really like this idea and I want it to be the normal thing so it is OK to accept this and believe it.
OK.........here it is. A wonderful elderly woman I dearly love gave a testimony one evening and declared that during the night, Jesus came to her, talked with her, held her hand and then pulled two of her bad teeth and replaced them with two gold ones.
Sure enough she showed everyone the two gold teeth.
Do we love this woman so much that we allow everyone to accept that story as truth and set aside the Word of God which does not allow this to have taken place?????
Please folks, think about what you are suggesting!!!
Does the word of God and the gospel teach you to shame and mock people like myself. Jesus Christ gave 2 commandments, love God with your all heart and love others like you love yourself. Do you look in the mirror and hate on yourself every day. What does living in Christ mean to you. Are you a good example of the words you preach.
Paul says that not all was revealed, this means there will be things that you do not understand.
1 Corinthians 13:9
"For WE KNOW IN PART and WE PROPHESY IN PART, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. NOW WE SEE BUT A POOR REFLECTION, then we shall see FACE TO FACE. Now I know IN PART, then I SHALL KNOW FULLY, even as I am fully known."
I will never renounce Jesus Christ for you major and that is what you are telling me to do and demanding others believe. There are implications to your accusations that others will be affected by. If you do not believe that Jesus Christ can show himself to others at his will, which by implication announces you do not believe in his ability to also be resurrected, please keep your peace and do not dis-sway others from the love, truth and incomprehensible wisdom of God and Jesus Christ.
If you do believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead and showed himself to 500 people who are not individually described and recorded in the bible then it should be of no concern to you that he showed himself to myself, a Jew, who will never lie and say she did not see Jesus Christ to appease others.
Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."
I SAW Jesus Christ and HEARD the words of Jesus Christ. God knows my heart and truth and will deal with me accordingly if I have lied and I do NOT lie. My consciounce is clear.
The words I have shared with you so far.
"Read revelation chapter 2"
"Read the New Testament"
"You will say 'I am a Jew and I have seen Jesus Christ' "
"You will tell people 'I am a Jew and I have been taken by Jesus Christ' "
"Tell the bad people I am a Jew and I have been taken by Jesus Christ"
"You are witnessing prophesy"
Why do you not believe in the power of God to do as he wishes by his will and not yours or mine, or anyone else's.
As for knowing what he looks like, tens of thousands of people saw him and knew, I saw him, of course I know what he looks like. I recently applied for an art course so I can, as precisely as I can remember, and with guidance from the Holy Spirit if it be Gods will, draw or paint what I saw. Why can't we know what Jesus looks like, Isn't that why he doesn't hide his face.
Your mockery, shaming and lack of conscience for the effects on others and myself scare me. You scare me. I have chosen not to reply to posts in other threads because of fear of you for believing in Jesus Christ. This is most likely my last post ever, because I need and want God in my life and you are a blockage to believing in the almighty power of God and Jesus Christ. I decided yesterday after much heart break that I would not tell another soul I saw Jesus Christ and live my life in peace.
I lost hope.