If we give 1000 ferrari sized gifts we should still not desire our own ferrari though. A ferrari sized gift for us ''should'' be ''feeding an orphan''.
That fancy suit should not be our hearts desire. Think it through. Why would we desire a fancy suit? Albeit a gift. I can honestly see no reason other then carnal pleasure from and for it.
We are all guilty of pursuing and hording carnal treasures. When we have them they do cause pride. Not they ''may''. They '''doooo''' .
Kj can you explain this to me please for I just do not understand what you mean
If we give 1000 ferrari sized gifts we should still not desire our own ferrari though. A ferrari sized gift for us ''should'' be ''feeding an orphan''.
So for those who like fancy or nice stuff it is carnal pleasure as in sin? Is this what you are saying because I find no placve in His word telling us we can not have or desire such things but i do find is God telling us to NOT make this our number one priority but make Him and His ways number one.