Just want to share on something God showed me about leaders and this was a bit of surprise because He does say about leaders too. Its a prophecy in Isaiah 11:6, The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and young lion and fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.
And I pondered this and wondered has this been fufilled or is being fulfilled through Jesus? So often we think of leaders as elders or those over a certain age, but scripture talks about a child leading.
Hi Lanolin;
No, sister, not all was revealed during Christ's first coming. If we cross (reference Romans 8:9-22) it is Christ's second coming (reference Luke 21:25-36) when He will perfectly reign over the earth.
Getting back to the topic we have read so many views regarding Ministers, Leaders or Servants but where do we go from here? We have work to do.
Discerning the wolves in spiritual battle is ongoing. But lets focus on the servants who truly seek God's own heart.
Love our ministers, leaders and servants for Christ. Please respect their calling, training, study and preparation. If you cannot respect the man/woman, then respect God as the One who anointed them.
When they do 9 things right give glory to our Father. When they make a mistake by imperfect effort or blatant wrong doing, admonish them, forgive them, hold them up and encourage them.
We don't know the next minister or leader that God will raise for His church. This very well could be one of us. The last thing we need is a leader with a low self-esteem because his/her brother or sister knocked them when they were down.
God bless you, Lanolin, and your family.