My first question I believe happened before our creation.
There is only one God, who is the creator of all in heaven and earth ( Genesis account).
Since God created the Angels in heaven,we don't know how he created them. We have an account of man being created from the dust of the earth,and God breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul.
Is.14: 12-21
13.For you have said in your HEART: "I will ascend into heaven, I will EXHALT MY THRONE ABOVE the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the fartherest sides of the north;
14.I will ASCEND above the heights of the clouds,
This is an account of Lucifer,( the serpent,the devil,the dragon,Satan, also, Is.34:4, Luke 10:18.
And he said to them," I saw SATAN FALL LIKE LIGHTENING FROM HEAVEN.Rev 12 :7-9 gives account of the war that was waged in heaven by Lucifer,( a most beautiful angel .... Ez.28:12 - 19 was sealed of perfection, full of wisdom and beauty, states he was in Eden,he was covered in precious stones ,his pipes [ singing voice ] was above all and where he was cast to the earth.
Ez.28:16 note he was told he SINNED,and was filled with VIOLENCE,his heart was LIFTED UP ( pride.)
The question is before man,we see that an Angel had free will to rebell against God. He SINNED with pride and arrogance,he became violent.
I have ALWAYS thought that since God created ALL that as it says in Is. 45:5- 13.....v7. I form the light,and create darkness: I make peace,and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
That he created EVIL. I was told I'm wrong but no one can say where is the origin of EVIL?
That is my question
Sorry for the length, please let us all share any questions and search the word for God's answer!