Pondering Questions,Looking For Feedback!

I'm going to ask this question and YOU be the one answering to whatever your heart seeks. It's a simple one without any prejudice or perceptions.
I have found this is the root of questions we ask most. Anything?

My first question I believe happened before our creation.
There is only one God, who is the creator of all in heaven and earth ( Genesis account).
Since God created the Angels in heaven,we don't know how he created them. We have an account of man being created from the dust of the earth,and God breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul.

Is.14: 12-21
13.For you have said in your HEART: "I will ascend into heaven, I will EXHALT MY THRONE ABOVE the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the fartherest sides of the north;
14.I will ASCEND above the heights of the clouds,

This is an account of Lucifer,( the serpent,the devil,the dragon,Satan, also, Is.34:4, Luke 10:18.
And he said to them," I saw SATAN FALL LIKE LIGHTENING FROM HEAVEN.Rev 12 :7-9 gives account of the war that was waged in heaven by Lucifer,( a most beautiful angel .... Ez.28:12 - 19 was sealed of perfection, full of wisdom and beauty, states he was in Eden,he was covered in precious stones ,his pipes [ singing voice ] was above all and where he was cast to the earth.
Ez.28:16 note he was told he SINNED,and was filled with VIOLENCE,his heart was LIFTED UP ( pride.)

The question is before man,we see that an Angel had free will to rebell against God. He SINNED with pride and arrogance,he became violent.

I have ALWAYS thought that since God created ALL that as it says in Is. 45:5- 13.....v7. I form the light,and create darkness: I make peace,and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
That he created EVIL. I was told I'm wrong but no one can say where is the origin of EVIL?
That is my question

Sorry for the length, please let us all share any questions and search the word for God's answer!
Evil originated with the devil's rebellion. Evil is simply the rejection of good, just as heresy is the rejection of orthodoxy. God is responsible for evil only only in the sense that he created the good that was rejected. It could also be said that the ultimate origin of evil is the establishment of the concept of freewill.
Lol REALLY????
I'm willing to guess like me you're blunt and DO NOT wear your feelings around your neck!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I am not really blunt. I am more "diplomatic" . You see......it is not always what you say, but how you say what you say.

Example; You are really ugly!!!

Diplomatic: I know several people who are not very pretty.
While out of the loop, I had a lot of questions that I wanted to ask....how you saw that ?
Now I'm blank, I need a refreshing. I believe we all would do well with a refreshing in the Spirit and in his love!
Watching the Passion of the Christ;
In the scene where Jesu is under the inquisition of the High Priest and a few council called to order. Peter begins to be also accused as being one with Jesus, thus begins his denial. He reflects back to when the Lord told him that he would deny acquaintance with Christ. Remember Peter's BOASTING ? For Peter felt like he loved Jesus the biggest,the hardest and the most of the other disciples.

Examine yourself ! How do you view your status with God ? Do you compare others to yourself ?
The standard for following as a believer is in his word! That should be our comparative!
Watching the Passion of the Christ;
In the scene where Jesus is under the inquisition of the High Priest and a few council called to order. Peter begins to be also accused as being one with Jesus, thus begins his denial. He reflects back to when the Lord told him that he would deny acquaintance with Christ. Remember Peter's BOASTING ? For Peter felt like he loved Jesus the biggest,the hardest and the most of the other disciples.
Examine yourself ! How do you view your status with God ? Do you compare others to yourself ?
The standard for following as a believer is in his word! That should be our comparative!

Hello D3v;

After watching good Christian movies, Matthew, John, Passion of the Christ and reading Peter's denial so many countless times, it is branded on my heart to truthfully (and calmly) proclaim Christ.

How do I view my status with God, do I compare myself to others? God is my audience no matter what others may think of me or my views of my faith. But, I must keep my mouth guarded as I can easily get puffed up as a Christian by blowing trumpets and making humble brags of myself to other believers.

I preach this a lot.
God is my audience.

God bless you, sister, and thank you for sharing.
Watching the Passion of the Christ;
In the scene where Jesu is under the inquisition of the High Priest and a few council called to order. Peter begins to be also accused as being one with Jesus, thus begins his denial. He reflects back to when the Lord told him that he would deny acquaintance with Christ. Remember Peter's BOASTING ? For Peter felt like he loved Jesus the biggest,the hardest and the most of the other disciples.

Examine yourself ! How do you view your status with God ? Do you compare others to yourself ?
The standard for following as a believer is in his word! That should be our comparative!

Every single sermon I have preached in my life was done to please God. He is the only one that matters.
If He is pleased then the congregation has to be as well!
Since ppl obviously have different beliefs supposedly taken from the word,what does this say about us?

We ARE individual before God not a denomination !

Will the Lord let us or view us only through OUR salvation ?
Well, Jesus will give us a new name see Rev 2:17

He renamed Simon and called him Peter
And Saul became Paul

So He will probably rename you as well.

Denomination is just another word for name, although people make it out to be a name by which people are following other people, eg I am of Paul I am of Apollos even though we are not actually baptised into Paul and Apollos, we are only baptised in Jesus name.

so when people say they are Calvinists, Weslyans, Campbellites, Mennonites, Lutherans, they are saying they are following the teachings of THOSE men, not Jesus.

As far as I know, John Calvin, John Wesley, Alexander Campbell, Menno Simon and Martin Luther were not crucified for me. Only Jesus was.
I'm not sure if I am tracking properly.
Does this mean those who hold to the concept of free will are holding to an evil concept?
(you probably guessed someone would ask this)
No, the concept of free will in and of itself is not evil. Conceptual ideas themselves are neither good nor evil. Good or evil derives from the exercise of conceptual ideas, translating the ideas into action. The ultimate source of evil was Satan's exercise of free will. If free will never existed, evil would not exist since God, the Supreme Sovereign, is absolutely good, thus all of the universe would be capable of doing only good.
What 3 things do you think God expects from us?
(Only 3 @ a × plz)
2 Tim. 2:15..........
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

1 John 3:22...........
And whatever we ask we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him.

John 4:24..........
God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
No, the concept of free will in and of itself is not evil. Conceptual ideas themselves are neither good nor evil. Good or evil derives from the exercise of conceptual ideas, translating the ideas into action. The ultimate source of evil was Satan's exercise of free will. If free will never existed, evil would not exist since God, the Supreme Sovereign, is absolutely good, thus all of the universe would be capable of doing only good.
