Journal The Garage

Been in deep thought the last day and prayer. Asking God to help me with some clarity.

I was truly thinking about moving on to another group and see if I can fit in.
I feel like and odd man out, here is why. I was/am a pastor. I am too old to look for a ministry to be part of.
I also know this group has many very long term Clergy too. So I fit sorta with them. But not quite.
Then we have the newer members or new to Christ, and well. I am new here, not to ministering.

I feel like I am butting in trying to share the message over waiting to see if longer term members answered.
Its why I just posted my own stuff. And that was relaxing to expel my energy that I can not turn off.
So here, I pounder a pastor with no flock, in a room of pastors who run the house I am in. And I have the new spareroom in the back.
Everyone here is great, and helpful. I feel welcomed here. So its not the forum, or anyone. Its me.

So I prayed. And then God answered. Right when I was thinking about coming here, thanking all of you and just move along.
I got this message and researched and sharing in case it helps others. I love when God answers, that small little spark, that is slightly warm to the touch. Then engulfs the heart and lights a fire and its gives its path.

The Bible encourages believers to be part of the body of Christ, which is the community of believers, but it also acknowledges that we may sometimes feel out of place or struggle to fit in. While the Bible doesn’t directly address the specific scenario of not fitting into a particular Christian group, it offers wisdom about how to approach such situations with grace, humility, and discernment.

1. Unity in Diversity within the Body of Christ

The Bible emphasizes that the body of Christ is made up of diverse individuals with different gifts, backgrounds, and functions. Even when you feel like you don’t fit in, remember that every believer has a unique role to play in God’s Kingdom.
Corinthians 12:12-14 (NIV): “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.”
This passage teaches me that the body of Christ is intentionally diverse and that every part is valuable, even if it seems different or feels out of place. Your unique perspective, gifts, and personality may not align perfectly with others in the group, but they still have a purpose in the wider church. It is very hard looking in to see what it looks like, looking out. But I see clearly now.

2. Love and Patience with Fellow Believers

Bible encourages an attitude of love, patience, and humility. Relationships within the church, just like in any community, require effort and grace, as not everyone will share the same views or personality.
Ephesians 4:2-3 (NIV): “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Even if there are differences, the Bible calls believers to be patient and loving toward one another, striving for unity. This doesn’t mean I have to force myself to fit in, but it does encourage me to approach the situation with love and a desire for peace and understanding.

3. God Places Us in the Right Community

God has a purpose for placing each believer within a specific community, even if we don’t immediately feel like we fit in. Sometimes, God may call us to a certain group to contribute something unique or to grow in ways we didn’t expect. At other times, He may lead us to a new community where we can thrive. God knows where I belong.
1 Corinthians 12:18 (NIV): “But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.”
If you feel out of place, then I should consider seeking God’s guidance in prayer. I asked Him if I am in the right community and what role He wants me to play. Sometimes, discomfort may be part of God’s process of growth and I now reflect on this, but I know this, living it is harder then it looks.

This is what prayer revealed for me. I was actually thinking with my own brain. I guess I need to search for another group.
But then God simply made the message more clear. The beauty on scripture is when you pray and guidance comes out in black and white
in chapter and verse.

Been in deep thought the last day and prayer. Asking God to help me with some clarity.

I was truly thinking about moving on to another group and see if I can fit in.
I feel like and odd man out, here is why. I was/am a pastor. I am too old to look for a ministry to be part of.
I also know this group has many very long term Clergy too. So I fit sorta with them. But not quite.
Then we have the newer members or new to Christ, and well. I am new here, not to ministering.

I feel like I am butting in trying to share the message over waiting to see if longer term members answered.
Its why I just posted my own stuff. And that was relaxing to expel my energy that I can not turn off.
So here, I pounder a pastor with no flock, in a room of pastors who run the house I am in. And I have the new spareroom in the back.
Everyone here is great, and helpful. I feel welcomed here. So its not the forum, or anyone. Its me.

So I prayed. And then God answered. Right when I was thinking about coming here, thanking all of you and just move along.
I got this message and researched and sharing in case it helps others. I love when God answers, that small little spark, that is slightly warm to the touch. Then engulfs the heart and lights a fire and its gives its path.

The Bible encourages believers to be part of the body of Christ, which is the community of believers, but it also acknowledges that we may sometimes feel out of place or struggle to fit in. While the Bible doesn’t directly address the specific scenario of not fitting into a particular Christian group, it offers wisdom about how to approach such situations with grace, humility, and discernment.

1. Unity in Diversity within the Body of Christ

The Bible emphasizes that the body of Christ is made up of diverse individuals with different gifts, backgrounds, and functions. Even when you feel like you don’t fit in, remember that every believer has a unique role to play in God’s Kingdom.
Corinthians 12:12-14 (NIV): “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.”
This passage teaches me that the body of Christ is intentionally diverse and that every part is valuable, even if it seems different or feels out of place. Your unique perspective, gifts, and personality may not align perfectly with others in the group, but they still have a purpose in the wider church. It is very hard looking in to see what it looks like, looking out. But I see clearly now.

2. Love and Patience with Fellow Believers

Bible encourages an attitude of love, patience, and humility. Relationships within the church, just like in any community, require effort and grace, as not everyone will share the same views or personality.
Ephesians 4:2-3 (NIV): “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Even if there are differences, the Bible calls believers to be patient and loving toward one another, striving for unity. This doesn’t mean I have to force myself to fit in, but it does encourage me to approach the situation with love and a desire for peace and understanding.

3. God Places Us in the Right Community

God has a purpose for placing each believer within a specific community, even if we don’t immediately feel like we fit in. Sometimes, God may call us to a certain group to contribute something unique or to grow in ways we didn’t expect. At other times, He may lead us to a new community where we can thrive. God knows where I belong.
1 Corinthians 12:18 (NIV): “But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.”
If you feel out of place, then I should consider seeking God’s guidance in prayer. I asked Him if I am in the right community and what role He wants me to play. Sometimes, discomfort may be part of God’s process of growth and I now reflect on this, but I know this, living it is harder then it looks.

This is what prayer revealed for me. I was actually thinking with my own brain. I guess I need to search for another group.
But then God simply made the message more clear. The beauty on scripture is when you pray and guidance comes out in black and white
in chapter and verse.

I get where you are coming from. One could wonder, "Why was I led here?" Other questions could be, "Am I just preaching to the choir?", or "Am I too active?", or "Are my posts too long?", or "Are my posts too short and abrupt?"

Something a travelling fellow said to my wife and me at a well known fast food joint. He came up to us and said, "God wants me to share a message with you. He wants you to know the power of the words, 'Let there be'. As in 'Let there be light' and all the other 'Let there be' quotes from Genesis. That satan has no power against 'Let there be'. And we can use 'Let there be' in our walk with God."

God used 'Let there be' in His creation sequence and we can use that same idea to create in our situations here and anywhere we go. This thread is a great example of this concept. In Awe Of Him started this thread or 'room' of The Garage as just a place to journal what was going on with her life. Well, God adds to what we do sometimes and the whole family joins in, and look at what has become of The Garage.


'Let there be'
I get where you are coming from. One could wonder, "Why was I led here?" Other questions could be, "Am I just preaching to the choir?", or "Am I too active?", or "Are my posts too long?", or "Are my posts too short and abrupt?" Something a travelling fellow said to my wife and me at a well known fast food joint. He came up to us and said, "God wants me to share a message with you. He wants you to know the power of the words, 'Let there be'. As in 'Let there be light' and all the other 'Let there be' quotes from Genesis. That satan has no power against 'Let there be'. And we can use 'Let there be' in our walk with God." God used 'Let there be' in His creation sequence and we can use that same idea to create in our situations here and anywhere we go. This thread is a great example of this concept. In Awe Of Him started this thread or 'room' of The Garage as just a place to journal what was going on with her life. Well, God adds to what we do sometimes and the whole family joins in, and look at what has become of The Garage.
So,....................just 'Let there be'

Hello Big Moose;

Let There Be
reminds me of an old classic, Let It Be.

Since I've known you at CFS I remember some of our older posts (aside from some good discussions,) your music ministry that you and your son served in the Church, and a few other recent posts of groups/songs that reveal a spiritual side. I feel we and a few others have enjoyed a common ground here. Overall, we get it.

I'm with you regarding
In Awe of Him's The Garage which will celebrate one year in January 2025. This is such a feat as perhaps one of long threads started by a member. The other one that comes to mind is thenami's Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties which just surpassed 5 years.

These are three areas where I see
the light and is KEY why I've remained a member.

Your post reminded me of a Pastor who I met many years ago at a Jack in the Box. We talked and then he gave me a cassette of his sermon on sides A and B. About 10 years ago he passed leaving his wife a widow. During our Sunday service I knew she was attending so I called her up. We prayed and assured her.

Then I took her husband's cassette out of my shirt pocket and handed it to her. She couldn't hold back the tears but I know she would treasure it after I kept it all that time in my library.

I miss In Awe of Him and I feel good sharing my story here. God bless
The Garage.

I was truly thinking about moving on to another group and see if I can fit in.
I feel like and odd man out, here is why. I was/am a pastor. I am too old to look for a ministry to be part of.
I also know this group has many very long term Clergy too. So I fit sorta with them. But not quite.

'Let there be'
Good morning my beautiful... precious... forum family,

I don't even know where to start. Gosh... much has occurred here in my absence.

PaulisSaved ... I find it interesting that you state you are not feeling like you fit in.... and yet...
from my perspective.... you have added such DEPTH... counsel and encouragement to the forums.

I have been struggling with things to ADD or say. I get very quiet at times. It's part of my lifestyle where
I have learned to simply "BE STILL".
I no longer feel guilty or badly if I am not here... or don't have anything spectacular to say to everybody because I have learned that someone will rise up and contribute something of WORTH. I have learned to allow things to simply be.

When I first started this thread... I took on a great deal of "self-inflicted" pressure of KEEPING it going... keeping it ALIVE.... and then... over these last months... I realized that it is a ministry that is kept ALIVE by everyone who contributes. This place ebbs and flows... and I LOVE that. It's such a beautiful place to "view" how God works within His children. By everyone adding their gifts... and simply showing up to be real and honest.... God does the rest. It becomes a tapestry of great beauty.

In 6 days.... it will be a year since I joined. I can't believe how fast the time has gone... and equally... I truly cannot believe I LASTED.... and not only did I last ( which would indicate being tolerated and towing the line to follow the rules )... I found a family.... a family whose got my back.... a family who I can be myself with... a family that truly prays for me and takes their role seriously as truth bearers of the WORD. This place has deeply touched my heart to the point where I have learned that even in my deeply rooted ..."reclusive" tendencies.. there seems to be a gentle voice that beckons me to return. This place keeps me grounded... accountable... and present.

It's all so wonderful... I am BLESSED to be truly loved and accepted here. NO pressure to perform or be something that I am NOT.

Thank you to all of you..... my wonderful forum family.
Ok.... so... a bit of an update... I think I left off at dog-sitting.... and well... let me tell you... I had a 12 hour day... and... it was the BEST day ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There were two dogs... both Chihuahuas... one was 3 years old ( Munchkin )... and the other was 13 years old but a new addition to their family. She was rescued from an abusive situation. She was 4 pounds and she STOLE my heart.... Like seriously.... I understand how people get sucked into getting way more animals then is humanly REASONABLE to have. HA.
Thankfully... taking this dog home was NOT an option... because I would have definitely FAILED the test. She was the tiniest little thing... most of her teeth were gone... she had terrible breath ( from some remaining rotten teeth )... her tongue was constantly sticking out... but it was those EYES.... those little EEE EEE's staring straight at me that melted my heart to mush. I am NOW the FAVOURITE AUNTIE... HAHAHAHA.

So.... my ride for groceries will be here shortly... Via dolarossa ... this update is for you since you were jealous. HAHA
Paulissaved, You have shown us that you not only fit in here but you belong with us in this forum. We are blessed to have pastors, both active and retired, to help us better understand the word. I often feel inadequate when presenting God's word, but, I think that is how I should feel as I am inadequate compared to God. In His presence we feel small, but that is a good thing as we acknowledge Him as LORD. We gather together to praise Him, to honor Him, and to glorify Him. We encourage each other to stand firm in our faith. You are as important as any of us and again I say you belong here with us. God bless you and your family.
Good morning my beautiful... precious... forum family,

I don't even know where to start. Gosh... much has occurred here in my absence.

PaulisSaved ... I find it interesting that you state you are not feeling like you fit in.... and yet...
from my perspective.... you have added such DEPTH... counsel and encouragement to the forums.

I have been struggling with things to ADD or say. I get very quiet at times. It's part of my lifestyle where
I have learned to simply "BE STILL".
I no longer feel guilty or badly if I am not here... or don't have anything spectacular to say to everybody because I have learned that someone will rise up and contribute something of WORTH. I have learned to allow things to simply be.

When I first started this thread... I took on a great deal of "self-inflicted" pressure of KEEPING it going... keeping it ALIVE.... and then... over these last months... I realized that it is a ministry that is kept ALIVE by everyone who contributes. This place ebbs and flows... and I LOVE that. It's such a beautiful place to "view" how God works within His children. By everyone adding their gifts... and simply showing up to be real and honest.... God does the rest. It becomes a tapestry of great beauty.

In 6 days.... it will be a year since I joined. I can't believe how fast the time has gone... and equally... I truly cannot believe I LASTED.... and not only did I last ( which would indicate being tolerated and towing the line to follow the rules )... I found a family.... a family whose got my back.... a family who I can be myself with... a family that truly prays for me and takes their role seriously as truth bearers of the WORD. This place has deeply touched my heart to the point where I have learned that even in my deeply rooted ..."reclusive" tendencies.. there seems to be a gentle voice that beckons me to return. This place keeps me grounded... accountable... and present.

It's all so wonderful... I am BLESSED to be truly loved and accepted here. NO pressure to perform or be something that I am NOT.

Thank you to all of you..... my wonderful forum family.
Paulissaved, You have shown us that you not only fit in here but you belong with us in this forum. We are blessed to have pastors, both active and retired, to help us better understand the word. I often feel inadequate when presenting God's word, but, I think that is how I should feel as I am inadequate compared to God. In His presence we feel small, but that is a good thing as we acknowledge Him as LORD. We gather together to praise Him, to honor Him, and to glorify Him. We encourage each other to stand firm in our faith. You are as important as any of us and again I say you belong here with us. God bless you and your family.

Welcome back, In Awe of Him and good morning, Dave F.;

I was thinking of a baseball team. I'm not saying baseball is the Bible but it's a team sport where everyone contributes. God has so many reinforcements that He can send at any given moment and purpose.

Reading your posts were liking hitting home runs backed by Scripture.

This inspires me to finally finish that puzzle that I was supposed to start back and hope to finish by December. (yeah, right!)

God bless you both and thank you for blessing all of us.

This inspires me to finally finish that puzzle that I was supposed to start back and hope to finish by December. (yeah, right!)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Are we really having this conversation bobinfaith ???????? HAHAHAHAHAHA
and still HAHAHAHAHAHA.... Oddly.... I shouldn't be pointing my finger at you because I have NOT even started any puzzles yet.... oh wait.... I did do ONE.... a piece was missing... so I THREW it in the garbage in DISGUST and a few days later.... I found it on my FLOOR.... which is absolutely mind-boggling to me because I checked that floor... that floor is even CLEAN... but NOPE... I could not FIND it. HAHAHAHA.... OH Bob.... you make my heart smile.

I have missed y'all... ( my best American accent )..... :D
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Are we really having this conversation bobinfaith ???????? HAHAHAHAHAHA
and still HAHAHAHAHAHA.... Oddly.... I shouldn't be pointing my finger at you because I have NOT even started any puzzles yet.... oh wait.... I did do ONE.... a piece was missing... so I THREW it in the garbage in DISGUST and a few days later.... I found it on my FLOOR.... which is absolutely mind-boggling to me because I checked that floor... that floor is even CLEAN... but NOPE... I could not FIND it. HAHAHAHA.... OH Bob.... you make my heart smile.

I have missed y'all... ( my best American accent )..... :D

Have mercy, In Awe of Him;

It's been such a busy year that I've had to wear different hats.
🥱 😴 🤒🤡 🤜😎!!!

By the way, I'm curious. I remember the puzzle set you threw away because it was missing an extra piece, only to find the extra piece later. So did you buy a new puzzle set and complete it with the extra piece? lol! So, what did you do with the remaining piece?

So did you buy a new puzzle set and complete it with the extra piece? lol! So, what did you do with the remaining piece?
The remaining piece that seems to have been hiding in PLAIN sight was delicately and ever so gently deposited in the
CAN that ends up at the end of the driveway every week. :D

I think the garden stuff I had to do has left me behind in beginning puzzle season... which is no big deal... but SOON Bob.... soon.
I have to decide which puzzle I am going to do. I don't even remember what I have in stock. HA.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is me>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> having MERCY on Bob 1728578276451.png
Good morning my beautiful... precious... forum family,

I don't even know where to start. Gosh... much has occurred here in my absence.

PaulisSaved ... I find it interesting that you state you are not feeling like you fit in.... and yet...
from my perspective.... you have added such DEPTH... counsel and encouragement to the forums.

Hi there, God has put this question to rest. So its no longer a question.
As I mentioned when I first joined. I need a place to be grounded. I like it here.
Yet God had not answered my prayers about this place. So I meditated, ( not medicated lol ) in prayer.
As I take this seriously, as I have been at a few places now and it didn't workout.
I was saying I do not fit in, because God had not answered. I want to rest, somewhere.
I enjoyed counsel from brother Bob , and the other friends here too such a yourself.
But it like joining a congregation. You pray and wait. And God answered as I posted.
I am pretty simple, and when he answers, I move on.. So God seems to say I am supposed to fit here.

How is that by the way? When you say God said this place was where to be?
I mean God didn't call me on the phone and say hey Paul, your good to go. LOL not exactly.
But the question was removed from me. I no longer saw asking it. I prayed and the question was removed.
If I think right now, about being here. The question is removed and is a non-issue or question.
In my situations I feel peace, a feeling of content is what I end up with in prayers being answered.
God has not been wrong yet.
Oh, hey garage dwellers.

So that aside today is a big day, I get those UsPS updates ( they allow you to see whats coming in the mail they
send pics of the mail, in your email kinda cool.)
I see my sons Social Security determination is in the mail for this evening.
I checked the address and its from the place that determines the outcome.
His Social Security status is very important.

How it works. Is he gets state insurance we call OHP/DHS and that pays for his monthly infusions.
But he only qualifies for the insurance that covers over 5K just for the meds, plus office is about 6500.00 a month.
because SSI automatically qualifies him for this treatment. With out treatment, to be blunt. He would die. The medication works.
And works well. But the nature of it is he can not go off of it. So wife and I have waited 9 months for the answer.

If they approve, I am then moving him to my Social Security that under a program, they do not tell the public this program exists.
He can get medical coverage for Medicare and Medicade. There is a family program for Adult children that are disabled, and parent
is retired collecting social security, and is why in Aug I filed for me Social Security, so he can be moved off this SSI and be on I think its called SSA.
However he has to pass this determination first. I have a call next week Thursday with the new program. So this being approved today.
Wow it would line up everything for him to survive in the future. But I am praying to accept what comes and go from there.

ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!
Once a year... me and Margaret go on a planned adventure.
Last year we drove about 3.5 hours and stayed in a bed and breakfast.
This year we are driving less and just doing lunch and the shops. We
are going to Cottage country... so the downtown is filled with all these
wonderful crafty type stores.

We are a bit late this year.... but actually...this is the perfect time to go because of
the vibrant Autumn colours that are at their peak... and writing this post has made
me to think of my EXPENSIVE camera that I have and can't stand because it's so
complicated to use. HAHA.... So... the "beast" ( that's what I call it ) is currently
charging and will accompany me today. HA

Last night we were able to catch a glimpse of the "aurora borealis" ( Northern Lights ).
I can't believe I had to put my winter coat on because I decided to walk to the lake and
it was COLD with the wind. :D I got to see that familiar formation but to be honest... I did
not stay out for very long and did not see much of the colours that can happen. It was still
a lovely experience. I usually miss events like this because I don't pay attention.

So.... I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday. I am a very HAPPY CAMPER!!!
I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works. Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts, and I will declare Your greatness. They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, and shall sing of Your righteousness. ~Psalm 145:5-7

What beautiful and breathtaking words.

This is where I am at. This is how I feel. This is what lives in my soul. I know that I know that I know........ that GOD IS GOOD!

This "default" belief helps me with EVERYTHING. It makes the good times even "gooder" HA....
as well as the difficult times manageable. There is NEVER room for despair or fear.... there is only room for PRAISE... THANKSGIVING and WORSHIP. There is also a comfort in understanding that I don't have to know all the answers. I have a GOD who knows all the questions and all the answers. I am given HEAVENLY permission to ASK for help whenever I need it... and not only that... I am GUARANTEED success whenever I ask for that help. WOW!

The Bible lists FAITH as a a gift. I think what I have described is this gift. It is an absolute KNOWING that no matter what... I am NOT being punished... I am not in DANGER... I am in a place of GREAT MERCY and GRACE. Always... ALWAYS....ALWAYS.

This knowledge... that God is GOOD and WORTHY of all PRAISE is like nothing I have ever known. The JOY that comes from this knowledge is OFF the charts.... and the COMFORT that comes from this knowledge is so STRONG and POWERFUL that even the worst of circumstances is NOT so bad. It's a win/win situation for little old me.

This is what I am going to CELEBRATE this week-end. I am THROWING a party for JESUS. It is our Canadian THANKSGIVING. I am going to make a very special meal for myself... and I am going to WORSHIP and THANK my LORD and SAVIOUR for ALL the BLESSINGS He has bestowed upon me. They are so numerous that I cannot even begin to count them.

From my heart to yours.... I wish you all a precious and GLORIOUS week-end of Thanksgiving.
Good morning.... Good morning... Oh my goodness... half of October is GONE.
Tomorrow is a year since I joined the forums... WOW.... The time has just zoomed by.

I had such a beautiful... quiet... and heart-felt Thanksgiving. I was deeply moved by the FACT
that I am indeed overwhelmingly BLESSED beyond all measure. The JOY that floods my soul and
continues to arrive on a daily basis is in itself a miracle. I am GRATEFUL... oh so GRATEFUL to be
gifted with such DEEP FAITH and a HEART of WORSHIP. It doesn't seem to matter what comes my way...
the answer is always the same for me.... GIVE THANKS to the LORD... for HE is GOOD.

I'm just getting ready to go to the gym. On Saturday... the afternoon was rather warm... and I made the decision to
go swimming one last time. I did not plan on doing this... as I truly thought my last swim this year was October 5th...
but when it warmed up... I decided to see if I could do it... and well... it turns out that I could... and DID. The water was
14 degrees... and according to the outdoor cold water guide... 12-16 degrees is considered fresh water. It's seriously COLD. HA.

Anyways... Happy Tuesday to everyone. I am babysitting the hounds upstairs again for two days at the end of the week. BOY... my landlords are living a little and doing some out of town adventures. So nice to see this happening.
Tomorrow... I get to spend a few hours with this cutie patootey... OH my goodness... she is 4 pounds... and is the cutest thing ever. She was abused and my friend rescued her. She works at the grocery store just up the street from me so I made arrangements to have a visit while Mommy is at work. It's another DOG WEEK for me. HAHA.


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Good morning.... Good morning... Oh my goodness... half of October is GONE.
Tomorrow is a year since I joined the forums... WOW.... The time has just zoomed by.

I had such a beautiful... quiet... and heart-felt Thanksgiving. I was deeply moved by the FACT
that I am indeed overwhelmingly BLESSED beyond all measure. The JOY that floods my soul and
continues to arrive on a daily basis is in itself a miracle. I am GRATEFUL... oh so GRATEFUL to be
gifted with such DEEP FAITH and a HEART of WORSHIP. It doesn't seem to matter what comes my way...
the answer is always the same for me.... GIVE THANKS to the LORD... for HE is GOOD.

I'm just getting ready to go to the gym. On Saturday... the afternoon was rather warm... and I made the decision to
go swimming one last time. I did not plan on doing this... as I truly thought my last swim this year was October 5th...
but when it warmed up... I decided to see if I could do it... and well... it turns out that I could... and DID. The water was
14 degrees... and according to the outdoor cold water guide... 12-16 degrees is considered fresh water. It's seriously COLD. HA.

Anyways... Happy Tuesday to everyone. I am babysitting the hounds upstairs again for two days at the end of the week. BOY... my landlords are living a little and doing some out of town adventures. So nice to see this happening.
Tomorrow... I get to spend a few hours with this cutie patootey... OH my goodness... she is 4 pounds... and is the cutest thing ever. She was abused and my friend rescued her. She works at the grocery store just up the street from me so I made arrangements to have a visit while Mommy is at work. It's another DOG WEEK for me. HAHA.

I have a confession. My wife and I both owned small pet dogs when we were very single and happy. lol!

But she traveled alot in her job and I was always out and about.

There was a problem. Someone once told me that owning a pet dog or a family of dogs meant a commitment to spend every single day with them. You can't be a part time dog owner. That was a wakeup call. This was about 15 years ago when we discussed having a pet dog in our home.

We both love dogs and for some reason dogs like us. But to be with our pet dog every single day isn't something we were committed to do.

So anyone who loves pets and find them irresistible is a blessing to your pet. Just a couple of tips that may help. Don't bark up the wrong tree otherwise it could get rough, and if you perform on stage in front of an audience, let them take the!

B😎b 👍

So anyone who loves pets and find them irresistible is a blessing to your pet. Just a couple of tips that may help. Don't bark up the wrong tree otherwise it could get rough, and if you perform on stage in front of an audience, let them take the!
HAHAHAHAHAHA... and still HAHAHAHAHA... Oh my goodness.... BOB!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend Margaret adopted my little dog Louie four years ago. I was not able finish the race with this little brown baboon. He is very high strung and I felt badly that I purchased him without a proper home and the space for him to be free. I had him for four years.
I am still in Louie's life... and I dog sit him through out the year when Margaret goes out of town. It's a very wonderful thing that Margaret still wanted me in his life. She has now had him for four years and he is well cared for.

Because of this... I promised myself that I would NEVER own a dog again... due to the fact that I truly just did not have the money to care for him In case something went wrong. Even putting them down when they are ready to cross over to the rainbow bridge can cost a considerable amount of money.

I now just love on OTHER people's pets. This little momma that I am getting tomorrow found a way into my heart when I dog sat last week. She was abused and this lady rescued her. She works at the grocery store that is just up the street from me... so tomorrow I am simply watching her while my friend is at work.

My landlords have two HUGE dogs.... they are Ibizan hounds... not your typical lap dogs. My landlords do not go away often. I am watching them on Thursday and Friday. This is only the third time that I have done this in the 9 years that I have been here.

You are CORRECT that they are a life time commitment and you and Hazel have been WISE to say NO to this.

I think many people purchase dogs on an emotional whim and it often leads to sad circumstances.