I watched your video. You are very correct in your comments on love and treating others with love.
However, may I also say to you that we as Christian in fact are told to judge others. I realize that you may not have been taught that but it is nonetheless Biblical.
Perhaps no verse or teaching is so taken out of context and misapplied as Matt. 7:1...……………
“Do not judge so that you will not be judged.”
If you keep reading, in verse 6 Jesus says...……..
“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine….”
But in in verse 15 He adds...…….
“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”
To obey those verses, you must make some fairly astute judgments! You must judge that a person is a dog or a swine or a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Furthermore, in 1 Corth. 5:12, Paul tells the church that they are responsible to judge those within the church. Practicing biblical church discipline does not violate Jesus’ command, “Judge not.”
Now, having said that, it is not acceptable to be rude, or angry or chase individuals around town to confront them on their sin when they are a church member, but their sin must be confronted.
All sin, when left undone to run its course will be like a cancer in any church and it will destroy the church just like mold on a loaf of bread.
How the confrontation is done is what must be done in a Godly, Christlike manner but it must be done.
In 1 Corth. 5:7 Paul commands...………
“Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened.”
Of course we know that Leaven (yeast) is a type of sin. If you put a small amount of yeast in flour, it spreads throughout the entire lump (5:6). Paul is saying symbolically what he also (5:2, 13) states plainly, that the church needed to remove the sinning man so that the purity of the church would be restored and the sin would not spread any further.
You can see this principle in a family. If the parents do not consistently and impartially discipline a defiant child, very soon the other children learn that there are no consequences if they disobey their parents. The sin of the first child spreads to the others. The same thing happens in a classroom with a teacher who does not enforce discipline. Soon the entire class is out of control. On the government level, if the authorities do not enforce the laws, the whole country soon devolves into anarchy.